The beginning of each decade since the '70s sees a new villain introduced to Batman's rogues gallery touted as his...

The beginning of each decade since the '70s sees a new villain introduced to Batman's rogues gallery touted as his greatest threat.
>70s was Ra's al Ghul
>80s was Killer Croc (Back when he was still smart)
>90s was Bane
>2000s was Hush
>2010s was The Court of Owls
What villain will be Batman's greatest enemy for the 2020s? It had better not be The Batman Who Laughs

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Barely a blip right now. He would have to pull off something like Knightfall to be considered. I think it's just Ra's al Ghul

Not a bad theory.

But I thought you said new characters being introduced? The Designer could be, or perhaps a red herring or merely to be upstaged by Joker

I was certain it would be The Batman Who Laughs until Dildo got fired. Now it's up in the air.

Wait, are they finally going to ease up on that fag? That’s be great

In a surprise twist, it’s Punchline.

professor pyg

Jim Lee and Bob Harras are big fans of Batman Who KEK,

i got a idea for a character
the superman who laughed

No, no. You're going about this wrong. It has to be the Superman Who's Bald.

brilliant i will email jim lee right now

the flash who went backwards
the thor who pranked
the captain america who hailed hydr.... wait a minute

Just imagine:

Dr. Flash who Zooms

or the BLACK aquaman

>Ra's Al Ghul, Killer Croc, and Bane (plus Harley Quinn) are all less than 50 years old
Kinda weird to think about, don't yall think? I mean these characters are all staples of Batman's rogue gallery and yet they are all still relatively recent creations when compared to him and others like the Joker. Just feels weird a bit, that's all.

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They're the ones who stood out the most. For every Bane and Croc, you have 3 or 4 minor villians who show up for an arc and get thrown to the wayside.

Yeah, anyone remember Dr. Aesop or Tiger Shark?

> the deadpool who dies

>The Iron Man who drinks
Oh, wait

Batman: TAS helped a lot (outside of Bane who's big push came in the comics, he was basically pushed to the top straight off with Knightfall). Before that Mr. Freeze was considered a joke character.

>Mr. Freeze was considered a joke character
I remember being kinda confused the first time I Animal Man as a trade and seeing Mr. Freeze in limbo with Red Bee and the Inferior Five.

The Aquaman Who Baby Murders

>The Green Lantern Who Is Also Yellow

Wait wut

>it was you barry

Which Tiger Shark? The black marketeer or the Black Manta knockoff?

The possible ones are:
>The Batman who laughs
>DC Editors & Bendis

As much I hate to admit it, the Batman Who Laugh is a strong contender right now.

The Batman who laughs, in himself isn't that bad a character. The problems with him are
1)He's been made as too giant a threat, instead of a personal one.
2)He appears too much.

For some reason I really like the idea of Batman Who Laughs as a silver age villain in a silver age type comic
>BATMAN featuring: “The Batman Who Laughs”
>Cover art shows Batman and the Joker fighting a team of generic crooks, while Robin looks on confused
>“Sorry Robin, but I’m going to take on the Joker as my partner for this case”
>“Golly, Batman and his worst enemy, fighting side by side”

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>in himself isn't that bad a character.
He is. In fact The Batman cartoon and John Carpenter’s Joker one shot executed the amalgamation better

It will be Punchline

But she’s just a hired goon. I’m excited to know what her deal is but I don’t see her being a main act

You're all over the place.
Killer Croc was '83, Bane was '93, Hush was '03, so saying it's the beginning of the decade isn't quite right when it was the fourth year of the decade.
Then you say "Better not be Batman Who Laughs". Wasn't he created in 2017? He's not a new 2020s villain dude...

Also, when the fuck was Killer Croc touted as his "greatest threat"? I don't think Hush was spun that way either. Court of Owls probably was, but that's Snyder's exhausting hyperbolism.
Ra's and Bane are the only ones on your list who could possibly be spun that way and not laughed at.
Hush and the Owls had one good commercial storyline, that's it.

Anyone remembers Fatman and Little Boy?

To a lesser extent, Beware the Batman pushed Magpie into making way more appearances than she ever did before the show, though she's still a minor villain.

Did The Batman or Brave and the Bold push any particular existing villains? Or even create memorable OCs?

In his debut iirc, Croc's apperence in Gotham caused a number of Batman villains to rally together and hunt down (and kill) Batman before Croc could.

It will be Batman himself who will be his greatest villain.


BatB had Equinox

Never really watched The Batman so I don't know.

>80s was Killer Croc

Prove it


Good points. He is too much now a Darkside or Monitor level threat. And they burn him too fast at the moment.
The character osnt that bad. The problem i and maybe others have is he is too much 90s revival.

So far, The Designer. We're still three months into the decade. In 2010 Morrison introduced Leviathan before Snyder did the Owls, so we'll have to wait and see.

It may not seem like it now, but at the time Killer Croc was a big deal. He was the main antagonist for a major arc that saw him against all of Batman's other big shot villains at the time. He was also the one who killed pre-crisis Jason Todd's parents.

The Batman gave us the Cobblepot/Wayne family grudge. I don't think any particular characters stuck. They introduced Scorn to the comics and gave Firefly his black and yellow armor a few times, but it's never anything huge.

Brave and the Bold had Music Meister, who's showed up in the Lego games and The Flash.

Why are you pretending like there is only one per decade? The 70's also gave us Lady Shiva. The 80's also gave us Scarface, Black Mask, and Anarky. The 90's also gave us Harley Quinn and Zsasz. The 00's gave us Professor Pyg.

Nothing after Flashpoint will be remembered though. Batman ended with Morrison, regardless of whatever temporary Elseworlds writers are churning out today.

Even before that, there was Killer Moth; who was treated as a big threat in his original 1951 three-parter (a rarity in the late Golden Age)and even figured out Bruce was Batman and had plastic surgery to look like him.

The others all got off comparatively easy compared to him though in terms of being taken seriously.

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Oh, that's right. Black Mask was touted as the "Villain of the 80s" and crazier than The Joker and Ras.

Before he was revealed to be Alfred, the Outsider also got a big build up in the 60s.

Harley was a c-lister until the 00s. Outside her original solo series she didn't have very many appearances in canon and didn't really get popular until '09 with Arkham Asylum.


Are we even sure The Designer is a real villain?

It's definitely the Batman who Laughs.

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Did the Great White Shark ever do anything beyond having Arnold Wesker and Orca assassinated?

Barbatos? He's a payoff to storyline that has been running since the 90s.

2010s was Darkside/Dr.Hurt

Who's Designer? I'm not exactly following King's run, and I can't even find wiki page on him.

Batman Who Laughs is a great concept. Typically a great villain is either an exact opposite of the hero - like Joker or Lex Luthor- or a dark reflection of the hero - like Ra's, Bane or Two-Face. Batman Who Laughs manages to be both at the same time.

In addition, he could be interesting character wise. He's got the personality of Joker, but all the skills of Batman, and his origin comes from Batman completely breaking down mentally.

The only problem with him is that idiots have written him so far as just lolrandom killer who laughs and murders people, but this CAN be fixed by handing him to a competent writer. He just needs his own Killing Joke/Knightfall.

>Batman Who Laughs is a great concept.
No, he's not. What the hell is wrong with you people?
>Dude what if Batman became the Joker in a amalgamation type deal?!
Chirst what are you, 14?

Dude, Bane is basically like "What if Batman grew up in prison and wanted to be world's best criminal'. Of course it's stupid, it's comics about people in spandex beating each other up.

The problem with Batman Who Laughs is not the premise, the problem is his complete lack of any psychological depth at all. He's an idea, instead of a real character. He'd make a decent villain in a video game that doesn't have much story, but as a story antagonist, he's half-baked.

Imagine if his origin instead involved the classic moment from Killing Joke. What if in this version, Batman did choke the Joker to death, like in the common fan theory? What if instead of magical Joker gas, the fact that he killed Joker slowly drove Batman insane, and he became obsessed with the last joke Joker said before he was dead? What if he started being prone to uncomfortable laughter while remembering that joke in inappropriate moments (like torturing prisoners) while also becoming more violent?

That could be interesting. Current version is just a villain sue worthy of worst dregs of Mark Millar.