It's not a racist movie. I've seen racist stuff from Disney and this isn't it. They're erasing history.
I don't agree with this
Oh yeah. Real loss to the world. One movie.
Yes, it is.
Well you don't see a lot of media depicting the real South or remnants of it. I think it's a piece of history and art.
Hey man, I just wanna see the movie where Zippee-dee-doo-dah came from.
No one even remembers Song of the South outside of the """racist""" clickbait controversy so from a business standpoint it's understandable. It is wrong to conveniently ignore all of the racist early Mickey Mouse shorts and just use Song of the South as some sort of scapegoat for all of the offensive things Disney did a fucking century ago.
There's a pretty good restoration of it on you can watch right now for free.
Bon NIger
Because it's far better to erase its horrible culture from existence. I long for the day when nobody remembers the Confederacy.
I watched this movie so many times as a kid in the 90s. I'm not from the US so I never made any association between it and slavery plus Disney didn't seem to have issues with distributing the VHS in my country.
it literally makes the case that slaves had it better on the plantation my man
Redpill: Song of the South is based on a collection of genuine African folk tales told by freed former slaves to a young white boy who lived nearby. The Uncle Remus stories were more famous than Dickens, Oz, and Peter Pan put together, back when they were originally published. They’re witty, subversive, and full of genuine heart.
The author used a phonetic accent when writing the text because he wanted them to be read aloud by people of every color, in the voice he originally heard them. To silence these stories is to silence a very real part of history that endured the horrors of slavery and came out the other side intact — until the drugs and tenements of the 60’s-80’s.
It’s racist NOT to watch Song of the South.
I would say the exact same thing about you when you die.
>Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
Those weren’t slaves on a plantation, they were freeman sharecroppers. At least try to troll better.
i want to destroy the south so fucking much; the south can only remain if they can prove how much punishment they can take from me
Fucking based.
>erasing history
Where did I hear that exact phrase? In any case, they could stream it with a disclaimer, considering they have Pocahontas and finally evil corporations aren't moral guardians in spite of how much they want to.
You're nominating fucking biden lmao
Meanwhile at WB
So the Union went to war with itself?
Can someone explain why this movie is RACIST? You can accuse it of portraying reconstructionist south inaccurately, or trying to hide the cruel realities of slavery by showing happy plantation workers (though that’s a stretch). But at no point does it ever show blacks in a negative light. In fact the whole movie is about interracial friendships and talking animal cartoon segments.
>first male black actor the win an acting Oscar
>iconic soundtrack
>blending of live action and animation important to the history of the medium
>regularly shown in theatres and on tv up until the late 80s or so
>based on series of stories important to black American culture during the 1800s (technically written by a white guy, but so was Black Panther and nobody seems to mind)
Most people who would watch it besides people intrigued by the controversy are those who have already seen it. If Warner Bros had this they would produce a documentary about ramifications of slavery, get a bunch of celebrities and social historians to talk about this movie as a featurette, and include the SotS as a bonus disc, all packaged as a Blu-ray with proceeds going to charity.
I'm not even American and I find the bipartisan system the biggest contradiction from the self-proclaimed greatest democracy of the world
Warner Bros > Disney
Well, considering that the eternal left has banned more than that, it's not just one movie. It's not just one movie at all.
>You're nominating fucking biden lmao
Kek, I'M not nominating shit, fuck Biden. Just because I'm not a righty doesn't mean I have to bootlick whoever's running democrat.
What else have they banned, user?
they went overboard there. just let people decide for themselves. it feels so dismissive like they're just trying to wipe their hands clean, and you can they were wrong then but society wouldn't be what it is now without it. then they end it all with a "woke" "eye-opening" "truth bomb" mic drop statement, you can just imagine the little onions git that wrote this being really smug with himself over that.
The setting itself is a plantation if you're that blind to not see it, and the movie completely whitewashes all the shit the South did to them. It deserves to be forgotten
Has anyone here even seen the movie? I sure as fuck haven't
Imagine getting triggered by a disclaimer advocating understanding and acceptance.
All of this. It baffles and pisses me off that a Disney film that actually brought African American folklore to a wider audience and won James Baskett a fucking Oscar is being buried just because it wasn't some fucking depressing social realist depiction of sharecropping. It was entertainment for fucking children, not a documentary. I don't hear this argument about other Disney films, they ALL sanitise history for kids, because unsurprisingly kids would rather watch a friendly old black man telling talking animal cartoon stories than see him being lynched. For fuck's sake.
>be Joel Chandler Harris
>be born the bastard son of an Irish immigrant in Antebellum Georgia
>be so low on the white Southern social ladder that the niggers pity you and let you hang around with them in the slave quarters
>spend countless hours learning the culture, songs, and mythology slaves had managed craft over the past two centuries
>Civil War drowns American society in a sea of blood
>become journalist for the Atlanta Constitution
>become one of the most ardent proponents of the dream of the New South
>compile the oral stories you heard as a child in the slave quarters into the fictitious Uncle Remus
>write an entire book ridiculing slavery, the Confederacy, and white supremacist attitudes in general and implicitly supporting racial intergration at a time where the original Ku Klux Klan was murdering supporters of Reconstruction left and right
>explicitly state that the purpose of the Uncle Remus character was the "the obliteration of prejudice against the blacks, the demand for a square deal, and the uplifting of both races so that they can look justice in the face without blushing”
>150 years later, humorless morons have somehow managed to conflate your beliefs with those you spent virtually your adult life attacking in editorials and satire
Good, fun is degenerate
Disney, a patriot, adapted the most famous African American children’s stories, and actually received some flak from the industry (like with a lot of stuff he did), thinking no “black movie” would make money from white audiences. 70 years later it’s considered the most unforgivable thing in the history of the company.
You can’t argue with people who say otherwise because our culture as a whole is moving away from debate and into dehumanizing the people who disagree with you. It’s the reason why Disney + put an offensive content disclaimer before The Jungle Book, even though nobody knows why. Might as well put it before everything from that era because the same animators who worked on them were the people who made the crows in Dumbo (but that’s another story).
That is my sentiment on the issue. There is nothing particularly racist about the movie.
I didn't know about any of this user, thanks for sharing.
You're an emotional retard.
Chang should you not be more concerned with the global virus you created?
>Splash Mountain still uses Song of the South theming
You heard it in 1984. It's about people who erase history.
>fake Obama actors pic taken by media
>making a real point
I saw it when I was a kid. It was a nice movie. It's honestly stupid the opinions of these people.
Because where you're from is such a utopia
It's not just one statue either
We're a republic.
The fact that liberals emboldened losers like you is pathetic.
And the truth comes out.
>dude it doesnt matter lol
Yas Forumsmblr is the most cucked board.
I swear, the people who claim Song of the South is racist have never actually watched the movie. But I guess you're just not allowed to depict slaves not actually minding their positions, even though the owners in the movie treat them quite well. Clearly, every slave owner whipped the absolute piss out of each and every single one of their slaves night and day. The most offensive thing about the movie is that it's just a bit boring. This would have been a good time to educate people about it.
And what's so bad about depicting something like that? It's not like they were that much better off in fucking Africa. They were given jobs, meals, clothes, and a roof over their heads.
That monkey song is kinda racist.
The real racists are Disney for assuming blacks are going to chimp out if they release the movie.
Song of South isn't racist. But that Melody Santa Claus is. SJW politics are a power grab for liberals, nothing more- with useful idiots like you know who up there as the grunt engine.
I'm gonna be honest. I don't care. I just don't fucking care. I'm tired of this culture "war". I'm tired of having to hear about what people think is offensive and then have people bitch about what said others found offensive. This shit is tiring. Life is too goddamn short for me to care about small shit like this. Because in the end it doesn't matter. NONE of this matters.
Fuck this movie, fuck those protesting it, fuck Disney and fuck you, OP.
Imagine working that hard on a film and because of liberals you can't ever show the film ever again. People are right to compare sjws to ISIS blowing up historical landmarks. The hypocrisy is endless.
>drugged up outsider
Shut the fuck up
Fuck centrists too.
Disney pretending blacks don't exist is worse than portraying blacks in a bad light.
t. black.
So the white kid in the film who makes friends with the black kid and hears Uncle Remus's stories is basically allegorical to his own experiences? Fuck, that makes this even more sad. You'd have thought the only people who'd find anything controversial about such a story of friendship and cultural exchange between races would be those who are pro-segregation.