She hulk thread

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> Ideal creative team for a new She Hulk comic series?

> Do you want Jen to stay on the main Avengers team once Aaron leaves and Jen returns to her normal state?

> Ideal actress to be cast as Jen in the tv series?

> Other ideas & hopes for the series?

> Did you like Red She Hulk and want her back?

>> Ideal creative team for a new She Hulk comic series?
Grant Morrision to Write & Jae Lee for Art.

>> Do you want Jen to stay on the main Avengers team once Aaron leaves and Jen returns to her normal state?
Yes she can stay on the team, I hate Aaron's version of her. But I do like the idea of her having a massive form.

>> Ideal actress to be cast as Jen in the tv series?
kim cattrall 35 years ago? I'd love a courtroom drama with a comedy bent like Xena.

>> Did you like Red She Hulk and want her back?
Was never ever really a fan, Sorry.

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Aaron is such a Coombrain Schmoe who wants Jen to be She-Thing.
If any you guys see Jason Aaron at Con, Please throw a cup of vomit in his face for me.

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90% of Jen's dialogue now is consists of "RrRrGgGh!"

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>Sexy and she knows it
>Strong both physically and in terms of personality
>Confident and self-assured
>Assertive, takes no one's shit
>Accomplished career-woman
>Sexually liberated and not ashamed of it
>Genuinely funny female character
>Not just a female version of a male hero, but her own unique thing
But no, she's much less offensive now because she looks like Donkey Kong fucked the Jolly Green Giant.

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"Bruce, I know you were abused by your father, occasionally turn into an uncontrollable rage monster, have died multiple times, got shot to space by your so called closest friends, lost your one son and wife, got your kingdom/planet blown up by one of your loyalest Warband brothers in an act of loving betrayal, and have recently been blasted by a sun-powered-nuke by again those so called friends, but can we now please talk about how TEENAGE BOYS JERK OFF TO ME? I mean, that's like, totally worse than anything you lived through."

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Did she fuck the werewolf?

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My dick aches when I look at this.

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favourite run?
favourite writer?
favourite artist?
favoruite cover?

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I want an 8ft tall amazonian gf

Juan Bobillo's She Hulk doesn't get enough love.

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I want to kiss and lick those massive green feet

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The one involving Spider-Man's cameo appearance.
Though I will say that Slott did a decent job for his tenure writing the character, which shows his prowess in non-Spidey shit. For the most part anyway.

I'm happy I was able to get most of the key Shulkie issues before the speculator market bullshit fully kicked in after the MCU show announcement. Still a few things on my wishlist, but for the most part my She Hulk obsession has been sated

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>you gonna drink that?

God I wish that was me

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Missing the next panel where he says it was a color printer.

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not read this, why is DD all space-looking?

No clue, I'm not reading it, I have enough mental abuse in my Life.

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It's like Jen got brain damaged & had a complete personalty shift. It happened to Sam Kinison as a kid.

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War of Realms was the Thor event and DD got to be Heimdall during it.

I hope Aaron's beard gets caught in an industrial pencil sharpener.

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80s hair shulk is the only one that looks right to me, regardless of how swole/busty the artist makes her look, if she don't have the wavy hair it's not she-hulk to me


It has to be almost alive!
I hated it in the 00's all depoofed & flat.

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Bring back Big 80's hair... & chunky Earrings.

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Rainbow Rowell ongoing when?

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"That's a Huge Bitch"

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Left carrying me like right

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See, that's my ideal She-Hulk.
Obviously strong but also effortlessly sexy.
Also, with a sense of humor that comes from knowing that she can tie a tank gun barrel in a bow.