Kill Six Billion Demons KSBD


1. The very tip of a swallow’s wing as it cuts the air.
2. The sword that splits the plum, pit and all.
These are said to resemble Royalty. It is not curved in the slightest. Turn the wheel on its side and you will see its shape. Cut the wheel in half and you will see its shape between the two halves. This is its purest expression, in the non-space. Observe how it extends forever, and look how it glitters!

>All he needed was a few moments

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Gaze Dropping a Superman Punch?
Should have been dual but I’ll take it.

Also Zozz is up to something unbeknownst to us but sinister in nature? I’m sure someone called that one.

the other 3 arms are twisting to provide more counter force

So she has to actively keep her thorn appearance up or she turns cute again?

I can't believe 6 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe is a fucking chuuni. Though, in retrospect, I probably should have guessed. You don't ride around on a motorcycle covered in flaming skeletons unless you have something to prove.

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Aww yeah I hope he gets to land it.

Anyway, so there has been a lot of references to the wheel and things being cyclical before but now I'm wondering if it's more literal than similar events being played out by different people.

Vigilant Gaze boutta turn the entire arena into a crater
Who else ready to meet 7 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe?

Juggernaut looking especially fucking sick there in panel 4.



Juggs is about to get fisted

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>Vigilant Gaze in that top right panel
This punch has been a long time in the making.

Do they actually know about Jugs having 2 bodies? Also, Vigilant looks like he's gonna wreck this body while WC deals with Jugs when he goes back to the wheel.

oh god oh frick

>6 Wicked Eye Throbs in Resonance

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smash the body, thorn has nothing to go back into
no body, they just explode like little stars
and it's much easier to kill a body than it is to destroy a liberated angel

Zoss is literally going back in time over and over again to try raising the perfect heir, I'm calling it now. And Juggs is aware of it somehow.
All his talk about how "this cycle will bear out" can't be an accident.

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Looks like Juggs is about to receive some violence and/or inspirational speech.

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Maybe there have been multiple heirs for all we know
Maybe Zaid is fate's heir, and Allison is the one that will defy fate by taking the key

So was Zaid the first attempt, and Allison his second attempt? Or have there been more cycles?

That would be something. A repeating cycle of nothingness except YISUN, then existence of everything else, then a return/recreation of YISUN at the expense of everything existing. Each cycle goes through at least four conquests, everything more or less playing out the same or similarly. Few are aware of the cycle, namely Zoss and Juggernaut Star at least. Zoss sees this a way to experiment with ways of truly breaking the cycle: in at least one other iteration, if not most/all others, Zaid really is the Heir, and Jadis is correct. But this time, Zoss mixed things up and chose Allison. Juggs may have also had a hand in this, since 2 Michael said that Juggs "broke the prophecy." Juggs is aware of the cycle, but is far more pessimistic and nihilistic about it.

Fate is a cage only for those who fear it, Juggy


Well Abbadon said it before. KSBD is a story about breaking cycles. Makes sense that everyone is trapped within some sort of inescapable cosmic cycle.

Vigilant about to break that (motor)cycle.

I'm thinking he tried Zaid several times. He makes Zaid the heir, Zaid fucks up, Zoss goes back in time and tries again. This time he figured he'd try something different and made Allison the heir. That's why he says "perhaps it was a mistake after all" - because this might be the first cycle where Allison is the heir instead of Zaid. He tried a new approach and is doubting whether it was a good idea.
That might also be why Juggs had the Thorn Knights kidnap Zaid. He's aware of the cycle, so he tried to cut it off by kidnapping the usual heir.

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Going. Definitely going.

Abby did say that the last time Juggs died it was while failing to protect someone she loved, so maybe the pessimism/nihilism is because she's destined to fail each time and became aware of it.

If this happened I wouldn't be mad

Except the body is a nuclear device. It's a fucking trap.

Vigilant Gaze is about to god punch an armed nuclear warhead


>calls Juggs sister
>Juggs doesn’t get angry over it
So Juggs also wants to be a pretty girl?

So that's why Jagganoth wants to destroy reality. He, too, is tired of the cycle. It was said that both him and Juggernaut had an understanding of reality greater than most beings

Zoss mentions cycles when he talks to Alice, interesting.

It could be literally countless cycles now: so much that Zoss is desperate enough to try timelines where he DOESN'T stop the universal war (an open question atm).

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Hit a nuke with a nuke and what do you get?
Juggs knows she is the prettiest princess. She just hate it.

He's an armed nuke too, probably figures that with enough damage he can banish Juggs like what happened to WC. The detonation when Maya sliced Juggs was probably because the blow snapped the connection and some energy leaked out during the transition.

Isn't it obvious, user? All Juggs wants is to be a pretty girl and be spoiled and to crush the fools who oppose the works of God upon the Wheel. METATRON LIVES

What is he trying to accomplish though? Raising his heir to true royalty?

But what is Zoss trying to accomplish anyways. I doubt it's peace, or an end to violence, or even any sort of end. Royalty is the opposite of stagnation, it is not an end goal but a never ending cutting motion.

Juggs pretty obviously defaults to a pretty girl when she's not trying to be all Death Metal.

Huh maybe he has tried Allison before and it went wrong but in an interesting way.

Except Vigilant Gaze doesn't have a backup body ready to go, while Juggernaut Star does. Juggs is his own fucking getaway car.


Juggs' second body is well withing double nuke range though.

If things are a cycle and he is trying to break it then he might be hoping to permanently kill Yisun by preventing a scouring like the Thorns planned so that reality just keeps chugging on.

WAIT FUCK, so every cycle Zoss picks a new heir, and names them "Kill Six Billion Demons", and the mysterious dude in the pic was the previous cycle's KSBD?

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I said it before and I'll say it again:
I want to FUCK 6 Juggernaut Star

I think his goal is to raise the Successor who will fulfill the prophecy and destroy the Seven, putting an end to the age of stagnation and allowing change to happen again.
He always shows up to lecture Allison whenever she's in danger of falling to the temptations of the demiurges, specifically he talked about cycles when Allison was about to lose herself to power-lust Incubus style. So I think each cycle before failed because the successor (Zaid or Allison) gave in to temptation and became complacent in the system instead of tearing it down.

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I think that's just an older Allison

Tasteful user is tasteful

ifis right, then Zoss is so absolutely God tier, he is making the universe go in a grand eternal cycle to find a worthy successor to rule the universe directly, while he basically continues into actually becoming one with YISUN

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>Spins the Wheel and laughs at God

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Zaid having been actually chosen previous time(s) would also explain Jadis' "mistake".

Perhaps there's an inevitable world ending calamity that even he can't stop? Perhaps the Angels are trying to end the universe - Jagg supposedly received his invulnerability from an Angel in a dream - and Zoss is desperately trying to train a successor to surpass him?

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Gonna add a bit more to my post, because as said, if this is true then Zoss is so absolutely above everything else in the multiverse that it feels unlikely he's doing this just to shit on the demiurges. They're way too small in the grand scheme of things to break causality over. So his goal with raising the heir may be something even grander. Maybe he wants to break the cycle of stagnation and change entirely, and replace it with constant change. Because even if it involves violence, even that cycle is a cycle, and therefore stagnant.


Giorno Giovanna and Darkseid confirmed Royalty.

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>42069 Begone’s the Egirl with No Pity for Simps Thottishly

fucking... HO THERE

Jadis has seen the totality of the wheel, past present and future.
Zoss became the wheel itself. Even if the wheel has a shape, it may change with each spin.

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The idea that its a time-loop with Allison/Zaid over and over is a particularly stupid one.

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How so?

Jadis simply still watches previous timeline. Someone should have told her to change the channel.

>Cut the wheel in half and you will see its shape between the two halves
>his is its purest expression, in the non-space
Holy FUCK!

So when Allison or Meti attack by Cutting, that's Royalty! The empty space of the comic page. A slice that LITERALLY cuts the universe!

This is so Meta and so fucking awesome.

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it also kinda emphasizes the absolute dumbshit demiurges, who use their godly cosmic abilities to throw suns at each other like rocks, when they could be seeking personal enlightenment and ascend to the literal fabric of the universe through Royalty

Oh fuck I think I get it
If you spin a wheel, it doesn't matter if you go forwards or backwards, you're going to end up in the same place eventually, but when you spin a wheel, it moves if it has traction. Imagine that the wheel is spun, if you look at it straight on, it has moved into a new position. But if you look at it on it's side, from above, it draws a LINE.

That's what Zoss is doing. A continuous cutting motion. He spins the wheel and uses it as a sword, to cut fate. All this stuff about heirs and cycles is just the mechanism, the thing that provides the traction.

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Meti said this before too.

>Look yonder, at your butcher gods. Ten thousand men and women lie dead at their feet. Bask in their efficacy! Are they not spectacular at turning men into ghosts?
>Behold! The awesome fires of God. The limitless power of pure creation itself. Look carefully! Observe how it is used for the same purpose a man might use an especially sharp rock.

Oh fuck
So Zoss' end goal may be just to keep the Wheel turning. To keep the world moving forward on the Wheel, instead of it being returned to the pure and infertile Circle. So maybe this cycle is not fully stagnant, because it's a cycle with a direction.

you all gotta stop, i cant follow all these references and abstractions
this is like narrative quantum physics shit

>"Behold! The awesome fires of God. The limitless power of pure creation itself."
>"Look carefully!"
>"Observe how it is used for the same purpose a man might use an especially sharp rock."

One of my favorite lines of writing from the entire comic. It’s just so effective at what it describes.

What if the Prime Angels come back at the end of each cycle, wipe throne clean, and then Zoss bursts back in and kills them all, restarting the cycle?

So Abaddon invented an entire in universe cosmology to justify an artistic effect on the page?

That's awesome.

I am more and more convinced that Jag knows the Principle Art of Cutting.