Tonight his final pieces of happiness will get shattered

Tonight his final pieces of happiness will get shattered..
Can't wait!

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according to roundtable, he might be singing a reprise of the wedding song from season 5

connie u pis of shit

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steven is just desperate and connie has common sense

that little piece of shit only cares about herself
she literally abandoned steven, and she doesn't give a shit about her feelings

Hope she gets mindfucked into being a proper friend instead of the toxic bitch she was to Steven.

All it shows it that Connie truly can't understand Steven despite them fusing. She can just move on in life because she's had an EASY life (example: Chris Thorndyke) with no significant problems. Steven has always only been that unconscious outlet for her that every human wants deep down and that's to be "special".

I hope it disappears in the end
and steven ends up with lapis and spinel in space

why is watching Steven suffer so enjoyable?

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It was pretty obvious even as early as fusion cuisine .Connie was always ashamed of him

Man, the confirmation that Future is gonna be the grand finale of the series has really got the loony shippers out in force, huh?

One, nothing wrong with me

The song in Together Forever is apparently called "i’d rather be me (with you)". It's sung by Steven and apparently there's a vid floating around.


anyone knows good streaming site for tonight?

No. Steven will be happier without his toxic relationship and though it may hurt at first, he will move on to become stronger than ever

what is he hiding?

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It's a standard x-ray practice. It also seems his height is fluctuating properly since the sleeves on the gown cover his entire arms as opposed to here which isn't just a usual board good

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The click bate is real today

his buttocks


his diamond piercing his gut


no, brown futa forever! thou if he can erase or dominate her mind and still form Stevonnie I would be fine with that

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user. You’re never seeing Stevonnie again.

Didn't want to make another thread. Here's a promo for the 2nd episode tonight "Growing Pains"

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While an SU thread is up, i've manage to snag the unleash the light assets but how the fuck am I suppose to view it? I've only got AssetStudio.


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and shes out the window

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Are they trying to turn Beach City into a mini-San Francisco?


I have literally no idea where you people are pulling any of this from, especially with her last episode this season. It really seems like you're just making up shit to be mad about because you have some different ship that Connie interrupts.

It was when her and Steven fell out after he came back from Homeworld and tried to act like he had everything under control. You know, ignoring the fact that if Lars hadn't randomly been on that ship he would've have been there to die for Steven and thus Steven would've starved to death.

Nah it's always been like that. You can explore the city better in Save the Light (which I recommend btw, pretty comfy Paper Mario style RPG)

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*wouldn't have

This doesnt help explain anything. You still seems like you're making shit up to be mad about.

Dude, she ignored him for like weeks because she didn’t get to fight. When they were at the same party, she threw a tantrum because he was having a good time without her. That’s pretty toxic behavior, Ghost someone and get mad if they’re looking happy without you

Oh I'm not that other user, I'm just explaining their logic. The only reason people bitched about that moment was because they had to wait six months for the episode at the time.

That's not what happened and you know it.

Are you telling me she didn’t explode when she saw Steven happy? Or that she didn’t ignore Steven. Because we all know she did.

How could she ignore him and also see he was happy before the party? You need to work on your bait user because your shit's retarded.

No, during the party she was at. She came in all happy and perfectly fine and only got upset when Steven was happy with new friends. That’s not a healthy person to be with.

She did not.

Then why did she throw a tantrum and saying Steven had a new best friend after ghosting him? That’s straight up Spinel behavior. She’s a toxic girl.

they gonna Mordecai wife Steven? they gonna Mordecai wife Steven!?

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Yes. A black girl.

I hope not.

if lapis doesnt get another speaking role before this show ends im going to join an mma gym just so i can learn the technical finesse to beat up a punching bag with rebecca sugars face on it

why not, they already mordecai wifed Sadie

Where can i watch the episode

cartoon network

You mean like Steven did at the roller rink

He wasn’t upset at her. And he didn’t blow up at her for having friends. Connie is a toxic person, user. Steven will be a better person when she’s gone from his life.

Yes, he's going to end up with a girl named Juanita for maximum kino.

oh no
I didnt know Steven was in Coco

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How did you end up wearing it, Steven?

I don't get CN
Thank you

>The episodes where everything goes to shit for Steven airs on Friday the 13th.


May Covid-19 get them all.

So...'Growing pains' is where he turns into Gemzilla, isn't it?