Snarf is unironically the best part of Thundercats Roar

Snarf is unironically the best part of Thundercats Roar.

Attached: thundercats4.jpg (594x509, 49.91K)

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Which isn't saying much

More like "Thundercats Roar is cancelled"

I’m more of a Smarf guy myself

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can Corona-chan cancel Thundercats Roar?

>the best part of ThunderCats Roar
>not Cheetiddytara

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Reverse traps make my penis the big penis

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>the worst part of the entire franchise is the best part of the new show

I can draw cute doodles too, you know.

(empty space to indicate a long pause)

But that does not automatically make my cute cat doodles into "good writing".

>Haters are cancelled
Boy, he sure showed them who's boss!

Low hanging fruit


I've not seen a single redeeming aspect of this show beyond some small bits of really good animation. Who is this show even for.

Nobody knows

Besides being a soulless ripoff of TTG, Thundercats Roar is badly drawn with terrible jokes. TTG has a previous series and the entire DC universe to draw on for jokes, break the 4th wall pretty consistently, and is mostly pretty good. Thundercats has, what? They're based off the 80s series that nobody remembers to begin with. The most recent reboot was 2011 that shares no continuity with the original series.

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>unironically whiteknighting over a terrible cartoon

Thundercats Roar is a failed project and dead by now. This almost feels like some sort of necrophilia.


Quit trying to shovel your shit here election tourist

simp detected


Nobody with a triple digit IQ speaks like this

Zoomers deserve death, they unironically say this shit is better than the 80's Thundercats. I feel bad for the creators of the original that have to see this shitty kiddie bastardization of their work.

roar is actually animated , the 80s cartoon is full of static drawn out frames

Hit a nerve?

The simp being the ones defending a soulless cash grab or do you lack proper grammar ESL?

It's poorly drawn.

ThunderCats Roar is unironically a fun cartoon with cool, quirky animation, simply yet appealing designs, and the occasional good joke. Prove me wrong.

Attached: Cookie O'Clock.webm (1920x1080, 1.9M)

still animated which is something missing in recent cartoons

Namecalling can't bring this shitty show from the depths of oblivion. Deal with it, user.

I’d like to feel my low-hanging fruit slapping against Cheetara’s fat ass as I vigorously fuck her from behind, doggystyle.

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Neck yourself zoomerfaggot

The animation is good like 5% of the time. The rest is just noodle armed nonsense on a blank background

>if i keep namecalling, maybe he will disappear

Cope tranny

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5% is still a bigger number than 1%

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Goddammit, post more Roar Cheetara already

Answered my question.

Look, I have a giant boner for dykey looking chicks too but she's not even well drawn

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New episodes are here on the Cartoon Network website can someone please rip them?

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Just watch them on the website dumdum

>Warrior Maidens episode
Holy shit I’m gonna cum

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>monkey face

raise your standards

Who cares when the drawings are so shitty?

C'mon, man. Even with the show's simple art style, Cheetara is still drawn with definite sex appeal. She's plenty boner-inducing.

That was just one specific pose and facial expression. Also, it's a goofy CARTOON. Do you ever question why people fap to Marge Simpson or the Kanker sisters?

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What's the matter,posting wojak doesnt make you hard anymore ?

>blaming Reddit for people calling other people "trannies" for no reason
Stop deflecting the blame ,Yas Forums,you did this and poularized it,not Reddit

Some of us can’t access the full episodes. Streaming >>> Cable TV

No, The_Donald refugees did this

HEY! some of us don't have access to full episodes dum dum

>She's plenty boner-inducing.
Not with that down's syndrome addled manchild face

oh I'm not a hater. I trully, and legetimate, think this cartoon is fucking garbage.

Episode 6 animation (or whatever the one with the unicorns is) was pure diharrea, you could still see the story board in it. I had to drop the show for good.

Lol, imagine going on the Comics & Cartoons board and being incapable of appreciating more stylized designs and understanding how others can still find those designs fappable

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>Episode 6 animation (or whatever the one with the unicorns is) was pure diharrea, you could still see the story board in it
Bro, are you just talking about this sequence? Holy shit, why do you hate FUN? You're getting mad at a cartoon for excelling at doing something you personally don't want it to.

Attached: silly goofy cartoons.webm (852x480, 1.7M)

I have not seen a single screenshot from this show that does not make me want to gouge my eyes out. It's like they purposefully ask "how can we make this as unappealing and childish as possible" and then proceed to outdo themselves...

>I hate cartoons
What are you doing on this board, man? Go back to your 9-5 office job since you’re apparently too mature for silly cartoons.

I know this artist. I jerked off to his art.

H-has that artist drawn any Cheetara??

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no standards

If fucking Snarf is the best part of your Thundercats Reboot, then you seriously fucked up.

no taste