Mr Boop provides a realistic simulation of life as a Subway employee

alec, alec, alec...

you're so close to the answer.

you've already got your tongue out.

Attached: ETENOfvUYAE6J2n.png (1620x1620, 472.37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>realistic simulation of life as a Subway employee
Then where the FUCK are Spyro and Hunter at?

One assumes they work a different shift. Alec works on a shift with Bugs.

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Alec’s therapist is going to try kill him next, so she can fuck his perfect wife. He needs to watch out!

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Vote now on who you think will be the first character to claim Mrs. Boop's clitoris with their tongue?

A. Alec, who is her husband, and loves her very much.
B. The therapist, who knows the needs of women first-hand
C. Bugs, who finds out a way to overcome those mighty incisors of his
D. Write in your answer here: ____________

Vote now. Text messaging rates apply. Void where cunnilingus or cunnilingus-related online polls are prohibited by law.

>bugs bunny wants to kill Alec to get Bettt
>therapist wants to kill Betty because she wants Alec’s subway footlong
>they both end killing eachother because of it

D. This Guy

Attached: man-of-the-mountain.png (400x299, 171.2K)

no way, betty boop is clearly about to throw a hadoken to disable him.

Is this motherfucking 'Hamlet: Yas Forums edition' up in here?


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i don't think alec knows about most of these theories

He posted here but we may have scared him off with the Bugs lust, but if so he is weak.

>we may have scared him off with the Bugs lust
HAH! Weakling.

Attached: Mr. Bunny.png (960x960, 713.15K)

>Not changing the title to "Mr. Bugs"
Almost perfect

what do you think Alec's brush settings are

>That brony on Twitter who stole a comment from these threads and tweeted it at Alec
Shut it down, it's over.

Be honest user would you also sperg out and fail to please your super hot wife Betty Boop

I think if I were Alec’s wife I wouldn’t like it and I would divorce him.

Hi, Bugs.

I still don't forgive the one who took the credit for my Hey Alec Sweetie comic.

Attached: Hey, Alec, sweetie.png (680x526, 322.91K)

that's how it is being an anonymous artist. can't tell you how many times I've had my stuff claimed by some bitch on twitter. I don't mind when my stuff goes uncredited since I only post it on Yas Forums, just when someone tries to claim it as their own

That's why you save the xcf I guess.

I even replied to his post and told him but nothing, the guy just ignored it, Alec ignored it
he just took all the fucking likes, retweets and good job comments REEEEE!!!

steal and tweet this
Yup that's the life of an user arist

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Everyone wants to fuck Bugs though

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That's silly user, girls can't fuck girls.

Not with that attitude.


That last pannel killed me. I died and willed myself back to life just to post about it. I can only do that two more times.

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>what do you think Alec's brush settings are
When I was trying to find his font for hours, then realized it's actually hand-writing and I feel silly now I found that chalk-like brushes are definitely the closest to Alec's linework.

Attached: Betty and Bugs.jpg (1620x1620, 824.27K)

To be fair, it's kinda Bill Cosby to do

Or even pencil-like ones but I haven't tried those yet.

probably some default pencil in clip studio

He drew himself naked in a crying ball of shame, surely some rabbit fucking is ok?

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bootleg tshirts in the virtual world

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To be fair, this is actually much more accurate to the actual comic than the ones he created with a Betty Boop drawing on top of the text.

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But if we don't have the picture how will people know how beautiful his wife Betty Boop is?

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The therapist should fuck Bugs

Because she is so beautiful, like so beautiful, her beauty is already ingrained into our minds and conciousness.
She's so beautiful we don't need to be reminded of it because we are already completely sure of it.

Attached: Bugs.png (198x290, 59.51K)

Of course not. When they do it it's called "making love".

When you think about it logically, bugs marrying betty would be the best ending. They're both famous celebrities, just of diferent times so they'd have many things in common to talk about. And since bugs is a rabbit, he'd be able to fulfill all of betty's sexual desires, which alec is unable to do.

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And they already shared the set together during the Roger Rabbit production, they know about each other.

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Not before Alec!

time for minus8!

boop boop ee doop

am i spelling it right

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Has your penis ever shriveled up like a frightened turtle because you thought your lover was too good for you?

Share your stories here, and I will read them on the radio in 1985 in a hilarious accent.

a new thread, not banned so a new terrible lewd I guess give me a bit

Wait, is that Daria?

here is the thread lewd

D. Me

>Has your penis ever shriveled up like a frightened turtle because you thought your lover was too good for you?
No, what kind of fucking nonce are you?
Stop putting bitches on a pedestal alec.

You have some taste, buddy

i still think the lawyer is gonna shoot him. when he gave him the gun he hadnt realized he would feel unworthy of his wife, betty boop (they are married).

Isn't she a dog or something?

Has anyone in Yas Forums experienced impotence with a partner? How did you overcome it?

Are there any femanons who had to support their lover through a bout of impotence?

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Forget impotence for a moment.

Has user ever had to work through a moment of intense doubt in an intimate relationship?

Eachy day, we stray further from the light.