Thundercats Roar

Well shit

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Why the fuck are these comedy successors so insecure?


This is actually hilarious as fuck

because of the guilt they feel from knowing they are wrong.

The show has earned to do that.

I think I’ve outgrown western cartoons

These guys got bait for days and give no fucks.

I haven't watched daytime CN legally in years, so I really don't give a fuck

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Deep frustration rooted in having to pay their bills by making a reboot of a show they probably only kinda sorta were aware of.

>Oh boy, I'm a college graduate with only moderately crippling debt! I can't wait to make my original, artistic masterpiece, that'll show my true genius vision!
>..Oh. Thundercats. Yeah. Yeah I think I saw some reruns of that on Toonami when I was a kid... You know. While waiting for episodes of DBZ. No other gigs around? None? Haha. Okay. Thundercats. Awesome.

Looks like the cucks have tried to declare themselves correct when only the fans can do that.

this is more Teen Ttians Go getting snippy for Roar's sake than Roar getting snippy

Did they get Lion-O's original VA for it?

There's probably some friends behind the staff of both.
Either way, TTG just seems like a paycheck generator and animator soapbox than an actual show

Which, frankly I'm not even mad at anymore, it'll look good on a resume when they're ready to move to a good show

Larry Kenny was already on TTGO as the the chief from doom patrol so I would assume he'd be easy to get

a day time tv show just baited you user, congrats.

No it hasn't, this is why nobody watches cn anymore.

nah the absolute shit fit the staff and voice actors endured more than justifies a jab user.


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These people are making a product that they're trying to sell to others. Instead of "clapping back" at people like spiteful Twitter users, they could just keep their head down and do their fucking job.

>There's probably some friends behind the staff of both.
>both work under WB animation

That was actually kind of funny. What the fuck?

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i know one of you faggots has the rip, now drop it

Hold the fuck up
they ALREADY crossed over with TTG?

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>stop making jokes about unapproved subjects
you seem like the kind of guy that would get offended at the please please get a life skit from animaniacs so i can't really take you seriously.

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You can make all the jokes you want, but TTG constantly pushes the "oh woe is me, people don't like us, but FUCK THEM" angle constantly. I mean look at the context here. They're so insecure they're jumping to defend another show cause it's vaguely disliked just like them.

they also actively mocked roar before it even came out in a halloween special, take a fucking joke you god damn victim.

Why did people defend this in the first place?

This isn't the first time this happened, Bunsen is a Best had a crossover with Fairly Oddparents right when it came out.

Luke "couldn't get her" Weber
Luke "alone forever" Weber
Luke "don't make him reach that box cutter" Weber
Luke "Alex and Dana are together" Weber
Luke "sea of failed crowdfunders" Weber
Luke "wanting to fuck Pearl is his endeavor" Weber

Now that's projection, lmao. This entire gag is about portraying themselves as constant victims, but pointing that out is somehow conspiratory?

>if i shove words in your mouth i win
have fun being a victim then.

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This is a very TTG kind of joke

>implying the reaction to Roar was justified
the only thing to do with the shitposters is ridicule them for their exaggerated outrage and TTG makes sport out of that.

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>only moderately crippling debt

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We need the rip of this episode

imagine being a professional manchild gahahahahaa

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Why wasn't it justified? Why defend a cheap derivative cash grab that obviously is just a paycheck for someone? What is there to defend in the show?

>cheap derivative cash grab
that's what the original show was.
I don't get why this show and she-ra in particular got this huge amount of hate when much more offensive shit like nu-PPG exist.

>not a cheap derivative cashgrab since the 80's

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And here's the natural two digit IQ response. "The original was bad too!" Seriously. Fuck off. This is like an AI generated response to any remake or reboot that receives flack. Instead of elevating yourself with what good new things you bring to the table, you push the original down, to make it seem like you're on equal footing.

What's the endgame in that regard? Congratulations. Instead of old shit being forgotten, you're now putting new shit out there that no one wants.

Because it's not made for you, it's for the kids! You can't criticize stuff for kids! People put A LOT of work into this corporate produced reboot of a show you may have watched as a kid, think about their feelings!

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The original Thundercats was garbage, but it doesn't excuse TCR for being a hot steaming pile

thats a negative IQ response

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Yeah, it's totally for kids! It's a property from the 80s, and only has value because old people watched it, but it's for kids. 40 year old kids.

And you bring no argument to the table. Just accept this bad new thing, and don't complain about it. Ever. At all.

kids like this shit whether you like or not dude ttg's success basically sent a message to execs that the kids want more like this, you aren't the primary demographic and neither am i.

I get it but why is this one more insulting than a shitty reboot of a beloved show born from actual drive of creativity. I find the attachment to thundercats just so insincere

>"the new one is a cashgrab"
>"but the thing was always a cashgrab"

Yeah I’m just gonna drop this here. What would his reaction would be after he found out that his former friends are now married now?

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I feel like crossing with TTG is a sure sign of desperation to avoid being canned, I mean it happened with nuPPG

What does that have anything to do with what I said? People eating shit doesn't mean eating shit is good for you.

I didn't say it wasn't a cashgrab, you retard. You just defended your new thing being a cashgrab by saying this shit's always been that way. Maybe instead of making cashgrabs, you actually go and create something of artistic merit? But wait, that's hard? Financially unfeasible? Well then gosh darn, maybe there's something to critique in this soulless product, and it shouldn't be mindlessly accepted.

>how dare kids like thing me no like
the market doesn't work like that companies will chase a trend if it makes money, get over yourself.

Kids can like what they want, but that doesn't mean you can't criticize it. Are you a kid? Are you underage? Cause I'm assuming I'm talking to an adult right now, and your only defense for this product is that it's financially viable, rather than having any merit as a program unto itself.

have you seen the ratings? pretty much every show is in the shitter when it comes to ratings
hell nuPPG came back for the sole purpose of merchandising and neither the merch sold or people watched the show

>Can't even animate him for the couple second cameo

how can you casually condemn the reboot for something that the original version started out as? get some perspective you dishonest shit.

Why people say Thundercats was always a cashgrab while ignoring the 2011 reboot which was more serialized like Avatar was?

See Congratulations, instead of a 40 year old cashgrab being lost and forgotten, it's not dredged up as a new product that these studios are hoping will make them lots and lots of money. What's your fucking point? There was a bad thing long ago, and now there's a new bad thing that exists now. Nothing wrong with pointing out the new bad thing is bad.

>Trying to make your cheap show a success during the worst possible time ever to pitch a cartoon show
>Meanwhile a very vocal group of people hate everything about your show
>You don't even have any fans really to defend you
>Your chances of getting greenlight for more seasons are so slim that a neckbeard online is an actual threat

Fuck thats more than my entire debt including the interest

how many times must Yas Forums be btfo before you guys learn your lesson

How dose a school renown for being shit have the balls to charge so much?

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>literally making a whole episode about 'if you dont like out show you're dumb and stinky'
I feel like the whole crew behind the show must be subscribed to BLACKED

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it's the reality of the situation, ttg did good by modern cn standards, so they continue to chase the trend that's working gravity falls and adventure time are just two modern examples that set market trends, you being mad at reality changes nothing.
ppg 16 lasted years despite that because cn thought it would do well, it didn't.
the 11 toy line crashed and burned with them literally showing up in dollar stores, then it was summarily moved to a 3am toonami slot

I was expecting him and Zuke to team up to ruin the wedding.

I hate to be that guy. but anyone who cares about this controversy is retarded
baiters are retarded because they can only get off on the anger of people who just want things to be good
people who bash the show are stupid because they are just giving the thing they hate more publicity
and people who actually like the show are stupid because they are children and children are uninformed and easily manipulated
you wanna know how to make this show stop? how to make sure nothing like this gets made again?
dont watch it, and be quiet about it. dont let your kids watch it. if they want to watch it (they wont) just quietly switch to a better cartoon while they arent looking.
do that and wait. i guarantee something better will be made in response.

The hyper detailed, animeseque art tricked people into thinking 2011 was good.

Wow people like me dodged a bullet

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the 2011 reboot sucked, being serialized doesn't actually absolve it of being mediocre. Roar is just a comedic reimagining and the reaction to it was disingenuous, just an excuse to shitpost and spam buzzwords AKA Teen Titans Go all over again.

nobody here actually cares about defending Thundercats Roar as much as pushing back against shitting up the board and discussion.

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Well i mean he has a job so, god forbid people like rebbeca sugar have drama at that level of professionalism.

>do that and wait. i guarantee something better will be made in response.

I honestly fucking doubt it. We're in a weird time where these creatives are so insular, that if something fails, they'll assume it was everyone's fault but their own.

>you thought you liked it but you didnt

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he wont have a job if nobody gives a shit about what he makes


Thundercats Roar is an example of western animation hitting the bottom of the barrel. That's the problem. An ugly, soulless reboot of a property barely anyone likes. You just look at it, and think, "why?"

these creatives arent running the company. its people who want money. if they make no money, they are practically forced to comply with demand or try something new. if they dont, they go under, and nothing of value will be lost

not even that user but the writing shit the bed once they changed staff from the first episode. visually it was good looking but that isn't all a cartoon is.

ok grandpa