Literal cuck

>Literal cuck
>Still in the most healthy and stable relationship in the show
How do they do it, bros?

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Who'd she cuck him with?

Monarch cucks her with Rusty.

>Presents herself to Brock Sampson to have her way with him, disappointed when he's not interested. Monarch is actually angry in later episodes that he didn't fuck her (because he thinks she's a post-op tranny).
>Fucks Rusty on camera to seduce him while The Monarch watches and jerks off
>Apparently regularly fucks other villains who come over. Monarch doesn't give a single shit when 21 says they made out on top of him and mentions another occasion where she sucked another villain's dick while making them breakfast

in an early episode he says it was his idea to have her fuck another guy while he watched but that he regretted it, he's not actively a cuck

He seems pretty happy to talk about the times his wife is with other men in season 4.

Ever think about how there are so many gay characters in Venture Bros, and the only seemingly fulfilling straight relationship involves cuckery?

>When she thought the Monarch was bring Brock and Hank in for some kinky time

He is in both the fetish and literal sense.

Gay monogamous relationships are the new building blocks of civilization now, boomer. ;)

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They're swingers

That's what Monarch says, but whenever it's brought up, its in relation to all the dudes fucking his wife.

This is why I dislike the show. Fucking wokeshit

They're swingers and actual adults who have a non-vanilla sexual relationship. They're fucking villains man.

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he's a swinger, not a cuck. he fucks other women as well

How do I find a qt oni gf?

swingers are cucks with extra steps

Honesty, that's the only reason it doesn't gross me out. They're not good or healthy people, so them doing weird sex stuff doesn't mean the creators are endorsing it.

And yet the how never brings up the other woman The Monarch is fucking, just the other men Dr. Mrs. has fucked.

It’s not that they’re good, it’s just that everyone else around them is just worse

How? They can fuck other men's wives with the permission of their own wife and still come back home to a loyal wife. That's like the same set up as having a slut girlfriend that you also sleep around on.

Granted, I'm an advocate for monogamy and traditional marriage, but your logic is flawed, faggot.

They don't have gays/transpeople as infallible angels so I wouldn't call it "woke" but actually progressive

>Phantom Limb
>Wide whale

I'm thrilled that they dropped the whole swinging thing. It seriously hurts their dynamic and I think they knew it because they've never brought it up since.

cucking is one-sided, though

For some reason this joke never landed for me. That's pretty great.

>weird sex stuff
You mean not being monogamous?

Or are you talking about the occasional role plays they've done? If that's gross to you, then you must have a really low threshold.

He's the writers' pet character.

Next question?

>literal sense.
He's raising someone else's children?


Malcolm and Sheila don't have anything approaching a conventional relationship.
Especially now, as she's his boss/commander and just plain more powerful than he is.

I'm not sure literally anything could break that relationship, even so.

The monarch watched her fuck other dudes. More than once, and they're fine.

Might be because he's such a disgusting sexual deviant.

Attached: venturebros-tearsofaseacow_1216861285.jpg (460x259, 30.01K)

>Still in the most healthy and stable relationship in the show

That would be Red Death and his wife

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I like to believe that their sex is some kind of strange Cult ritual where she like disembowels someone while he jerks off on their guts... or something

Piratebay's down, where can I download Season 7? I just marathoned the rest and I want to see the end.

Probably not the answer you're looking for, but the entire show is on Hulu.

Actually legal sources are okay, but I was hoping for the Blu Ray cuts, this show is so much better when you can see the animation proper.

Thay use to swing so it was consensual and Monarch probably fuck other women too, probably not anymore

Counter point Al and Shore Leave are both perfect.

They are both loud, largely ineffectual third-stringers. In what way could either be considered perfect?

>so many gay characters
>literally 2 out of like 40+

Don't forget Dr. Z

If you're not actually a fan of the show and just came here to show off how much everything outside your worldview disgusts you then please go away.

I just wanted to talk about how cute they are as a couple and correct the people uncomfortable with the fact that The Monarch is a cuck.

No, go ahead and enlighten us as to how Al and Shoreleave are perfect people with perfect lives.
Neither of them are even particularly fleshed out as characters, they are just walk-ons who come out, act flamboyant, help (a very little) and done.
Al's assistance in finding the Orb is just about his largest contribution to the story in all those episodes.


Non-monogamy is absolutely gross. If you'd ever met any poly people, you'd realize it's a disgusting mentality and set of behaviors.

>Shore Leave
>Dr. Z
>Sky Pilot
>Colonel Gentleman
>Hunter Gathers
>King Gorilla
>Steve Summers

>replying to that many posts
If you're gonna let other men fuck your girlfriend, we're gonna judge you. This isn't your safe space where you get to act like anybody who disagrees with your lifestyle isn't a "real fan" of a show that barely talks about it.

Well, Hunter Gathers isn't exactly gay. (S)he's transgender, I'm not actually sure we know which way he swings.

>Shore Leave
Bitch are you for real?

>If you're gonna let other men fuck your girlfriend, we're gonna judge you.

They're swingers it doesn't count.

>Bitch are you for real?
Nice example provided there, you sure won that argument.


she didn’t fuck Rusty, or at least she claims they didn’t, maybe naked and some heavy petting but no sex

Seething Yas Forumsddit nigger gtfo

Ooh, great, all caps. Go back to Twitter, degenerate. "we" in this context obviously means all the people you replied to in that ridiculous defensive manner.

Dilate tranny. I'm sick of these alphabet pandering, "orange man bad" shows. Go back to tumblr.

I wasn't that same user, nigger.

This show has been around since before you were a twinkle in your father's eye, user.

Then swap "you" for "he"
