Why do American art schools so toxic when it comes to the Anime artstyle?

Why do American art schools so toxic when it comes to the Anime artstyle?

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Because asians

Because it's more visually appealing compared to the plain or grotesque western artstyles and now they're declaring war on it.

Both of those look like utter shit also check these digits


Because it’s a difficult style to “unlearn” and many aspiring artists are weeaboos who primarily started by practicing anime characters

But there's a lot of stories where Teachers being outright assholes to a student simply because they enjoy anime, not even because they aren't doing their tasks correctly, but purely for liking anime as its "not art"

more like
'not aesthetic'


Left one looks like Jhonen Vasquez

>More visually appealing
>All looks the same

which one are we talking about here?

those are made up

Because some see it as cultural appropriation and others as not learning the basics of drawing.

Anyway, LavenderTowne has a cute style that can't be called anime, not many can pull that art off with that charm.

But Goku certainly does not look similar to Ichigo and Gappy.

Because it's overdone?

Older instructors don't like anything that isn't old disney or whatever is the standard contemporary art style. Also younger anime fans and people who want to draw manga are cringey so I'm guessing that probably factors into it. I remember I had to take an art class in college and one of my projects I stylized the eyes in it a bit and the professor went on the most autistic tirade I think I ever saw an adult have where my piece got used as an example.

I agree, I just think that students might get used to large eyes and unrealistic proportions if that’s all they draw early on. Most artists will grow past that stage, though,

When I went to art school it was because the professors wanted us to learn proper realism and construction. By their view, just learning how to draw anime causes you to pick up a bunch of shortcuts and bad habits that you don't understand.
Big heads and big eyes have a purpose, and that's to make a character look youthful and innocent. But if you don't know why, and you don't know proper construction in the first place, you could end up doing it wrong and have a stilted, wonky style.
By their opinions, if you learn realistic construction first, then you'll be able to stylize however you want because you'll know how to make anything look appealing.

People involved in Art/Music can get pissed really quick over different views , I know a friend who's into Prog Rock who was spoken to dismissively by His teachers at a Musical school once they found out, they thought he was only into Music for the money despite Prog Rock Bands not charting at all these days

Which is weird because those two subjects are very subjective

I actually went to a Drawing II class with a weeb. A class where you're supposed to draw people from reality, but you could still see the anime in the weeb's art style. He drew a fucking anime girl for his final. Just a few weeks ago I found out that this other classmate likes to use the anime art style in his comics, but I couldn't tell he used it since he drew from reality.
Some people just don't know how to not draw it but others don't get stuck with it.
Tl;dr Weebs should be gassed.


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See? That's it exactly. Popular thing bad.

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For a board that cries about the lack of originality so often, you guys sure like to have the same stale threads over and over again.

What do they think of Archie comics?

Because it was like the "CalArts" equivalent of the mid-2000s in that it was overused by everyone then and often not done particularly well (i.e. just sort of used as a crutch in that people would draw everything as looking like it stepped out of their favorite anime), and that attitude has somewhat stuck around.

I think it's like a cycle though; maybe in like a decade animesque shows might be more of a thing while the example on the left will be more of a widely used example of "DO NOT DO THIS (unless you're a pleb)." And some different art style will also show up that Yas Forums will bitch about. And so on.

Anime is what comes after the fundamentals. You don't just play a game of visual telephone where you slap random symbols together because it looks aesthetically pleasing, there needs to be a rhyme and reason to it. The most prolific and skilled artists that draw and design for anime and manga all clearly have a strong understanding of shapes, volume, forms, caricature, etc, they're not just doing what they do because it looks pretty. Teachers are apprehensive towards this because students use style as a crutch when they're starting out, using the excuse of stylization for their lack of fundies.

The problem is that teachers don't seem to bother explaining these kinda things to their weeb students, just yell at them

Nationalistic backlash against the anime/manga boom of the late 90s/early 00s.


Just like how japanophiles see "CalArts"?

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Americans are racist and self-centered. That's all there is to it, and anyone who protests or tries to tell me I'm wrong is deluded as fuck.

Anime is often used as a crutch by young artists and it inhibits actual development of artistic skill

>Why do American art schools so toxic when it comes to the Anime artstyle?

ENVY ....

I can only speak for me, but no. Some blindly hate anime and elevate western; some blindly hate western and elevate anime. Others may do both at different times because "they've seen it too much" or whatever. I just like what I like, it doesn't have to be bad because I dislike it, just not to my taste. Bean mouth isn't to my taste, but the style is inherently bad in itself.

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Both styles would be good for porn

>but the style is inherently bad in itself.
I meant isn't.

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you need make it properly

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One has a lot of detail and looks good, and American animation does not have the budget for that kind of detail.

left unironically looks better

Saying all manga/anime stuff looks the same is like saying all comics look the same.
You just look like a stupid normie.

Because white people. That's it. White people, especially americans are very much racist assholes. They don't like that anime is popular and their cultured western art isn't. You can see this in how much they elevate western art eventhough it's basically nothing but lines and squiggles.

Looks like OUR (The white people, the KINGS OF THIS WORLD) superiority has raised some controversy with your little gay cartoons huh
Not brazilian btw

Nope, had a SCAD professor who had a strict No Anime rule. Had him again for my first senior film class and he dedicated an entire class to what no one is allowed to put into their film.

It was a lot of no anime, no magic, no elves, no dragons, etc.

No wonder he teaches at SCAD.

Wait, SCAD is bad? Tell me more so I know not to go there!

>artfags being elitist faggots
How is that surprising to anyone?

Both would be considered crap at any decent art school. You're there to learn the fundamentals, not how to draw someone else's simple style. That comes naturally when you learn non-baby art.

Simple art is what speaks to me. There's much to be said for complicated strokes and composition, but sometimes all it takes is a nice circle.

It's considered drawing and adhering to someone else's style too strongly. While not doing anything to build up your own style or learn new techniques.

Which is kind of a problem with people who stick to anime style, they REALLY stick to just the main things in anime style and never ever branch out or do anything different.

He sounds like some Yas Forums autismo

I know Exactly who you are talking about, in the Atlanta campus. Yea he don't like anime

Art teachers compete for the same jobs as their students in animation, and purposely sabotage up and coming competition

But cartoons also adheres to strongly to a specific style. The difference here is that the style they are adhering to are cartoon style and thus make it acceptable.

Yea but each different cartoon will be different styled depending on the director's whims. It's considered that if you mostly drawn anime, then you are stagnant in almost everything else.

Maybe you should stop watching the same 5 Cal Arts cartoon shows?

It's more about what said, anime artists are weird about really really sticking to the standard anime style model hard. And almost never work outside of the anime box. And that kind of works against them after a while.

fuck trump and fuck wh*te people

american art school faculty not filled with anime fans yet? not american but i visited uni art school and the students were making anime sculptures

American animators and artists have a sort of inferiority complex against anime and manga. That’s why you rarely see Japanese stuff nominated for awards like the Oscars (unless it’s Ghibli).

Maybe you guys should watch more anime.