The punchline is covid19

The punchline is covid19

Attached: 459_WashingHands.jpg (800x360, 131.89K)

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Your stores still have soap?

Why is it called covid-19 when it came out in 2020? Is this like the opposite of the sports video game naming scheme?

>came out in 2020
You haven't been following the news, have you.

user the virus started in 2019... Are you literally retarded?

These jokes are actually getting less clever.

they were never funny

This isn't meant to be a joke dumbass

he was a college humor cartoonist, of course it's unfunny

To appease the chinese overlords. Call it the Wuhan flu.

>could have been called corvid-19
>endless potential for crow puns ruined

Sure, but how can we make this into Loss?

It's called the Wuhan Virus

I don't get it

19 is literally the least stupid part of the name.
COVID is a truncation Coronavirus Virus Disease, which is retarded

there's nothing to get

Is the joke the fact his mouth is hanging open and the virus is airborne?
Or the futility of the act when you are more likely to get it out in public than you would at home doing something you'd be doing anyway?

And you never will.

Attached: Wash.png (957x631, 564.91K)

Well CVD and CVID were already taken. What were they supposed to do? They removed the redundant "virus" from the full name, so I don't see what the problem is. The acronym serves its purpose. The number is the only stupid part.

>Well CVD and CVID were already taken. What were they supposed to do?
Gee, I don’t know, maybe they should use the number of the year it first appeared to distinguish it from the other or something.

Yeah I never said they shouldn't. Why are you insinuating that I did when everyone can clearly read that I didn't? Are you a cop?

They should just name it after the region it was found in like every other dangerous pathogen.

The guy’s eyes are yellow, I think he’s already fucked.

>Alright people we have a global pandemic on our hands and its up to us to handle it so first priority!
>We need to think of a catchy name for the virus
>>Uh actually that's the last thing, you mixed up the slides again...

Attached: death to the pointy haired one.png (300x300, 98.34K)

Wuhan Tang Clan

shimmy shimmy ya shimmy yo shimmy yay
gimme corona and never take it away

It's in the water?

>I'm washing my hands very thouroughly
>doesn't wash the back of his hand or between the fingers
Artist laziness or genuine retard?

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Nobody calls it that except Americans who are trying to make it yet another geopolitical issue.

Nothing indicates he's at home, or that he didn't just come from outside.

No pathogen has been named that way in decades.

>Nobody calls it that except dipshits

Does washing hands really help or it's just a meme for retards with OCD so people can just have a psychological comfort?

Attached: corona.png (1138x873, 786.73K)

LMAO no dude, germs aren't even real
Of course it helps, retard, it's a very basic hygiene practice. You touch shit with your hands. That shit might have germs on it, including covid-19. Then you touch your face/eyes/mouth or any other mucuous membrane which are the most sensitive to viruses. There's a reason even primitives who don't have access to soap and running water know you don't wipe your ass with the same hand you eat.

Attached: _105604665_gettyimages-1127594223-594x594.jpg (410x230, 10.5K)

The woohoo flu

East asian inflammation.

The Ah-Chu Flu

If this virus is still going on by April 1st mods should combine Yas Forums and Yas Forums and call it /covid/.

I would like that if it didn't mean we have to deal with Yas Forumsermins. Also that was a one-time thing.

No Yas Forums should just shut down the site by order of the WHO

Winnie the Flu in the Hundred Square Foot Apartment.

Make it 19+ adults only and call it /covid19/

Detergents deactivate the virus. You can also use what you use for your laundry or toilet, as long as you wash your fucking hands you filthy pig.

>maybe they should use the number of the year it first appeared
hence "19", but the more appropriate name would be "2019-nCoV" or "SARS-CoV-2"

I wonder how many zoomers will die, refusing to do simple things because a "boomer comics" told them to do it.

t. bitter boomer

Found the dead zoomer

toonhole fucking blows

nah, because I know the thing is real.

It's already a geopolitical issue. China is even trying to blame it on the US now

That's just typical for the clown world politics has become today. One side says something, the otherside says 'NO U'

You mean "SARS-CoV-2-Electric-Boogaloo".

Scientific labels must be consistent above all else, you know this.

You are glowing

The “19” part reflects the last ditch effort out of envy the dying 2010’s had against the young 2020’s with more superior expectations. Thus ruining it’s reputation by casting out the COVID as a weapon of revenge.

I can hear it. I thought it was cool they had continuity/an arc.

Why are we blaming China when Canada was the one who created this virus 5 years ago?

Fools. It was Doctor Victor von Doom, ruler of Latveria, who created the Corvid-19 pandemic, through the use of his doombots spreading it first from his sovereign superior country of Latveria, then to the rest of the world.


Tom Hanks Disease

I activate the Corona Cannon in full attack mode.


About 0 at least this year. This version doesn't affect healthy young people, but they can make it a lot worse for populations that are actually at risk by propagating.

not dying != not being affected.

It's not a flu you utter retard

stop watching Fox "news"

corvid-19 should be saved for a bird flu revival