I guess we're not getting a Hawkman movie anytime soon

I guess we're not getting a Hawkman movie anytime soon

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So how does WW pee?

boys have penis and girls have vagina

Hawkman will be in Black Adam, aka: Justice Society of America (and the fantabulous emancipation of one Black Adam)

No shit.
I meant, like, how does it actually work? I mean, like, does she have to pull it out the side of her armor's leg hole to pee? Or does she just let it all dribble down her leg? Wouldn't her armor rust?


Are you fucking kidding? That's a picture of "Pigene" the made-for-movie pigeon character that's debuting in WW84.

DC is going to be introducing her in comics in their June solicits.

It’s a dumb costume and Gal was a miscast

fuck you asshole i actually googled pigene

A retro JSA movie would be neat
In the hands of these morons however...

>user thinks women have cloaca.
You sure need to study up some more.

>>women have cloaca
Hey dumbass, where do you think their eggs come from?

>Wondy's Kingdom Come armor

I'm one to always argue that any comic book costume can look decent on the big screen so long as you actually fucking try.
This just looks awful.

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I'm hoping it'll look better in-motion during the movie, like how Gotham's Joker looks super ugly in the poster reveal but looked pretty good in the episode itself.

I don't think this is an official poster. I have face blindness, so I have been practicing trying to understand facial features better, so I could be wrong, but that doesn't seem to be Gal Gadot.

So I looked at the official twitter and I am not seeing it there. Where did you get this?

You're wrong

Before Azzarello the explanation was that sinse she was clay she didn't need to pee.

Now, she is a demigoddess and se is above these things

Duality of user

She looks a bit like Ariana Grande in this poster
She literally doesn't need to pee. That is the concern of lesser beings

>She looks a bit like Ariana Grande in this poster

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>literally Saint Seiya

God allmighty the garbage.

I refuse to believe there isn't a mouse mole behind DC's movie decisions after seeing this.

Who the fuck thinks this actually looks good? Especially coming off your one good movie after the rest failed horribly.

Aquaman and Shazam were pretty neat

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I'm torn on how they should do a JSA film: Retro style golden age/WW2 on the homefront; The Golden Age elseworld McCarthy red scare; or just entertain the comeback from limbo origin.

remember how bad the on set costume for Ant-man & Wasp looked. Hopefully the can post-pro the fuck out of this.

I think this is fake too, her expression is of pure boredom.

Wow. That, uhhh... that does not look good.

It's fucking unholy how awful & cheap those wings look.

Impossible since she is not a midget.

The anime references write themselves.

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Presumably she'd have to take off the armor if she didn't want to piss herself.

Just like a real life suit of full armor.

So she probably makes sure she's used the bathroom before donning it.

Aioros is a girl now, FUCK YOU! Netflix

God damn it Gadot does not look like Diana at all and she never will.
What were they thinking

I think The Golden Age McCarthy red scare would work much better if you do the retro WW2 movie first.

someone posted about Hawkman in Black Adam right?

I'll believe it when I see it

>all this NOT MUH going on
>Yas Forums pretending to give a shit about Wonder Woman
Shut the fuck up.

I reserve my right to not give a fuck but saying that the design is garbage nonetheless.
Now seethe more.

Boys have a a urethra and girls have a urethra

She absolutely upstaged Hawkman in Kingdom Come with that get-up.

Attached: kingdom-come-issue-3-page-38.jpg (515x800, 152.89K)

Why did they decide to use the armor from the comic where Wonder Woman was portrayed as a blood-thirsty cunt?

I bet this was Johns idea. Fucking hell.

That HELMET fits her so well! The way it hugs her face but didn't make her look like a giant headed of infant proportions like Black Mask or Predators.
She looks great it it, I'm not looking at the crotch, or the quilted leggings. I'm looking at the wings and the edges and they all look GREAT! Are you going to conspire to hate it or what?

>why do you give a shit about Mirror Master
>why do you give a shit about Orion
>why do you give a shit about Wonder Woman
I don't know if it'd be worse if you're the one behind all these posts or if there are several anons in Yas Forums that can't understand people like to talk about comics in the comics board

The new flash gordon movie is looking pretty good. I hope they casted a good actor to play ming.

you know those onesies that were all the rage for like half the past decade? same thing

to answer your question, yes, yes she does, she does whatever she needs to do

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Gal has a cute face bet her sloppy toppy is terrible

the world would be much better off if they chose another actress

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I want to reply with "We want the Hawkman audience" but Hawkman doesn't have an audience, and neither will this movie.

The majority of Yas Forums actively dislikes Wondy as a matter of principle. Stop pretending otherwise.

Fuck you, Waid.

Gordon's ALIVE?!

Daedalus and Icarus, Respek Greek, yo

>The majority of Yas Forums actively dislikes Wondy as a matter of principle
That's simply wrong and I don't know where you got that impression from

>somehow hasn't seen the dozens of threads shitting on the character
>hasn't noticed that her book rarely gets storytimed
>hasn't noticed that Yas Forums still thinks she's man-hating fetish bait
You must be new here, and also retarded as hell. Just fuck off already.

We shit on every character, Orlando run is just a bit boring and he's full on a fix job because nobody likes the current status quo, and we complain about the bad portrayal of the character not the character itself.

>any comic book costume can look decent on the big screen so long as you actually fucking try.

see that's the thing they don't try

is DC going to reach 1billion at the box office again?

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Why DC cares so much about Kingdom Come? The comic sucks outside of the art and the story shits all over their characters. It's like constantly reminding the fans about a bad future that everyone wishes it would not come to pass.

Probably because when you filter out the fap/cum/tits post on every topic about her here, you get like 5 fans discussing what a cluster fuck the franchise is. And how it needs to go back to X.
