Should Muslims be offended by this?

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Not if there is a fair warning that he will be represented. that way they can not watch it and avoid being exposed to it.

I'm not a Muslim and so have no say in what they should be allowed to be offended by.

This was one of the basedest things South Park has ever done. The basedest of them all is pic related though.

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The muslim world normally have more races anti-semetic conspiracies taught in schools as real.And then they get offended if you called them at the anti-semetic.

Muslims shouldn't exist.

According to certain Islamic teachings, no.
But according to other Islamic teachings, yes.
It's a basic issue with religions based on books that are open to interpretation especially without a global central authority.

I wonder what The Magnificent Ms Marvel opinion about it as.

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No, Matt and Trey aren't muslim, so there is no restriction on them depicting Muhammad.

Probably thst it's in poor taste, but she'd be more comfortable with it than say, Bin Laden's appearance on SP.

>Probably thst it's in poor taste, but she'd be more comfortable with it than say, Bin Laden's appearance on SP.
Bin Laden'sIs is more of a problem? Why? As a muslim she probably love Muhammad.A as a loyal and Westoneye American Muslim she probably hate Bin Laden's.

>Should Muslims be offended by Muhammad appearing in south park?
yes I think they should.

who cares for what muzzies think anyway?

>depictions of M are forbidden
>therefore depictions of M cannot exist
>this claimed depiction of M exists
>therefore this claimed depiction of M cannot be an actual depiction of M
Solved your controversy. If someone drew a line and called it a circle, that wouldn't make the line a depiction of a circle.

Your reasoning falls apart at the second line.

No but their religion dictates that they should be anyway.


I think anyone should be slightly peeved that an unfunny comedy duo are taking potshots from behind the safety of centrism. Like any culture, the best jokes come from within the culture itself.

But that in particular wasn't a pot shot at Muslims, atleast no more than any other religious figure on the Super Best Friends. The ultimate message of that bit was all religions were equally valid.

Muslims can't make jokes about their fate.
It makes Allah upset :(

"This is how they see us."
Though, SP's actually pretty open minded on the subject if I'm recalling the episode about the gang getting a goat from some Afghani kids.

The original intent was so that people wouldn't idolize the image of Mohammed and treat him as a god the way the Chinks do with Mao. Their tendecy to frown on artwork of nature/people in general did not help.

Who cares if it does? The show makes fun of everyone of every race and breaks all barriers.

el caliph is la papa

Enough to murder someone over.

What is the rationale behind not being able to depict Muhammad anyways?

They weren't offended by this episode BUT they got offended about the other one.
What gives?

Ironically, i'm a muslim as well. I used to be offended by this since i was a kid or teenager. But now this feels not insulting, we don't approve of this though, but still feels like this wasn't a moke or make fun of. I could imagined of that guy, not been real Muhammad, but just a guy who happend to have name Muhammad.

I thought it's because nobody knows what Muhammad looks like so they don't want false or misleading images circulating around, like how everyone thinks Jesus has long hair. Although Islam in general doesn't allow for images of organic things, which is why most muslim decoration is of geometric shapes.

>The original intent was so that people wouldn't idolize the image of Mohammed and treat him as a god the way the Chinks do with Mao.
Or, you know, Jesus.

Catholics really can't do anything right.

I personally don't understand why every time we're reminded me Muhammad we don't go on a killing spree viking/mongolian style on them and take some jews, arabs, turks too while we're at it.
Those assholes have the most degenerate history of all and we're honestly retarded to not take revenge on them.
South America/Africa is a good boy who really dindu nuthing compared to the middle east.
And China and Russia are like an exemplary third world country which could had been far far worse. If Africa is a 0 then Middle East is a minus and China is a 1 and Russia a 1.5/10

There are a lot of things that are considered Haram, here's an actual list:
>Associating partners with Allah
>Committing murder
>Practising black magic
>Not performing the Prayers
> With holding the Zakah (Charity )
>Not fasting on a Day of Ramadan without excuse
>Not performing Hajj, while being able to do so
>Disobeying and Disrespect to parents
>Cutting off the ties of relationships
>Committing adultery or fornication
>Committing sodomy
>Taking or paying interest
>Devouring the wealth of orphans
>Lying about Allah and His Messenger
>Running away from the battlefield
>Wrongdoing, deception or oppression on the part of the ruler
>Pride and arrogance
>Drinking alcoholic beverages
>Slandering innocent women
>Stealing from Exploits of war and from the money of the Zakaat
>Consuming forbidden wealth or taking it by any means. Such as manipulation one's inheritance
>Committing highway robbery
>Making false oath
>Committing oppression
>Levying illegal taxes
>Committing suicide
>Being a perpetual liar
>Judging unjustly
>Engaging in bribery
>Women appearing like men and vice-versa
>Being a pimp
>Marrying for the purpose of making a woman allowable for another
>Not keeping clean from the remains of urine
>Showing off – Ostentations
>Acquiring knowledge only for worldly gain or concealing knowledge
>Breaching trusts
>Reminding people of one's kindness
>Spying and Eavesdropping on other's private conversation
>Rebellion & Charging of Unbelief
>Spreading harmful tales
>Cursing others
>Not fulfilling one's promises
>Believing in what soothsayers & astrologers say
>A wife being rebellious to her husband
>Making statues and pictures
>Striking one's self, wailing, tearing one's clothing, pulling one's hair & similar deeds as a form of mourning
>Committing injustice
>Being overbearing or taking advantage of the weak, slaves, wives or animals.
>Harming neighbours
>Harming and abusing Muslims

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Yes, of course. Either you take your religion seriously or it's not a religion at all.

Sunnah and Madhhab are the core of Sunni Islam (which for all extent and purposes is Western Islam). At most Sunni Muslims disagree on whether and how non Muslims should repent for blasphemy, but it's a crime regardless.
>Catholics really can't do anything right.
Even creating Islam backfired.

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So hey , what's the intention of this islamphobia from. Was is Osama did the whole thing, or what origin of this islamphobia from?

It came from the fact that the whole religion is a more barbaric version of christianity

>Trailing one's garment in pride - i.e. below the ankles out of pride
>Harming the Friend's of Allah
>Men wearing silk & gold
>A slave's running away from his master
>Sacrificing animals for other than Allah
>Claiming that somebody is one's father while the claimant knows it is not true
>Arguing or quarrelling for show & not seeking the truth
>Not allowing excess water to flow to others
>Dealing in Fraud
>Disbelieving Fate
>Eating carrion, blood or pork meat
>Despairing from Allah's Help or forgiveness
>Preaching Error or Establishing Errors
>Being Deceiving and plotting evil
>Pointing a weapon at a Muslim Brother.
>Abusing or reviling anyone of the Companions of the Prophet

More in-depth:

As you can see, while a lot of these are agreeable to most people, they're very obvious and don't seem like they need to be pointed out. Certain ones, like the ones about pride or ungratefulness, are just in human nature and involuntary. Some, like the silk thing, are just bizarre. Others, like the slavery, are straight up against modern values.

So, should Muslims be offended? I doubt any Muslim can actually stick to all these rules as is, so let the "heathens" be.

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yes. depiction of humans is haraam, especially THE prophet of Allah

>so have no say in what they should be allowed to be offended by
no, you got it wrong
if you are a white upper class US citizen you have the power to declare what minorities should be offended by, regardless of their opinions

the same rationale that bible god gave to moses.
basically people started worshiping idols representing god instead of god itself

How is murdering people in the name of someone and holding them in such esteem that the mere depiction of them need be punished not a form of worship?
> Although Islam in general doesn't allow for images of organic things
Lol what?

Asking this literally because you're a Muslim.

Is there any written accounts of what Muhammad looked like? Are those allowed?

>The Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him, is neither too short nor too tall. His hair are neither curly nor straight, but a mixture of the two. He is a man of black hair and large skull. His complexion has a tinge of redness. His shoulder bones are broad and his palms and feet are fleshy. He has long al-masrubah which means hair growing from neck to navel. He is of long eye-lashes, close eyebrows, smooth and shining fore-head and long space between two shoulders.

He literally looked like some guy from the Arab world.

God sounds like an autist


Yes, they should be so offended that they kill themselves, all of them

No. That enough of them encourage such a means of control over their very thoughts that they can't picture their own prophet is absurd.

>His shoulder bones are broad
>and his palms and feet are fleshy
Knees weak arms are heavy
there's vomit on his thobe already,
mom's kebabi

>Aniconism is the avoidance of images of sentient beings in some forms of Islamic art. Islamic aniconism stems in part from the prohibition of idolatry and in part from the belief that creation of living forms is God's prerogative. Although the Quran does not explicitly prohibit visual representation of any living being, it uses the word musawwir (maker of forms, artist) as an epithet of God. The corpus of hadith (sayings attributed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad) contains more explicit prohibitions of images of living beings, challenging painters to "breathe life" into their images and threatening them with punishment on the Day of Judgment

I've seen non-Muslims get offended by worse.

He's nervous,
but on the surface he looks calm and ready,
to drop bombs,
but he keeps on forgetting,
what he looks like, the whole crowd goes so loud,
he draws in his mouth, but the ink won't come out,
he's chokin, how, nobody's jokin now!
The clocks run out, times up, over, blaow!

>depictions of M are forbidden
>therefore depictions of M cannot exist

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>Wrongdoing, deception or oppression on the part of the ruler
>Pride and arrogance
>Committing suicide
>Being a perpetual liar
>Judging unjustly
>Spreading harmful tales
>Arguing or quarrelling for show
>>Spying and Eavesdropping on other's private conversation
Man and I thought hypocritical americans were ill-fit to be christians. The Middle East checks off like 90% of these sins. Some of these sins were specifically created for them; seriously?
>Acquiring knowledge only for worldly gain or ---concealing knowledge
>Reminding people of one's kindness
>>Men wearing silk & gold
>>Being Deceiving and plotting evil

Jesus Christ was basically a hipster zodiac aquarius hippy who went "I wish of a living being who's the complete opposite of a gypsy". It should had been a personal philosophy for himself, nobody else.

>to drop bombs

choose 1

As a Muslim, I just pretend this is some random guy who is pretending to be the Prophet. How can any of you here be certain that this is what Muhammad and Jesus actually looks like? There was no photographs of Muhammad or Jesus christ. Any so call drawings of the prophets(Jesus included) is never accurate or true.

Let me tell you the truth. JESUS was not a white man. In reality, Jesus would look a lot like the depiction on the left instead of the white man on the right.

Muhammad and Jesus would pretty much looked like a middle eastern men with brown skin and black hair and beard. South Park depiction of Jesus Christ and Muhammad are so inaccurate. No one knows how any of the men looked like.


There has to be better things to do with your imported cave superstitites.

>like how everyone thinks Jesus has long hair
does...does he not?
I have never seen Anyone claim other wise. And I went through both a christian phase and an edgy atheist phase and there was nothing like this said anywhere

>Traps are haram
You learn something new everyday

They should be as any depictions of Muhammad are considered sins.

That said, they have no problem trashing the religions of others and this is the US, where we at least pretend to have freedom of speech once in a while. So too bad

everyone should be offended by South Park.

otherwise the show has no reason to exist.

it's certainly not there to entertain or educate anyone