Role Swap Twe/Eva

Screw it I'm pretty bored Yas Forums let's have a role swap between Twelve/Eva. Who can fit what roles better?

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Anime school girl Reggie

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Jeez, She's so hot.

I feel that Reggie and Asuka can fit there roles just fine. Reggie in Evavers wouldn't be a girl trying to grow up to fast or act all grown up but she would still have Asuka's Moral sensibility with the Eva escapism we all known and love.

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True, but who wore it better?

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How would Asuka fair in endless especially with the buttwitch? I like to think they be would get along at first but gradually come to despise each other.

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Reggie's in a coma how can we as user's help her? Anything would help.

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Did you try jacking off?

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Yes, but it doesn't work.

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How do I summon an Asuk.... I mean Reggie for myself?

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you want a tulpa?

If it's a Reggie one, then yes I do!

Human tulpas are dumb. Just animate your shadow and have it do your bidding

I wish some Reggie toys, statues and plushes.

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Just pretend it's the real deal, user.

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Bitch please! She's best girl.

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so we've got enough texts of Reggie as Asuka, but how about Asuka as Reggie?

I'm listening.

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Asuka would make endless her grownup wonder land. Oh, that reminds me Asuka manifesting buttwitch makes sense.

I've never watches 12 Forever beyond the pilot and only seen the first half of Evangelion. Are the shows actually similar or is it just a meme since they both have redhead girls as protagonists?

It's just a meme excuse for 12 forever threads since the show was cancelled.

Ah that sucks. The weeb in me likes the idea of a cartoon having similar themes as Evangelion. Makes it stand out from other cartoons thinking being loud equals comedy.

Well the show does tackle escapism with the trio especially Reggie and her disconnection with her friends.

Just watch the rest of Twelve and you will find out for yourself, user. Surprisingly she's similar to both Shnji and Asuka as characters

The themes of the shows crossover quite a bit and both seemed to be going for a similar message. Obviously Eva goes into more depth but there’s enough similarity to justify the memes

You know what, I'm going to give 12 Forever a watch tonight because of you anons.

Cool, give us an update asap, user. I want to know if I'm not crazy about the similarity.

I don't agree with them but yea update after watching. I'm fine if I'm it the wrong. You should probably finish Eva though if you really want to compare.

I mean obviously they're not going to be the same exactly but they do have some similarities with escapism and existentialism.

That is but two of the many many themes presented in Eva. To me, it's like comparing an ant to a giant. Most any show can be found to have some overlap with another but I don't think I would recommend 12 forever to someone based on the sole fact that they liked Eva, and for that reason I can't say there similar, the experience is just too different.

Each to their own, user. Fanart nice though.

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Like I mentioned, I'm curious what will think, and I'm fine with the meme of it. Twelve forever was pretty decent show!

Yes me to, I wonder what user will say? There's no thought into this but Reggie cosplays Asuka so well.

I’m sort of impressed that 12 Forever is actually about something (anything) thematically.
It such a rare thing in cartoons, specifically episodic cartoons, for the season to be structured around exploring a single theme. At most what you usually get is a sprinkling of continuity here and there to generate intrigue and lore but each episode is about something wildly different from the last, there’s no overall, consistent message throughout.
12Forever is the opposite of that, there isn’t any deep mysterious lore to be uncovered, it’s almost the point that Endless doesn’t make any sense, instead each episode builds on what we know about Reggie and her relationships with Endless, her friends and her family until it becomes clear that the Island isn’t a the show celebrating youthful imagination and the carefree joys of childhood, it’s depicting Reggie’s reluctance to grow up and her unhealthy reliance on escapism to distract from her insecurities and social ineptitude.
Like Evangelion it tricks you into thinking that you’re watching a cliched, genre fair and slowly subverts that premise into something much more interesting, dark and personal.

Yeah, I was thoroughly impressed with it. It really does portray the confusion of adolescence well, especially the variety of Reggie's. Shame it's unlikely to get a conclusion.

Yeah, I feel the same here too, user! I like how the show was consistent with Reggie's issues and detachment to reality. Reggie's excessive need for admiration for the people she feels close too (endless) and disregard for others' feelings (Her friends) is part of her narcissism and don't forget Reggie's self-entitlement about endless.

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I think the thing about 12F not having any real lore is important in how it feels kind of unique.
Recent hit cartoons like Gravity Falls, Steven Universe and Star Vs all ended up having secrets revealed that built up to apocalypse level threat, high stakes showdown. Owl House feels like it’s on that same track, Amphibia too in a half-assed way.
Those shows get a lot of emotional mileage out of what’s at stake. I’m not saying they don’t do character well but the narrative focus being on the whatever the threat is can quickly tip over into melodrama.
12F being almost entirely character drive means its able to generate genuine character drama from totally benign interactions. Butt Witch might be a threat to Endless but Bethune is as mundane a setting as you could find and Endless has no reach there. So much of the drama comes from the breakdown of Reggie, Todd and Esther’s friendship regardless of whether they’re on the Island or at home and it feels real because it’s based on the characters, rather than satisfying a predetermined dramatic reveal or deep mystery.
Also, I just realized Infinity Train was trying to do the same thing as 12F by having the Tulip grow as a person through her adventure but they rushed the whole thing so terribly that you’d barely notice that’s what’s supposed to be happening. Haven’t seen the second one yet

If only Reggie had a final fight scene in endless.

I mean to death, sorry!

Reggie suppose to stay in Endless and be 12 forever. Jeez, Guys. I know the show starts getting old but I still love Reggie so much. I never felt this much love for any cartoon character.

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Would she like the Eva curse or not?

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Eva curse...this not aging stuff?
That's an easy question because I totally feel Reggie.
First, yes of course, but later when everyone else aging around her, no. Yes, in Endless everyone is immortal, but she would get bored of Endless. IF she could find new friends, maybe she would be happy again. It depends on new friends. sorry about my broken English btw

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How did Reggie lose her eye?

>sorry about my broken English btw
Baby steps, user, Take baby steps. And yes Reggie would get tired of endless, imagine her safe haven turn into her nightmare.

Can someone edit this with Reggie crying about bum fuck Iowa?

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Any updates on you're report, user?

I just back home about 20 minutes ago. I can probably fit in 2 or 3 episodes before I need to sleep.
You all don't need to worry about me. I'll post in the next thread if this one is archived before I can make my opinion.

Then I'll be waiting. Godspeed, user, god speed!

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I will say that first impressions so far,

I can definitely see where the Autistic Reggie memes come from.

She's a sperg but she's my our autistic little girl.

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I'm done with the first two episodes. So far, it seems like that Endless is purely just a place Reggie goes when she wants praise and support, judging by how everyone on the island loves her. Her mom says she just locks herself in her room all day, which is where she was both times she went to Endless, and it explains the key she uses to get there. This makes me think that it's purely her just playing pretend and that Todd plays along with her fantasy.

I like how they joke about puberty beyond just zit jokes. Being on Netflix instead of network television is probably why they could make one on periods. Buttwitch is a pretty based.

I don't like the manic designs they use for the characters and their personalities, but I get the feeling that was kind of the point, with Reggie being a hyper, possibly on the spectrum kid. I really don't like the mom either. She doesn't seem like that great of a mother. Her puberty talk is to throw some book at Reggie and walk away. And I understand that they are probably not doing well financially, but she's selling her kids stuff they clearly still like to make a few bucks at a garage sale, and her presents seem like her just trying to do a two-for-one with giving Reg essentials instead of gifts she might like to save money.

I might be over analyzing, but even I need to sperg out sometimes.


>This makes me think that it's purely her just playing pretend
just wait till you get to later episodes, it gets bizarre

Any drawfags?

>I might be over analyzing, but even I need to sperg out sometimes
Your not alone brother.

I love them.

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If is Reggie. Maybe
Eva shit. No
Buttwitch. Yes

Then you came to the wrong thread, user. But that's cool I can respect that. buttwitch killing reggie with the lance of longinus