>be Marvel civilian
>see person with superpowers
>form impromptu lynch mob to kill the filthy mutie
>be DC civilian
>witness insane clown committing murder
>put on clown makeup and start burning cars
why are random civilians in comic book universes always insane assholes?
Be Marvel civilian
Other urls found in this thread:
its a poorly written strawman, but referencing the Joker movie, it comes from a class war style, I am not smart enough when it comes to marvel however.
The Joker Movie is hardly DC, it just made its own shit up. I'm not gonna act like there hasn't been moments where DC civilians have done stupid shit but at least bring something up from the actual comics.
To be fair there is no shortage of random down on their luck dudes willing to put on a clown mask and work for the Joker in the comics either.
the batman movie with bane did it too
both of these sound based and I would be inclined to do either one ngl
>That reverse superman symbol
Remember when the New 52 was starting and you'd have in the new books a bunch of civilians hating on meta-humans because of their super-powers and recklessness, and even when Superman and Wonder Woman started dating you'd have people in fear of them having babies because they weren't humans, and such?
DC sure wanted to be Marvel back then.
Wanna hear a joke? Who's more of an inspiration to people than Superman ever will be again?
You talking about Iron Man or Captain America?
>implying Marvel and DC civilians are the same
They really wanted to be Marvel with the New 52 yeah
>muh movie
it happens in the comics too you retards
When? Just asking.
... wait a fucking minute, I recognize this picture.
didn't they all go apeshit when Joker "died"?
You just underline why X-Men should always have been seperated from the rest of Marvel.
How can they celebrate the Avengers will hating the mutants ?
Just throw a molotov into that crowd, nobody would miss them.
Oddly this feels more like if the X-Men arrived into the DC Universe. Marvel civilians like The Avengers, FF and any public/government group.
>How can they celebrate the Avengers
At times they don't, Marvel citizens don't love em all the time. Plus the X-men have been acting like straight up assholes for about 20 years now.
Same as Batman should be his own universe separated from the main DC universe.
What are you talking about? Civilians give the Avengers shit when things go bad, too, they just have better PR and try not to double down on dumbassery after the fact.
The Avengers have Cap. America and Thor. How can they hate America and a handsome god prince? Sure they point their errors but let them go easy. Unlike the X-Men, Spidey, Punisher and such.
I thought mutants were supposed to be stand ins for minorities?
>Be Earth civilian
>see lung virus spreading throughout the world
>buy toilet paper until its sold out.
Nah. Minorities make social progress. Mutants are stand ins for ex wives.
t. Jason Todd
So how do Moira´s powers even work? Does she resets the universe when she dies, she travels to another Universe, or how?
nice quads
and you buy toilet paper to keep your butthole clean during the apocalypse and to sell at ten times the price to the retards who didn't buy extra toilet paper and are running out
Time travel seems to be what they're going with. Mutants are always saying fuck you to Marvel metaphysics so just roll with it. The editors don't care so you shouldn't either and this is all getting retconned anyway.
>How can they hate America and a handsome god prince?
They can hate Thor because he talks like a faggot and there's only one God, and that's Baby Jesus Christ. That's my favourite Jesus and you can like a different one if you want but I always pray to Baby Jesus. I got a tattoo and Leviticus says that God hates fags and since Thor talks like a fag well gosh-dang it God must hate that faggot mouthed blasphemer who says he's some kind of god. God of queers, maybe. Bible says there's only one God, user, and he don't run around in faggoty-ass pirate booties and a cape. You know Jesus was a carpenter? He was jacked user. And he just wore overalls and shit, just like me and the rest of the boys at the work site. He swung a real working man's hammer, not some weird rock on a stick.
t. Marvel citizen
>mfw hand bidets exist, are dirt cheap, and ship with prime
As stated before, the Avengers have good PR and generally try to patch things up when things get fucked. Spider-Man hangs around with enough heroes that he gets cred despite the smear campaigns. Punisher has admirers or people who don't mind him killing the "right" people, just as long as he keeps his guns aimed away from innocents. The X-Men like to leave others out of the loop, which only serves to disconnect them from everybody else and isolate themselves even further, the image issue is mostly their fault.
If people feel sorry for the fucking Joker of all people biting the bullet, especially if they're from the same populace that are on the receiving end of his bullshit, they're a lost cause.
How did Barneyfag not catch this yet
Does Captain America have a point here? I feel like he's been fighting against public opinion too long in the Marvel Universe and he can't really feel when the public is on his side like in the DC Universe in this reality.
die in pain
Hello Mr Barneyfag, I'm a huge fan of your work could I please have your autograph?
slice yourself open
He's never going to finish that comic is he?
Is this comic still on "hiatus"?
Just checked and yeah he seems pretty dead. Their last patreon post was April of last year and their tumblr has been dead since 2018. It's a bummer
hang yourself
get killed
Hand bidets? Do those hit your butthole? How does that work
So just a question about the barnyfag thing, is it just random now or is there some deeper meaning?
Let's not fight anymore, instead why don't we just hug it out? That would be super dee duper.
user you can;t just blue ball me like this. Please storytime the rest.
who made this trash
hang yourself
Anons, how about we have a session where instead of telling the other to kill themselves, we have a session where we go over the reasons why the other should unkill themself instead, boy howdy that would be swell!
You know user, maybe what you need is a hug from your old pal Barney