post characters that deserve the world
Post characters that deserve the world
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This user.
Mark my words, they will end up the most important characters when this shitcoaster is finally done
He should've had Rose
Her name's JUNE, user, dont be a transphobic bigot.
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it would be good if all the Characters were flushed down a toilet into the sewer. Salvation from their state
Andrew? Andrew Hussie is that you?
Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.
Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
In short, you are an enormous failure.
Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.
Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
I genuinely doubt it.
Now excuse me, I have to work on Deltarune. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.
He at least deserved Roxy.
Roxy isn't a Seer, user.
>characters that deserve the world
does jake have a southern accent? dude lives in texas according to pesterquest
That's Dirk. Jake actually lives somewhere near Australia, back when it wasn't under water I suppose.
I had a complete brain blank and typed in jake instead of dave/dirk. my bad.
no biggie
and yes, that means that you should read every line Dirk says in a terrible cowboy accent
Why settle for less?
> he battle raps and talks about anime with a texas twang
This is a whole new level of character development
Reminder that John's dick game is so great that even half dead he made Terezi paint the backseat of the car and become obsessed with bringing him back.
> characters
alpha, omega, interrobang
for me it's jade
i wish i was as nice a person as jade
user, your forgeting someone
it's the most terrible and perfect thing ever. I wonder if he ever uttered the word 'howdy'.
reminder that nobody is acting on their own agency/volition, except. you know who.
Terezi can see Dirk's manipulation, as the Seer of Mind.
John is the Heir of Breathe, which means he could also become free of Dirk's control, which is why Dirk hasn't revived John.
And because Dirk knows the first thing Terezi and John are going to do is fuck in his bed.
Mate, sorry but we only appreciate pre retcon Vriska round these parts
That's why he will turn him into June Egbert.
Dirk would rather do nothing
>Terezi can see Dirk's manipulation, as the Seer of Mind.
She can see it, but I don't think she can do anything about it. This actually has been a big problem for Terezi as a Mind player. She's always stuck in place due to the myriad of paths before her. It has been implied that if Terezi is not in a relationship or in a situation where she has to constantly compete and use her abilities she falls into depression. Terezi might be literally fucking to stay alive, or rather to keep hold of her own choices.
>John is the Heir of Breathe, which means he could also become free of Dirk's control,
Actually it means the exact opposite. Heirs have a whole lot of potential, and they start off with a lot of raw power originating from their aspect. But they often lack direction. Especially a Breath player who's open to pretty much anything and is very malleable. John always gets told what to do, and I think he isn't all that different now than he was in the original comic. But yes his death is significant, as much as his rebirth will be, but to what end...? Only a demiurge could know.
>And because Dirk knows the first thing Terezi and John are going to do is fuck in his bed.
I guess he wanted to gave them at least this much. These guys are slippery bastards when it comes to the narrative, so I guess it's understandable for them to at least have this, in the midst of this madness. As I said it could be that Terezi is fucking everything with a pulse as a distaction, from her own depression.
Or maybe Dirk planned this too. As to why. I'm not sure. But he has been talking about/doing a lot of stuff involving genetics and alchemizing lifeforms and all that. Is he potentially trying to fuse trolls and humans? Why would that be a good idea?
she deserves to be fucking gunned down and mauled by a pack of wild dogs
same, but replace vriska with karkat
just say you want a homestuck thread and call it that you faggot
shut up tranny
>She can see it, but I don't think she can do anything about it.
If she can determine what thoughts are hers and what thoughts are Dirk's, she can ignore his control and inform others when he is manipulating them
>Actually it means the exact opposite.
John has, indeed, spent the entire time being told what to do. However, in the end, he was granted an ability that freed him from every rule in existence. He inherited it, as a heir does. Equius always had a obfuscating aura around him, Mituna had to sacrifice himself to stop a great evil, and John will passively discover how to stop Dirk's control. The only questions are: what will that power be, and is Dirk counting on it to use for his own end?
>Or maybe Dirk planned this too.
Dirk can't directly manipulate Terezi into not being depressed, but he can have Rose fuck the depression out; which could be why Rose was fine with cheating on Kanaya.
>Is he potentially trying to fuse trolls and humans? Why would that be a good idea?
Half-vampire logic: all the pros none of the cons. He wants orange blooded grey skinned muscle humans who live forever.
eat shit, karcuck simp
>If she can determine what thoughts are hers and what thoughts are Dirk's, she can ignore his control and inform others when he is manipulating them
incorrect. Dirk has almost complete authorial fiat. it's not so much mind control as story control
But she can see his narration, she even saw when Dirk was naming Rose as Rosebot and pointed it out.
john is a sub change my mind
John has no personality other than being a self-insert.
Same with Karkat, except they can call everyone a dumb retard cuck and get away with it.
everything that happens, happens because Dirk ordains it. every good "villain" needs a good monologue
It’s an act of cosmic mercy he’s not in Nu Homestuck.
>self insert
It was dave
He's a windy fool that does what everyone tells him to do. He has no agency of his own. He NEEDS someone to tell him what to do.
See: that whole part when Vriska used him like an RPG character
>no agency
Dude just wants to hang out with his friends and stop bad things from happening.
>in the end, he was granted an ability that freed him from every rule in existence.
Yes he *was* granted the ultimate power. But without Terezi he would've had no idea where to go and what to do.
>The only questions are: what will that power be, and is Dirk counting on it to use for his own end?
Yes absolutely. John was already used as a force of nature (or narrative) to undo the damage of a cherub and destroy him. I think, he is going to be used in a similar fashion, again.
>which could be why Rose was fine with cheating on Kanaya.
Yeppers. Or maybe Callie just wants to ease her pain, since she can't make Dirk slice his own head off.
> He wants orange blooded grey skinned muscle humans who live forever.
HELL YES! THAT IS PERFECT! FUCK YES! They also obviously have hooves instead of feet.
Imagine a fuckin herd of these bastards just running wild into space, with heaving chest, rippling with sinew, panting cosmic dust in and out, leaving a sweat induced gleaming trail behind them; gallopping in unison past the fabric of space and time, to utterly clobber and crush an insipid cherub roastie who wants to play her dumb matchmaking until the end of time. Screw that horseshit! The Prince is taking over biatch.
hey remember he had a fight to the death with his fathers murderer and got taken out right away and when he woke up he told vriska he'd date her
Dave isn't a PoV character and only rambles about stupid shit to make you waste your time.
Good boy confirmed?
>"hang out with his friends"
>stays at home for years until someone tells him what to do or a seer wants him
I just want a dave bf, theres no more cute dave cosplayers only fat they/them teenagers theses days
>Imagine a fuckin herd of these bastards just running wild into space, with heaving chest, rippling with sinew, panting cosmic dust in and out, leaving a sweat induced gleaming trail behind them; gallopping in unison past the fabric of space and time, to utterly clobber and crush an insipid cherub roastie who wants to play her dumb matchmaking until the end of time.
I fear the irony will be lost on some.
At that point Dirk and Callie were in control of the narrative, and they both have reasons to shit on John. Dirk fears John doing his retcon bullshit to ruin his plans, and Callie hates John because Roxy chose him over her.
Is Jasprosesprite bringing Jake and Jane to the meat crew ship?
>John, we're playing a game.
>Go get to your quest 8ed and take a nap ::::)
>It's time to do the windy thing, John.
>omg we shoyuld have kids john! :D
>John, you need to fight Lord English with our past selves.
>J0HN 1'M G01NG T0 FUCK Y0U T0 D34TH 1N TH3 B4CK 0F Y0UR D34D D4D'5 M081L1TY B0X
Cosplay as Karkat and you're bound to attract some attention