This shit is 100% kino

This shit is 100% kino

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Great film, although it wasn't as successful as Katzenberg hoped. It didn't make as much money as Pocahontas, Notre Dame, Hercules and Mulan, nevermind the early 90s Disney films.

Beautiful as fuck and put a great spin on Exodus

Always loved that this movie ends moments before Moses smashes the Commandments on the ground and orders the Levites to put three thousand Hebrews to the sword. Not an anti-Semitic thing, I just like Bible trivia.

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>deliver us
>fade to black


It gives great screencaps

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Love this song

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Every track is a goddamn banger:

This deserved to make so much more than fucking Pocahontas, at least.

That's the good shit

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I hate how the poster is so far from the tone of the movie itself

That's actually the VHS cover. 90's animated movies always had great theater posters, then have family store VHS covers on home release.

That scene with the ocean opening up gets me awestruck everytime.

Chills at this scene every time
This really is one of the best animated movies of all time

Who Would Win?

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Ramses did nothing wrong. Fuck Yahweh, fuck Kenites, but most of all fuck the jannies.

Tht Primirp oo Egxg3 looks built but The 3cwce T Tpvpt has better peripheral vision. It's a toss-up.

My bet is on Tht Primirp oo Egxge, at least he has a neck (too thick to strangle) and some manpower, while Ee Ecwce ff Tpvpt only has a couple of thots and a gigajewnose.

>My autistic friend once said "You feel like you wanted to join Moses after the ending"
>He didn't know what happens next.

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>Moses spent all those years looking for the promised land just to get fucked over by god when he hit his staff against a rock
he really got the short end of the stick huh?

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Spectacular animation, some good songs, but that's about it.

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I knew a guy who tried to claim that liking this movie meant you were secretly religious, which is really silly because I know he liked Hercules.

But that's different, because the Hercules story isn't true.

Its a great movie I'll admit but 100% the reason I gave up Christianity. The scene were God killed all the kids really fucked me up and I just couldn't wrap my head around the thought the pure good and loving God I grew up hearing about would do something do evil.

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The story of Jesus is just a middle eastern rip off of Heracles.

Remember, the angel went haywire and if it wasn't for Nabu, he'd have killed the rest of the Egyptians too.

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And the whale song echoing, just adding that extra touch of realism to drive home what a miracle it was.

>the split face shot
>the fire behind the eyes
>the whole speeding up montage of plagues and pestilence

This isn't just one of the best Yas Forums films, its one of the best musicals of all time

I always liked this one too.

bitch what else do you want in an animated musical?

Don't think anybody will dispute that.

Orrrr you could've thought the almighty one had a good reason for doing it. You know, that's what faith is all about.

True. Granted, Shrek 1 and 2 did make more money than any animated Disney film since Lion King, so Katzenberg got what he wanted in the end.

Normally I expect this kind of historical illiteracy only from Yas Forums

There is absolutely nothing wrong with God painlessly killing kids because they all end up at his side in paradise immediately.

This movie is good shit

This might be the biggest waste of trips ever seen in this board

the story was literally based off a bible story, it's not like they could've changed it that much. Animation and music did most of the work in elevating it.

Both spend their life serving the Gods/God. Both do great feats no mere mortal could hope to accomplish, both die horrible painful deaths, both rise a new even greater then they once were, both inspire the masses thousand of years after their time on earth.

Thats one way to look at it and certainly how my pastor explained it. Still didn't like it.

Of course years later I read the bible fully and realized it was extremely xenophobic toward anyone not an Israelite. Hell even Jesus was iffy on helping someone not of Israel. Compared it to feeding dogs table scraps even. So its really doubtful a bunch of pagan worshipping heathens were really allowed anywhere near god.

is a sin fap to tzipporah? I mean she was not that important in the bible, but still

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It was retribution, the Pharaoh had done the same to the Hebrew children

Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth

>is a sin fap
Yea, pretty much always.
>to tzipporah
Not specifically.

but user, non-pedo and non-mexican priests fapped to avoid any kind of temptation

>the pure good and loving God
The Old Testament God is anything but. He really chilled out once The New Testament rolled around


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Blessed and YHWHpilled

Sometimes you just gotta slap some bitches in line

>the story was literally based off a bible story, it's not like they could've changed it that much
Not saying they should have, but for me it keeps it from being truly great.
It's executed near perfectly, but being tethtered to the original story holds it back.
Pic unrelated.

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This. No wonder this movie rocked your faith as a Christian, your religion's whole conception of G-d is such an infantile namby-pamby bastardization of the source material.

God aint a pansy

>He actually studies the Godhead.

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Should we tell him about the bears?

I thought the story was great.

And I have absolutely no problem with that.

No but seriously, where do you think it was held back?

>Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
Because that's what Christianity's all about

The story itself.
With the notable exception of Ramses the Egyptians are cartoonishly cruel opressors with no real motivation for keeping the Israelites in bondage or mistreating them the way they are. The Egyptian Priests and Gods are abviously shams while Moses clearly and aobviously represents the one true faith. And when all is set and done a TON of innocent people get fucked up by Yahwe.

All of this is perfectly fine for what it is, a Bible story meant to convey the history of the Exodus to believers. But remove it from that context and judge it as just a story for a movie and it is lacking.

Can't believe they gave God a villain song

I mean Ramses is really the ONLY Egyptian given real characterization and ultimately it's him who's spearheading the oppression because Egypt was purposefully designed to be an extension of Pharaoh. Everything the Egyptians did were on his orders. Their motivation was what the Pharaoh tells them.

I've watched and read no end of stories about the weirds, mostb abominous apocalyptic eldritch creatures, and some of them do a pretty good work with the horror, but nothing comes close to the sheer intimidation of old testament God taking out the belt for some punishment.