World breaker hulk is back

anyone cares?

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I'd love to talk about it but any and all Hulk threads now immediately devolve in to bitching about trannies, so not much to do.

i should probably read this book

I'm hype as fuck, but all anyone the threads now are snowflakes being triggered by a trans lady existing

Blame Ewing.

I do, I'm just waiting for the time when he starts kicking bull boy's ass up and down the street.

Comic got pretty dull after bruce's chat with cho

It has completely ran out of steam which is probably why Ewing pozzed the shit out of it.

What's this business?

are they floating?

It's not his fault Yas Forumsacks such easily triggered snowflakes

What was their a tranny in one of the books?

they are "inside" bruce's mind

Listening to fags try to sound tough is funny.

Back so soon?

>It's his fault I got triggered

yeah ok

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Yeah, i'm hyped as fuck. I just avoid discussion becasue special snowflakes got their fee fee hurt and spam in every thread.

World War Hulk is NOT a separate Hulk, he's Bruce and Savage Hulk working together.

I lost interest when we had that whole issue about TOBA being the Galactus of the next universe. It was fun when it was just about horror Hulk stuff. Now we're in something that's too ambitious for what the arc first started out as. I do like the Xemnu stuff and I don't care about the trans stuff, that's just background stuff.

Doctor McGowan is a confirmed tranny. Personally I don't care, because the comic doesn't suddenly halt everything for some preachy propaganda. She/He just exists, and its actually kind of funny given the company she keeps.

Another one of the infamous out of place Ewing sjw words words words pages. Also the second time a trap side character show up and get an entire page describing their bullshit.

Christ is the strongest

To be fair Ewing at least tried to make this one fit into the story by giving a reasonable reason for her to share this info unlike the previous one with Joe fixit and was way less cringeworthy than the white privilege speech. So it's a progress.

I just wanna jump in before this thread devolves.
>She doesn't have resistance to mind control or any other powers from being trans
>The huge amount of introspection she did trying to figure herself out made her neurotic about other people forcing narratives onto her (yes, yes, ironic, whatever)
>This made her OCDly check security footage of herself, where she noticed she said something about Daredevil when her memories of Daredevil were changed to Xemnu.
>Samson understood immediately. Cho and McGee noticed something was wrong too but didn't have a chance to talk it out with anyone.

I thought the one with Joe made sense too. He was literally trapped in the wrong body, and he was always capable of empathy even if he didn't act on it. It's totally in-character for him to read something and laugh at how mad the puny humans get, and this very thread should prove that when you bring up trans people sympathetically, retards rush into the comments to post idiotic bullshit.

You must laugh a lot at yourself then.

>6'0 vs 5'11


That's the Green Scar, but OK.

>1 to 100 that it's another temptation by TOBA.

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>retards rush into the comments to post idiotic bullshit.

The motto of Yas Forums.

Probably, but I can see a "mindscape" war happening which leads Hulk into killing kids in #35 and #36.

This, this Hulk being a separate personality is a retarded retcon. Green Scar is a combination of Savage and Banner, it was great due to being both sides finally working together as one.

So more support for the notion it is TOBA.
His endgame is literally becoming a world breaker, after all.

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The thing is I can only read one book at a time, and I haven't even started this one yet.

Comics are generally stretched out over 30 days between issues;
Push yourself, user.


>Green Scar is a combination of Savage and Banner
Not at all.

professor is a fake persona

just wait until solar system breaker hulk shows up

Point is he was also initially presented as as Banner and Hulk merged before turning out to be just another persona. There's a precedent.

It's completely his fault, if he didn't inject his dumbass politic into his comic, there would be no discussion about it.

I get that for some reason you have convinced yourself that there should be a double standard where the author can talk about politics in his work, but the readers can't actually talk about it, but that's not how it works.

No, I blame faggots that can't talk about anything that upsets them and when they do thy act like absolute retards instead of adults.

I'd argue that Green Scar is his own thing.

I actually hope for Doc Green to make a cameo too.

protip don't try to claim to be the mature one while calling people you don't like meme slurs you hypocrital manchild

Since when is "retard" or "faggot" a meme slur?
How fucking old are you?

>Since when is "faggot" a meme slur?
Since ever?

Blame thin skinned babies.
Never thought Yas Forums would degenerate into an even bitchier right wing tumblr but here we are.
I am hype tho prolly gonna cop this issue

The truth is there is not much to talk about besides the liberal messages and the fact Bruce want to be his own daddy and fuck his own mother.

Oh, I member

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But when does She Hulk go back to normal?

Also a fictional character. Hulk has better feats

Go back to redit fucking namefag, this is an anonymous imageboard you unironically autist incapable of acting like a regular human being.

>reeeee stop talking about the comic content!

>anyone cares?
I'd rather not
I'd rather not

Before making posts like these you should learn the difference between namefags and tripfags.

>incapable of acting like a regular human being
Pot calling the kettle black.

Tripfags are a specific kind of namefag you dipship

Some of them are useful.
Where's Rodv been?

Why do liberals think they can insult ethnicities and get away from it?

You're gonna get your nazi ass curbstomped.

Waiting to make sure he's not an illusion or jobbed.


Fixit and Savage. Commonly called Gravage by fans. Was the standard Hulk in the oughts, till synergy

Shit last I was on this book the Bruce’s gf got sniped or some shit and he went and fucked around in Area 51. Did it stay good?