Why are they trying to retroactively write Steven as a PTSD victim when he never had any problems with his experiences...

Why are they trying to retroactively write Steven as a PTSD victim when he never had any problems with his experiences before?

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Because he lost all of his support groups. Everyone is off doing their own thing and no one there to talk to him or vent his feelings.

Well you know what he can join the fucking club.

Because he used to have something to fight for, now only the wounds are present

So all of this is going to boil down to "you should've just talked it out!" when that's literally been how they solved the problem of the giant genocidal aliens? Great, this show is still unimaginative as fuck.

>Great, this show is still unimaginative as fuck.
Since your in yesterday land, mind telling past me to get milk.

He very clearly was on a downward spiral before what are you smoking?

Because SU writers think that off-screen character development is good storytelling.


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Steven is sans.

They did a lot of episodes where it was shown Gem stuff was really stressing him out

Steven grew up and became more aware. Was running off the purity of a child beforehand.

he has, thats the point

It’s why he needs to leave and begin new relationships.

There's been a ton of eps that show him being traumatized as fuck

imagine being the son of a war rebel whose personal whims got thousands of your family member's people killed
imagine inheriting all of that because functionally your society doesn't accept that you and your mother are separate people
imagine getting cut in half and still surviving thanks to luck or magic
imagine fighting against monarchs and trying to convince them not to murder your entire species

You forget that steven isn't even an adult and he's been through all of this
you forget because this is a cartoon, but analyzing this from the standpoint of a real person you see his problems
You forget that steven hasn't had TIME to process a lot of this
You forget a lot of issues he had before because he looks healthy outwardly

Honestly user, PTSD doesn't just fit into one category

There tons of episodes about him being bummed out even before future.

Just of the top of my head I can remember Full Disclosure, Joy Ride, Bubbled, Back to the Moon and that one where he almost freezes in space.

Cortisol exists for a reason. Steven was in war-like situations all the time but his sympathetic nervous system kept him alive. Now he has nothing left to fight and the cortisol is only damaging him

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I don't care much for SU and haven't watched it since 2014, but all the bitching on Yas Forums has shown it's pretty consistent in its only real message. That being:
Effective communication is essential to conflict prevention and resolution.

It might fall on its face with how the show itself is written (Like how Naruto's supposed to be about the importance of making your own choices and finding power in building relationships, but then no actually you're the chosen one destined to win regardless).

user I don't think you understand how PTSD works

Steven After Not Surviving

>16 year old with no education, never been to a doctor, never seen a shrink, has almost no human relationships AND no future prospects
>this same 16 year old has nearly died dozens of times at the hands of world ending monsters and his own guardians
He's fucked 7 ways to Sunday.

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Why do people keep saying he has no prospects? He’s got necromancy

He needs to make new friends

Steven is a bad person for not just whoring out his bodies healing properties to the rest of humanity. At least he should be sending a vial of his spit to the CDC a day so they can harvest it.

From his point of view I mean. Of course any normal person would be over the moon about having the power and options Steven has but he doesn't see his options as benefits if he even sees them at all. He could be throwing nightly parties on Homeworld with thousands of beings and getting blown every second of his life but all he knows is fighting and Connie. Poor ignorant bastard.

You can't recreate magic with science user, that's just not how it works

And semen
He could rape some black women. Get off scot free. Like a Chad.

He could shapeshift to disguise himself as chad and fuck as many women as he wants.

It literally showed a montage of THE ENTIRE SHOW of the causes of his trauma you smoothbrained fagatron.

It's not magic, it's probably nanites or something. And even then I'm not proposing they reverse engineer them, just that they accrue a big swimming pool full of his bodily excreta for pharmaceutical use.

Somebody gotta get Will Dafoe up in dis bitch.

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>friends move away, get married and start families
>no one left to hang out with or talk to outside my shitty job
>years pass
>go to the doctor for a urinary infection
>tests came back negative even though my kidneys feel inflamed
>doc says my cortisol are through the roof though

Fuck you, Sugar. Don't make me relate to Steven. Not right now.

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OP's entire point was that Steven never acted bothered by all that shit before. Only years after the fact has it become an issue.

Lol, my wife made something in same vein a few years ago.

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He has, multiple times. Watch the show.

No, he had.

Don't ever stop loving her.

Avoiding situations that make them recall the traumatic event
Experiencing nightmares or flashbacks about the trauma
Playing in a way that repeats or recalls the trauma
Acting impulsively or aggressively
Feeling nervous or anxious frequently
Experiencing emotional numbness
Having trouble focusing at school

Becky's been reading articles about PTSD in between tossing her husbands salad.

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mega when

He was too busy dealing with those experiences before

And that’s probably part of why he went so hard with the Little Homeschool stuff. Kept him from being alone with his thoughts

It did affect him when he was younger though. It's only really starting to fuck with him now because the war still being actively ongoing basically normalized it. It's only starting to adversely affect him now that the conflict is over and he has to integrate himself in to a normal life.


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Was already posted in the main thread about the eps.

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Because fans complained that Steven was too happy/optimistic/naïve

More like his gem is schizo

It's the current science-based liberal theory about why poor, oppressed people don't have better lives. The problem is that people's life outcomes are determined more by their genetics than by their childhood experiences. Aside from things like brain damage, lead poisoning, or malnutrition, your genetics determine how your life ends up more than anything that happens to you. PTSD in soldiers is caused by brain damage/traumatic brain injury, not the experience of being in war.

By putting forward this theory, it absolves liberals from thinking that there are innate differences in ability between the races.

Steven shouldn't react this badly to stress. But because the writers believe the liberal line, he's acting like they think he should, not how he really should, based on the personalities of his mother and father.

Nigga that was the entire point of Mindful Education. They try to setup the conflict in that episode as Connie being fucked up over something minor she did, only to flip that on its head and reveal how fucked up Steven was even then.

You bring racism here?

I don't know what race you belong to. But my respect for it is lowered by dint of you belonging to it.

Steven isnt reacting like this, his schizo gem on the otherhand is.

Steven honestly told everyone to fuck off and die after Pearl almost let him fall off a cliff

You know damn fucking well what's going to happen if he gets rejected again.

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>First time checking SU in years
>Come back to this shit
>Mfw brought back my childhood PTSD

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This is the fig leaf of scientific reasoning behind "representation" and "microaggressions".

He shouldn't be, but he is. So what is the prognoses doctor?

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>has severe detrimental effects on several industries
>the nature of his existence means that widespread distribution and equitable access are non-starters
>couldn't even come close to healing everyone even if he restricted himself to just the most severely ill people
That'd just make things worse in regards to his mental health and create massive amounts of detrimental issues. Plus it's also mean that Steven as a person would be devalued to the point where he'd only be seen as "the dude with healing spit." And that's how you get Zach Callison.

This is retarded and soldiers who've never had brain trauma get PTSD.
This is also retarded as even following your logic Steven has taken more hard hits to the head than any soldier alive and most of them are shit that'd kill any normal man

He’s fast enough, he’s strong enough, he was able to heal Beach City over a few months, and he’s gonna live a lot longer for them to find a way to spread his healing.

>Because there are no such thing as poor, malnourished whites.

Get back to your fucking containment board.

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So the leaf is behind something?

>it's a Yas Forumstard can't into emotional empathy episode

I fear next two episodes are gonna be the scariest that Ive seen since Bojack
Like im actually scared now, and nothing scares my ass.

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>all Yas Forumsfags are black
>all Yas Forumsfags also morons

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>LOL Yas Forums OWNS Yas Forums

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Because his ass isn't being kissed anymore by everyone who used to be around him.

if i saw this shit as a kid i would've imploded on the spot. wtf sugar.

>let him
Yeah I don't think so

Cultural Marxism

Could end up being a good thing. Most normal kids see doctors and if they see this they may bring up their issues.

You mean the show where he solved his problems with talking and ended his journey with loving himself, smiling, laughing, and coming back to Earth happy?

Im a 20 year old show writer just starting out and I am taking notes.
This shit really fucked me up.

It wasn’t easy to get there. He could have died at so many points and Earth would have been gone. And he was happy because he won.

It's like you guys are watching the series but your minds are holding absolutely nothing

for all the faults su has being unafraid to tackle mental and emotional health messages has been something it excels at.

Are you fucking braindead? Have you read any psych book written past Freud? I really hope this is bait because the thought that anyone would reject a century of empirical evidence because its not racist enough is absurd