Boomer comics

Lets make fun of comics made by and/or for boomers.

Water and wholesome edits are allowed, but no Truteal.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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How often does the average person ever need to write anything neatly by hand now? The most I ever need to do is take scruffy notes to type up later.

If he has internet there, I'm pretty sure he'll have it too near the fuckin' water.

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>Go to laptop
>Pick it up
>Then go to water
>Message for help


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It's important if you ever need to fill out forms.
And signing your name, unless you're a doctor or a celebrity doing a signing event.

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how does he know

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wtf is this art style

desu this ones partially true, especially with white boomer female libs. (think biden supporters)

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Post the Deus Ex one please


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>It's important if you ever need to fill out forms.
Not really, you have to fill out official forms in block capitals, at least you do where I live. Using script would render the form invalid.

I really can't tell if that's a boomer comic that's criticising the millenials for their attitude, or a millennial comic that's celebrating the boomer getting what he deserves.

Sticks and stones.


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Is this a JoJo reference

They're all Jojo references

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Was it rape?

yes. thats whats implied

Post the one where he eats him

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I'm glad my entire family are spics who managed to get into college and trade school basically free because of scholarships. My cousin even managed to buy a car with some money left over.

Imagine being a 20+ something white kid who's taking their daddy issues out on Boomers online only to get laughed at by all the minorities who voted for Biden. Forever feeling that Bernout as their dreams of abolished student loans go down the drain. Shame that Bernie was actually those good Boomers who did shit in the civil rights era.

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Whatever you say, boom boom

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My mother literally just showed me OP's pic from her Facebook feed. I had to pretend to laugh, she thought it was hilarious though. She's not even a boomer, she's like in her mid 40's. Can't judge her too harshly.

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This is like the boomer version of a wojack.

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Lets make fun of the millenials' colossal failure for game journalism and media

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The word Boomer is a term used for Kotaku """""jOURNALISTS"""""

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How come we could beleive the lies of VICE, Kotaku and other news fuckits came out of deadbeat universities n shit

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I'm not a boomer if I only ironically like these, right?

I hope she enjoyed her five minutes of fame before the simps realised she was taken.

>implying anyone is fucking flying
Airline tickets got stupidly cheap and still the planes fly empty.

>wanting crummy pokemon creatures in 2020
>not loving water

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this isn't the place for this, but at 17 I was a dummy. I didnt want to go to college but my single mom twisted my arm into going and the financial aid department claimed I'd get scholarships anyway and it'd be trivial to pay back what wasnt covered. At that age, some aren't ready to be thinking bout that shit and I was focused on classes and didn't even really know I was amazing 80,000 in debt. 10 years later I lost my debt.

Also businesses and individuals can file for bankruptcy for making stupid decisions, but students cannot. That debt is made to follow them for life. Corrupt system.

unga house wives are the best

Why did boomers enter toxic relationships like this? Why do they make passive aggressive comics and memes about hating their partner instead of leaving or not entering the situation in the first place?

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can't believe no one posted it yet

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Greater social pressure in the past + own fear of dying alone. And then force of habit kicks in.