Hi, Yakko Warner here, and Yakko says trans rights

>Hi, Yakko Warner here, and Yakko says trans rights.

Attached: Yakko Warner says trans rights.png (1079x1080, 287.83K)

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What the fuck is trans rights, the law doesn't care about people's sex or gender. That fucking sect is lobbying for privileges, not rights.


Men want the right to enter women's bathrooms.

>oh noooo a drawing said a dumb slogan that doesn't align with my politics wahhhhh

Get fucked

They should just use the handicap bathrooms.

Trans don't deserve special rights. They deserve the right to be made fun of just like anyone else.

If only real people didn't have the same retarded opinions

Rights to what exactly? Not be funny anymore? Cause that ain't happening.

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I can tell you're coming from an angry place. Literally no one in this thread gives that impression.

Then explain why the thread was created? OP is just looking to stir up some shit with more faggoty Twitter drama, nothing else.

Maybe it was created because it's funny?

You're pretty fucked in the head.

I really wonder how SJW they’ll make Yakko in the reboot
What do you all think

You know what our cartoon for children really needs? Grotesque discussions of sexuality.

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cool cool

Now say something lewd Yakko

Did anyone explain to Rob Paulsen what "trans right" are?

>the right to be made fun of just like anyone else
>just like anyone else
This is exactly what they don't want. They don't want equality, they want superiority.
Not trans (cis?) people get insulted, treated unfairly, said shitty things normally but when it happens to THEM, only then it becomes an issue.

Yeah, but they don't get insulted for being not trans. Meanwhile you're just an edgy 14 year old who goes LOL INSIDE OUT PENIS 41%

Why are trannies so narcissistic? They have to make everything about themselves

Nevermind what he said, this animation is gorgeous. If the reboot looks anything like this, we'll be solid.

>OP is just looking to stir up some shit with more faggoty Twitter drama, nothing else.
Right, and up until your post, no one was falling for it by screeching at the top of their lungs.

Dude....... or dudess................... this is fan made you goddamn retard.

So you have no standards

Trash compactors are also gender neutral

You just know it won;t be

Yes, they do. Not for being cis, which is probably what you're getting at but IT CAN AND WILL HAPPEN FOR MANY OTHER REASONS.
I do not expect you to understand this because you a blinded by your bitterness and nothing I say will make you change your mind and that's okay. But, hey, it's the real world, things are unfair most of the time. The world is not supposed to be your safe space or pillow fort and, yet, you demand BETTER treatment than others simply for being transgender.
You suffer, I know, but so do we all. Bad, shitty, terrible things happen to everyone.
>you're just an edgy 14 year old who goes LOL INSIDE OUT PENIS 41%
This childish generalization was uncalled for tho. See? If I made a similar joke but regarding transgender people, you will think it's WORSE than the silly bullshit you said there.


Based Chappelle and Gervais still making fun of trannies. It'll be a dark day for comedy once they're gone

Based Bugs expressing himself but also being a proud male so he BTFO all trannies

what the fuck are the right that trannys dont already have?


I'm not transgender though.

dial 8

That's your whole response? Alright then. Should've known to bother less.

It's a really simple, rational argument.
Biological females don't want transwomen in women's bathrooms because transwomen are far more likely to be sex offenders and violent criminals.

Biological women are very different from transwomen, physiologically, behaviorally, psychologically.

It's really that simple.

>far more likely to be sex offenders and violent criminals
That's a shitty transphobic thought BUT thanks to this whole trans thing, if I was actually a sex offender, like the ones who used to attack and rape women in the past DRESSED AS MEN in their bathrooms, if I was one of those guys these days, I could simply dress up as a woman and, if anybody complains, I'll say I'm trans so they can't tell me to go out because it's my right to be there.
And then proceed to attack women.

reminder that every time someone says trans rights they're talking about the 'right' to give impressionable 10-14 year olds permanent sex changes and hormones without even having parental approval

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I missed hearing Rob's voice even if it was him saying something like that. I hope the reboot is good specifically so I can watch for Yakko.

The right to get you arrested for saying mean words

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jesus all that information, in what place is it normal for someone to have all that shit revealed for saying mean things? even something actually considered offensive to a lot of people like a racial slur... when does that usually happen


I hope all these fuckers get the shit sued out of them.

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when she actually does commit suicide after the treatment, what will Doctor Wong have to say?

More like trans wrongs!

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>Another transphobic shitfest by retards who know nothing about trans issues

>this is fan made you goddamn retard.
I said "if the reboot looks like this". Maybe learn english before you vomit words out of your asshole.
Have you seen the animation in cartoons lately? This would be a massive step up from that shit.

ok groomer

ITT the Prager U marching band

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It's just a virtue signal that means you support trannies. The "rights" part doesnt matter anymore. The term has mutated from that original meaning.

>if either of the girl's parents refer to their daughter as a girl, they will be considered guilty of family violence
....there's no way to fucking describe how bizarrely stupid this is

Her father is a good man and I feel sorry he has to deal with such retardation. Just wanting the best for your child has become so much more strained than "don't skip school, don't fall for the drug memes". Now you have to fucking deal with shit like this and it's really out there in some places like this.

why couldn't he say CHRISTIAN RIGHTS huh?????

It's a website populated by upper middle class edgelord suburban 16 year olds.

I expect this to happen a lot more in the future. A lot of Gen Z and younger Millennials treat LGBTQ as a new edgy way to piss off their parents. “I’m not like other girls! I like my hair short, don’t wear dresses all the time, and sometimes I’m attracted to female cartoon characters! I’m a bigender bisexual now!”

People will look back on this in the same way people look back on emo kids now. Cringeworthy.

Damn, i can only imagine the abomination that asked Paulsen to say that line

This x says trans rights bullshit should be memeballed
>when the only entities that support convincing the mentally ill that fucking up your hormones and genitals is okay are the cartoon characters you photoshop in front of a flag

He looks like a fucking stonetoss

Men are already forced to enter women's bathrooms, actually.

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>mentally ill
I see you're a psychiatrist, since you're qualified to decide what is a mental illness.

Trans issues lie in mental illness that deserves treatment because we don't care about treating mental illness then these kind of people shoot up places

>children are property

>Trans issues lie in mental illness that deserves treatment
it is being treated (succesfully) by transitioning why is that so hard to understand? The earlier the greater success.

>mental illness is when I don't like stuff

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