image edited context
>Actually giving a fuck about TTG in 2020
The internet has better entertainment and so does vidya.
sad to see what's become of TTGO, I actually enjoyed it for several years.
Lol stay mad faggot
And in classic TTG fashion, it wrapped back around to being hilarious.
It's like they want to lose money
how is this show making money anyway?
Toy commercials and merchandice bought by idiot parents.
Toys and other merchandise
Yeah there's some coping going on all right
I think this is extremely unprofessional and makes everyone who worked on this look like sensitive faggots
op here, honestly didnt see it
my bad
Teen Titans Go making this is ultimately why it's self-defeating. You have a turd defending another turd, mostly on the merit that they both realize that they look like shit.
imagine how much better both shows would be if they tried putting in effort and looking that way all of the time; not just as a gag to bitch about people calling your show shit on the internet.
It's a joke from a kids show that lasts a few seconds, grow the fuck up
Can 100% confirm this and it's mostly mother's who buy it for their kids.
A kid show's that none of us should be paying any attention to in the first place
Apparently TCR got canned already. The creator got fired and the staff left to work on other projects.
got a sauce there buddy?
It also could just mean they got a season done and decided not to renew and will still air the finished season.
Like poetry.
>It's a joke
Cope harder faggot. It's a joke no kid is going to get, and only done because the people working behind this are crybabies who couldn't handle criticism
source: my ass
>retards scream about LE CALARTS STYLE constantly with no end
>showrunners make fun of them
>retards cry
It's still a joke even if kids won't fully get it, grow the fuck up.
>It's just a joke
Imagine being so fuckig pathetic you defend stupid shit like this
it's no coincidence that a lot of thundercats roar "critics" are trumpsters and anime fans.
The only joke is modern animation
>Being buttblasted over a children's cartoon
so winners in life? figures
>Defending the eroding quality of children's cartoons
>We could’ve gotten this art instead of the childish shit we have now
We’ve regressed
Wouldn't "cope" first require that they are doing badly?
TTG is at least decent when viewing it as its own thing separate from the 03 show, It has its moments and can be funny at times. I kinda enjoy watching it whenever I have to babysit my nephew.
The only thing that Roar has going for it is some semi-OK action sequences, but those aren't worth wading through the shit that the rest of the show is. Not even the kid liked it
I honestly don't understand
>hate and shit on its viewers and original fans of the franchise
>its still popular and gain money
Is this some American logic?
>people make jokes about calarts
>calarts makes an episode where they cry about being made fun of
>”u m-m-m-m-mad bro?”
Teen Titans Go isn't made for fans of the original, it does well with its target audience, kids. Kids who probably never seen the original show.
From what I understand Thundercats Roar is pretty much a failure. Even in its 6th season TTG is pulling in higher ratings on new episodes than with TCRs. That and with all the negative backlash I doubt the show will last after the 1st season. Then again, PPG2016 has like 3 seasons
> eroding quality of children's cartoons
Oh the humanatee!
My 27 year old ass should be VERY worried
Imagine if the epic movie guys played this kind of defense: >you just dont like our parody masterpieces because you are a stupid moron with bad taste. Would that made their shitty movies better?
Do you think they care?
>.t pissy animator who has to defend his pile of shit with another pile of shit
Well that doesnt' come to a surprise at this point, that the show runners use the same rhetoric as the white knights.
I like that Yas Forums now defends TTGO and TCR all because Cartoon Network pushed out a corporate drone firmware update in the form of a short 6 second joke in a TTGO skit. Now it's stylish and trendy to defend TCR all because they flipped a 0 to a 1 in your head.
But remember, never ask questions like "Hey why doesn't TTGO and TCR just look like that all of the time? Clearly they can do that, but they're choosing not to".
Questions like that are alt-right.
I don't really like TTG but I do get a laugh out of how mean they can be - like this and when they were mocking YJ after it was cancelled.
No yeah man,i get it.Cartoons are not the most important things ever but regardless this is a board about cartoons. I found that "oh you think cartoon suck but there is starving childrens in Africa now that is important" attitude bring nothing productive to the table
The problem is that TTG is trying to elevate something people are even less excited for than the 2004 series, and they're doing that by mocking it.
You know, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we were all wiped out after all.
>It's still a joke
They just proved once again that the left can't meme
'poop mouth, poop opinions'
And of course the only reason they made this 'joke' is because they were so butthurt over people laughing at their shitty designs.
No wonder the cartoon industry is dying, it's nothing but a race to the bottom at this point.
>making jokes not for the audience watching your show
arrest yourself OP
>the left
Nothing to do with politics you fucking retard.
Funny how you guys have the gall to complain that leftists are inserting their bullshit where it doesn't belong
>the left
I,uh,what. Since when TTG spark political shitflinging ?
>”muh left boogeyman”
holy shit COPE, why havent cletus and billy joe bob in arkansas made their own animations
Now i hope it gets cancelled. poorly aged things
TTGO... is a good show, or at least HAS the potential to be a good show on its own.
i dont care really that much about TT2003, but i am not gonna support a show that insults directly its audience, and in my case, directly insults an audience that hasnt done ANYTHING!
Even if those mean spirited jokes are directed just to the whiners, the fact that these jokes exist is simply repugnant.
if they did what every other show does (aka: just put out the show and shut your mouth) the show would be even better.
now TCR on the other hand... if the show runners are such fans of the OGcats as they claim, they should have known better than to make something so unappealling and make its characters so downright retarded! even TTGO designs can be appealing and cute.
which is a shame, since the team does have decent animators that can do good action scenes with the shit they were working with. not to mention, theres good humor hidden under that even fans of the OGcats can appreciate.
Or... you all are fucking babies for being mad at a 6 second joke.
so you like to be insulted and belittled by people despite you clearly doing nothing then?
if TTGO wants to be comedy and have their heroes being stupid losers, fine.
if TCR wants to look like a bunch of turds, ok!
but a show, should never, EVER attack the entirety of their audience, EVER! the moment they launch those jokes, they arent attacking just the whiners, but EVERYONE WHO HAS A TV SET AND WATCHING! that is not a joke, that is being a douchebag.
>that insults directly its audience,
this doesnt happen
TTG insults people who dont watch the show in the first place
everyone who watches the show is officially a victim when they see the joke. its how subversion works, just like MGS2.
also, im sure the whiners DO watch the show anyways. they have to since then they would have ammo to try and 'attack' the cast and crew.
you're literally, actually Moviebob right now.
anyone have the megas? for both shows? kimcucktoons only uploaded 360p of everything as they are trying make a system where if you turn off adblock you get 720 and higher.
>everyone who watches the show is officially a victim when they see the joke. its how subversion works, just like MGS2.
Holy shit how butthurt can one man be?
And are you seriously comparing this to MGS2? It's not even the same league, this was a joke, MGS2 was a takedown of people not realizing being Solid Snake is awful.
lol I've been defending TTG since it started, TCR is fucking garbage
So, this is a Teen Titans Go! episode, right?
The same Teen Titans Go! show that also did a parody on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and referenced the DuckTales intro song, I guess?