Steven Universe Future is a show about a young man suffering from PTSD due to the mistreatment and unsafe living...

>Steven Universe Future is a show about a young man suffering from PTSD due to the mistreatment and unsafe living conditions inflicted upon him by his adopted lesbian mothers
How the fuck did Sugar get away with it?

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And as Connverse weakens, Stevinel stays as strong as ever

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>Show actually has repercussions of a child dying damn near 8 times and having to be a hero at a young age

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>Young age
He was 15, men have had children and died on the battlefield before 15.


He was 12

Steven isn't lucky enough to die on the battlefield. His hybrid nature makes him keep living.

Uh huh uh huh and how many have you personally spoken to that seemed well-adjusted?

Speaking of.

I think I figured out how I want to portray Spinel.

She's the type who enjoys bringing you down and making you feel like absolute shit, and then insist that they love you and that only they would find you attractive.

Attached: spinel's condolences.png (1600x2605, 1003.98K)

I love this. I love you.

....I know....

He becomes 14 in the birthday episode, so he was a late 13 year old as of the events of most of his trauma.
Having kids at 12 is common in 3rd world countries.

She means that all the drama and epic fantasy are cool until you try to live a normal life with the consequences.

That's sort of why I find SU so appealing honestly. The mix of the mundane and fantastical. Some shows go full one or the other and they both wear out their welcome.

I was genuinely surprised that Connie's mom had such a frank discussion of PTSD with Steven.

And Future is about him accepting that he'll never belong with the gems or humans fully. To abandon his trappings and focus on what's truly important, like conquering the universe and remaking it on his own image.

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Lmao no.

Inb4 some fucking hack writes articles and or makes videos on how SU is actually deconstructing Japanese anime as if anime has never done anything like this before.
And being horribly racist at the same time.

Legit did not expect that from SU from all things
I was expecting a character or something that could have been PTSD standup nope just said it and explained it.

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She's gonna rip Greg a new asshole.

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Nigga you're stupid.
>Inb4 he starts defending child soldiers existing

>Spinel bullying Steven into submission so she can intimately hug and comfort the blubbering mess
This is pretty twisted and I want more

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>Spinel saying the only use he has now is to her punching bag

Garnet NO

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>pickle prick

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>having kids at a young age is comparable to having to fix everyone's psychological issues save the world nearly die have to see people you love almost die having to fight all the time have your mom be a war criminal and overall asshole (in her early stages) and leave all her problems for you to solve also YOU'RE HER not be able to live a normal human life and carry the burden of being the savior of the universe

lol yeah if you insist

Greg is basically the only person that isn't at fault.

I don’t know, kind of a failure on your part to not notice your kid’s fucked up

Nobody did though.
Steven kept it to himself.

So, what E;R, Luke and Lily Peet do every day that end in -y?

Yeah, that’s the thing. Your kid doesn’t tell you things, you pick up on them. And anyone with half a brain can tell constantly having attacks on their life will make your kid a little sad

I love how soft they both look in this drawing

anywhere I could watch the latest episode?

I don’t like Spinel being portrayed as an abusive piece of shit to be honest...

Is there a mega floating around?!CU8zwA4D!BieU7Y_Qh1q3iOzSK5rD8Td-QvKFAUe-x9HehWa9w-g

cheers mate

You don't think there's comedic potential there?

Why is Dr. Maheshwaran quoting a Wikipedia paragraph considered revolutionary? Or the happy-go-lucky show going grimdark for the last stretch? I don't know if it was the hiatus or that the tonal whiplash finally setted in but I haven't been able to force myself to watch the last four episodes, and given how the dumbest of things are the ones that everyone is losing their minds about I think I'l stay on the sidelines even for the grand finale.

It's an unexpected serious take on a prologue of a western cartoon. Western cartoons are still heavily stigmatized for being for "children only".

For some reason I keep reading this word as gridmark. Guys, I think I'm dyslexic.

Well ain't that a dog damn prolbem.

Eh, just surprising. Most kids shows never really straight up say these things. They’re usually glossed over.

I prefer my Stevinel with wholesome love and hurt/comfort

I like to imagine them snuggling up and watching movies. Just very comfortable.

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Sugar had recently stated in a interview that she is a fan of One Piece, and it shows here. After the timeskip, One Piece flashbacks started getting even darker, and now the same is happening with Steven Universe Future.

We haven’t really had any flashbacks

I just meant plot elements in general sorry. Plot elements for arcs in One Piece before timeskip were typical pirates, attempted take over of a country, a god complex, and war, while after timeskip the arcs dealt with slavery, racism, drugs, and mind control. Just saying the themes after timeskip for Steven Universe are also getting darker as well. I think it started with Spinel.

And then Spinel leans in and whispers "Now that Connie can barely look at you, it's nice that we get to do things together, huh?"

Shit, I didn't know it was back, is there a mega for last week's episodes?

>Steven sniffling through his sobs as Spinel pets him

Can anyone recommend some comfy Stevinel fics

We've known for a while.

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On AO3, Babysitting, along with The Art of Love and Friendship

It's funny how people give credit to Sugar for this, despite the fact that she hasn't written a single ep of Future yet. You'd think she'd write a bunch of eps herself now that the show is about to end, but nope.

I hated how he calls him "schtuball" after Steven gives him that tearful speech. You'd think he's call him son or something. Be more serious, man

Huh I thought Peridot would be more of a Chopper

A lot of people will defend Greg and the Gems saying the whole shows is about not being perfect. But there’s imperfect and just being terrible.

Also his liberal dad and conservative uncle, and his autocratic collectivist aunts. Plus the creepy neighbor kid.

The solution is to never trust people younger or older than you.

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