BTAS and TNBA are the ultimate illustrations of soul and soulless, respectively

BTAS and TNBA are the ultimate illustrations of soul and soulless, respectively.

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Is Robin a fair comparison,they aren’t even the same person

Scarecrow, Babs, and Ivy were all upgrades though

Only backstop is Joker who is fixed in JL.

Why did they have to ruin Ivy by turning her into a pale goth chick?

Their costumes are closer to each other than Batman and Batman, so I'd say it's fair.

Only bad ones were Riddler and Ivy

Croc, Batgirl, and Scarecrow is an improvement

you forgot the dumbest one that irks me the most , Catwoman went from curvy to a literal generic Bruce Timm female cut out filled in with black.

Overall the look of the original all are looks meant for their time and setting in gothams during the 40s-50s and look completly perfect for it. BruceTimms do lose some soul because theyre meant to be drawn quicker and faster for animation demands and can clearly be used for modern times lines easier with its simplicity.

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I think Two-Face was at least as good. The design, at least. Excluding the animation.

TNBA is objectively better. I can say this because I watched both just 2 months ago.

Be gone, demon. And take your fucked up opinion with you.

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The literally didn't change him except for the sharper lines that everything had.

I like pale ivy and leather batgirl.

Croc was a huge improvement.

Dick's Robin design is almost totally-identical between BTAS and TNBA (see "Old Wounds").

>Two-Face is unchanged

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And what the fuck is with the zombie skin? It's somewhat okay with Ivy since she's implied to no longer be human by TNBA (and possibly a clone), but Catwoman has no reason for that.

>btas takes place in the 1920s
>tnba takes place in present time
I was never confused by this and I understand that it was supposed to line up with Superman but it's just really weird. Imagine if they just adapted Fleischer Superman and the entire Timmverse stuck to the early to mid 1900s.

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>>btas takes place in the 1920s
What? It was always set in the present.

No it wasn't. Although one site says it's more like the 1940's. But there's black and white television, tommy guns, old fashioned radio and cars and trains.

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It's ambiguous, all the cars, clothes and guns look like the 40's but riddler worked at a company developing mass consumer computer games before he became a supervillain...which were notorious for not existing back in the 40's

I think it's that. A 40s aesthetic to emphasize the gritty detective style, but with modern things like computers and such.

It was always aesthetic rather than literal.
Just pretend Gotham went through an awkward vintage phase, like when Swing got really big in the late 90s but for everything.

The robins should have TNBA Nightwing on the left not TNBA Robin. Since the Dick Grayson is Nightwing in TNBA and Robin in BTAS.

Cuz she was a pale zombie in the movie.

I liked TNBA but they should have named their Robin Jason Todd and not Tim Drake because that is who he was,

You're comparing Dick to Tim there.

I like that the art style got tighter since early B:TAS was kind of animated in a weird, blobby way. But I hated the actual design choices.

Batman Beyond gave a perfect hybrid of the refined, confident Bruce Timm art style with the original B:TAS designs and wardrobe choices.

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Everything looked worse in BTAS.

A lot of people like Edgelord Scarecrow but I always thought making him look physically intimidating misses the whole point of the character.

Meanwhile Killer Croc went from being a guy with a really bad but plausible skin condition o an outright animal-man.

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"Looked worse than in BTAS" I meant.

Bruce "fuck curves" Timm
Paul "I made triangles sexy" Dini

I don't like the grey on her, I prefer my Catwoman in black suits so I say it was a improvement

Dunno about the rest of you Yas Forumsmrades, but im wonder if the guy whos writing that annie-babydoll story is lurking in this tread like in the last dcau tread.

Batman and Batgirl was okay but the rest is terrible.

>Ivy is all pointy
>Batman is literally a box

When you try too hard to mimic an artstyle while focusing on the wrong things.

I have this fun headcannon that teentitans2003 took place before dcau justiceleague

I can never tell if the black on her mask was meant to be "shadow" like how the black on Batman's cowl was in the comics for a while, or if they really did intend for the front part to have a blotch of black on it.

TNBA cape looks better.

I would like to add to that and say that I prefer the TNBA belt.

I used to draw the joker with blue skin when i was a kid becauss of the action figure. He never looked like a clown to me.

>TNBA Scarecrow only got two episodes.
Design can make or break anyone’s Scarecrow interpretation. It’s obvious the design team fucking loved the hangman look, which makes this amount of screentime a crime in itself.

>soul and soulless,
eat a dick

It wasn't that, BTAS Catwoman was the movie synergy version. Timm was trying to evoke the invisible grin of the Chesire Cat, it's just make-up.
BTAS was deliberately anachronistic. 20s tommy guns, 50s black and white televisions, 80s video tapes.

>Timm was trying to evoke the invisible grin of the Chesire Cat, it's just make-up.
I don’t know if you have a source for that, but even if you don’t, I still love the idea.


Dick as Robin appeared in "Old Wounds" and looked identical to his TAS design, so they should have just used that instead.

It's from the Batman Animated coffee table book by Chip Kidd and Paul Dini iirc. Either that or Modern Masters: Bruce Timm.

Batman (Bruce himself looked awful though), Robin (Tim's suit was apparently just Dick's from when he was young, see Sins of the Father), Batgirl (Plain Babs was good), Ivy, Scarecrow, and Croc all look better in TNBA. BTAS had it beat by a country mile with every other design though. Some of the worst redesigns go to Joker, Gordon, Bruce, and Two-Face.

Based blind user

Literally the only problems I have are the shoulder widths for Joker & Two Face. Everyone else is just talking bullshit.

Anybody found it strange that ronald daggett just disappeared?

Funny, he actually has a small role in the script I’m writing.

Agreed. The originals are still great except Scarecrow.

Also, it’s ROLAND Daggett. I think he finally went to prison after Batgirl Returns.

Yeah in that episode he was trying to steal and escape elsewhere because he had been utterly ruined by all his many legal fees over the series. Getting caught was the end of him.

I like both

>Some of the worst redesigns go to Joker, Gordon, Bruce, and Two-Face.

Two-Face was only bad when they forgot to draw Harvey's other eyebrow.

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yeah they literally have VHS tapes and video games

>TFW a chemical explosion solved Dent’s eyebrow problem.
Fuck it, it’s canon now.

So im guessing the Joker looks different because, there is actually 3 jokers.