IT'S TIME, Yas Forums!

IT'S TIME, Yas Forums!

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>*knowing smile*

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>It's 4am, time for your penis stamping!

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Big is cute.

How do we make Knuckles relevant again?

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Give him a spinoff game. It's a beat em up made by the Ryu Ga Gotoku studio.

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Put him in the next movie.

Can I share parts of a script for a Sonic comic I am working on?


Now, who could possibly play Knuckles?

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Yes of course.

Ignoring the obvious, I'd get Will Smith.


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Which Robotnik do you prefer, cruel madman bent on world domination, or goofy cartoon genius?

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Those aren't mutually exclusive.

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that sun of a bich

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I prefer the former with just a hint of humor mixed in. Something like pic related.

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I'd have to agree.

>I'm in

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Time for Fleetway sonic.

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Fucking hell why was he such an ass?

Cruel goofy cartoon genius bent on dominating madmen.

Asshole sonic is my favorite though.

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What the fuck

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but then Amy met Tekno

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Fun fact, the whole Tekno-Amy thing was mandated by the editor who was a hardcore feminist and wanted Amy to be a hero girls could look up to.

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they played Sonic 2

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Sonic was intended to be a cool character who was aloof and had attitude. But every Sonic comic and show was written by beta dorks who got picked on in high school and confused being cool with being an asshat.

This Fleetway Sonic is unbelievable.
Did they get these guys as the writers.

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Fleetway sonic is a treasure.

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I will post it tomorrow

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>Classic Archie makes Tails a pathetic baby who can’t invent, fight or even come on missions, even in his own mini he needs to get saved from the mildest of threats by donutsteel ocs
>Penders-era had him occasionally help pilot the plane but mostly no, less recognised as a hero by Mobius than Antoine & turned into a cuck because they wanted to turn Sonic into a Chad with 50 girlfriends
>Flynn-era Archie cucks him out of his entire arc with the BBA, having Antoine/Bunny share 2/3 of his SU, giving no resolution to his “Sonic can do it 10x better than I can” insecurity, has Speedy without his mecha curbstomp him twice despite 6-year old Tails soloing the entire BBA by himself in the games all because they wanted Sonic to defeat them instead, then proceed to cuck him out of fighting the witchcarters even though they’re both exclusively his own rogues
Fleetway treats Tails better than Archie ever did. Dude has his own rogues gallery, is there on every mission, consistently holds his own against Super Sonic in a normal state & was the guy who invented the machine they used to defeat SS. In Archie they have ocs replace him as the tech guy, ocs replace him as the partner in battle, ocs getting all the respect and glory. I’ll take Sonic badmouthing him (& everyone else) anyday over Tails getting patronised by fucking Antoine of all people

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Take him off that fucking island.

Make a character who can sit on the master emerald or just fucking bury it and have Knuckles be into picking up Echidna relics. This gives him an active thing to do that he can cross paths with Sonic over.

The British.

He was going to get over his shit and be more like game Sonic but it was way easier to write him as such a dick all of his friends just eventually avoid him and become lesbians.

Big shocker, "Women are fixed if they'll just fuck me."

that was satisfaying.

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So did Tails whoop his ass or what? I hope Tails gets written well in the Sonic sequel as the young, brave, brilliant inventor who never gives up.

Antoine rude. Tails mad.

What happens in a Sonic thread on Yas Forums?

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We discuss the Sonic comics and cartoons. Who's the best voice actors. Who's the better artists. Who's the better writers. Stuff like that.

A Sonic comics thread? Bashing the bad pace, talking about Flynn's bad habits and wanting to fuck X character.

Regular Sonic thread on Yas Forums? Stuff and things from all Sonic Yas Forums media while also wanting to fuck X character.