Why was 5mash a love letter to all things Castlevania (both the classic and Igarashi eras) while Netflixvania acts like...

Why was 5mash a love letter to all things Castlevania (both the classic and Igarashi eras) while Netflixvania acts like it's ashamed of the source material?

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Because the push to get Simon/Richter in Smash was by longtime fans of the series while the Netflix show is helmed by people who don't give a shit about the games and just want to ape the success of GoT.

Warren Ellis doesn’t give a shit one way or another.

Simon and Richter were the last worthy additions to Smash so in a way they heralded the end there too. Like they really started scraping the bottom of the barrel after this.

why are so many castlevania threads just flimsy, flimsy excuses to post Yas Forums shit on Yas Forums I swear to god

>Simon reminds me of He-Man
>think about latest season of Castlevania
>realize the studio that did Castlevania is doing Netflix He-Man

It really is gonna happen, isnt it?
Will we finally see He-Man's junk?

Because people want to use one board to talk about everything under the sun or they would rather use Yas Forums they don't like going to Yas Forums. It's like going to your aunt and uncle's house where they let you get away with more shit than your house.

>tried to name a joke character that gets killed off by Isaac "Mathias Cronqvist" because he saw the name on wikipedia
>Konami actually stepped in and told them no

He-Man's going to get boned by Skeletor's new enforcer, Man-Junk.

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If you haven't noticed, showrunners nowadays purposely take on older properties just to shit on them.

The castlevania studio doing He-man are doing a series centred on Talia and He-man is a mythological figure.

The Actual He-man show is done clone wars 3D style and is based on the old comics.

Because Americans.

>Konami put a fuck ton of effort into Dracula's old name being several references within references.
>Ellis just wanted to use it for the luls.

It actually shows how little care he had and just wanted to make edgy gothic fiction.

why do gay people trigger you,user?

>based on the old comics

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wrong board, faggot

>Netflixvania acts like it's ashamed of the source material?
it doesn't, you just have a persecution complex

Fucking hell are you faggots this insecure? Everyone was praising the show when it came out now one bi dude is making everyone shit themselves in rage?

Sure user, the whole world is ought to get ya

It's more that Alucard is the bottom bitch than the guy doing the dickings.

>ought instead of out
>not even an argument, just dismissal
>ignoring obvious recent shit like TTG, Roar, She-Ra, nu-PPG and TMNT Rise

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then he impales both on stakes like he was vlad tepes reborn. Just say homosexuality triggers you instead of gaslighting and using dog whistles like every spineless cuckservative since 2016

TTG and Roar I get but when did any of those other reboots do anything other than just be shit cartoons?

Yes user, people made all these shows specifically just to spite you.

Because it just got worse overall. But yes, making Alucard gay was fucking awful

Well to be fair faux outrage christians we’re crying about the depiction of the clergy even during the first season‘s premiere.

They pretty much ruined the brands imo.

>changing my original post from "shitting on a show" to "attacking me"
Do you know what "reading comprehension" is, or are those words too big for you?


>They pretty much ruined the brands
That's great, but they didn't have episodes written just to spite the old shows, they're just bad adaptations.

It's obvious you only think they were deliberately trying to shit on the old shows because you, as a true fan, didn't like it.

The second season was getting shit on relentlessly on Yas Forums and Yas Forums for being boring vampire GoT.

Jokes aside authors HAVE made works just to spite people, quite often. I would even go as far as to say that it's one of the main creative drives in arts.

This is so common with comicbook writers that it is almost tradition now.

when is it ashamed? i wish they used more iconic monsters but they never outright make fun of the original castlevania series. Hell the amount of effort that was put into animating the whip in fight scenes deserves an award. They could have easily just given him a sword but they stuck to it and gave him something hard that requires a lot of animation and creative positioning. Nobody is talking about how fucking good this fight animation is.


>when trevor fights off two massive demons off at once as though he were sword fighting, all due to the insane reach of the whip

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The game is just about killing monsters, if the series has that then I don't see how they're showing their discomfort with the videogame.

>Why was 5mash a love letter
shoo shoo stinky!

really what they should have done was give alucard his game appropriate design.

Attached: Alucard.jpg (177x285, 11.92K)

But I want to see twink blonde Alucard getting dicked, not this dude

>Why was 5mash a love letter to all things Fire Emblem*

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It's been a long time but wasn't he fairly effeminate with long blond hair in SOTN?

not in dracula's curse, which the netflix series draws its inspiration.

yeah but everybody knows SOTN better

Warren Ellis has never played the games, will never play the games, and is proud of that fact.

right but as OP said they should be accurate to the source material.

Gays are degenerates and should find a dumpster

>love letter
>two of characters, some remixes and a stage is now a love letter
Can we just permaban Smashtrannies from all boards? They have literally become worse than My Little [REDACTED] fans

Because different mediums are bound by different rules
But the series is nothing like GOT

Kevin Smith throwing hissy fit over fans questioning his ability to write he-man. That fat fuck whole career was to complain about movies and comics on the internet.

>Will we finally see He-Man's junk?
isn't he-man technically a child/young teen? That'd be uncomfortable

The Netflix series established in the previous season that Alucard is younger than he looks, most likely still a teenager and we still saw him getting RICED

East vs West

I think alucard's appearance is probably the last thing you should worry about then

No one even plays these 2. Also who was pushing for them to be in smash?

This is old and missing two. Fuck Nintendo for forcing Fe in everything.

The same people who pushed for B&K, nostalgiafags who havent played a Nintendo game in years

It's not "everything" though. It's one of the reasons that I can't buy that these choices are all from Nintendo and not Sakurai himself. Smash is the only place where you see FE pushed as a big Nintendo franchise. Otherwise most of FE's push comes from IS themselves in events made by them, not Nintendo.

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Depends. Mini comic He-Man, movie He-Man and (I think) NA He-Man are adults.
Filmation He-Man was written like a younger character, but designed as an adult so maybe he was just a lazy manchild.
2002 was the only one that was definitely a teen. I dunno about the DC comics, haven't read enough

Smash is complete garbage that only cares about Sakurai's series. The only reason fidelity to source material ever happens is due to lawyers breathing down his neck. Fuck you, and fuck this abomination of a franchise.

We can barely adapt our own properties without making them bland or edgy for adult consumption and the people in charge are usually not fans to begin with. Foreign properties don't stand a chance.

>no Samus in this picture
Fuck...it hurts...

Also fuck Sakurai for that shit. God, NO ONE was asking for Byleth. Fuck FE and fuck FEfags.

Sadly, this.