It’s ok, Yas Forums. Bodies are nothing to be ashamed of

It’s ok, Yas Forums. Bodies are nothing to be ashamed of.

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Yes it does, if you’re boogie2988

Look here, you better look listen.

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If you’re gonna post chubby girls, post good ones


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Grenda and Lotta are exceptions

That's OP. ItSV taught me I don't need to feel embarrassed about being comically overweight

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Hell yes.

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This guy

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He’s aiight

Yeahhh... I'm confused, is this a new fat boys thread? Or a fat girls one?
Or is it made for both?

I'd fuck his bellly

Usually guys, but if a thicc girl gets posted, no one’s stopping them

They certainly ruined how active these gay threads were since the very last one.

>t.Yas Forumsmblr

>Letting this thread die

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This comic conveys pain and rage so very fucking well that I can feel it. It’s actually kind of scary.

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I think the line someone gave the first time this was posted was, "This is the single most sinful thing I've ever seen on Yas Forums." And you've made it worse since then.

Since you are quoting someone else instead of speaking for yourself, what are your reasons for saying that?

Who’s he?

Not Fatgum

A cutie

I dunno I just thought it was a good line.

I'm not ashamed of my chub, it's everyone else who's ashamed of it.

Why do so many cartoon fat guys have to be butterfaces/but-his-personality (since they're usually made dumb)

Art imitates life

t. fatfag

Kind of disagree. Not every guy who is on the larger side is a manchild.

But it helps!

I don't know, to me that sounds sorta like "every woman with short hair is like this"/"every woman who has long hair is like this"

Every woman is like every other woman.

>cartoon ronnie is a B but real ronnie is an S

Um, sorry for asking but is this meant to be from the best to the worst? Why is the S on top and... HH? at the bottom?

"S" is generally considered above A tier. It's usually referred to as being the highest tier when used in letter tier lists.

consider skinny-fat domination

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No domination. Only affection and pampering from me.

I see, thanks! How about the HH?

New to me. Can't help ya, sorry.

Well, I AM every woman.
It's all in me.



Why is Ness there. Also this chart really blows.

HH stands for Hentai Haven. Basically for faps and fucking

I understand now, thank you, user!


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What are they going to do with him?



Wow really deep discussion here, thanks for your input

1000% gay

Indeed I am.

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This guy was such a stereotype. He's just fatso loser who still lives with his grandma and buys japanese dating sims.

so the fat one is dominating the skinny one?