Why was Thanos so much more likable in Infinity War?

Why was Thanos so much more likable in Infinity War?

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Because Infinity War was actually good unlike Endgame which was not

He was actually a character and a main one at that. In Endgame he was just a plot device and final boss.

it's a movie so it has a short time to tell a story unlike a comic book that can last as long as it wants. that means streamlining the character, narrowing his personality and focusing more on thematic execution: movie Thanos achieved his goal but it cost him everything. making him a simp for Death undermines his overall potential, it's good that the comics have been downplaying that lately.

Shut the fuck up

Because it was basically from his point of view.
Endgame is more from the point of view of his daughter Nebula and the people he fucks with.
The point is that he justifies all that shit to himself and has this whole savior narrative in his head but to everyone else he's just a bloody psychopath.
That's why literally the first scene of him in Endgame is him showing up in his armor, covered in blood

Infinity War has him on the front foot the entire duration, and thus able to present himself as morally correct and justified in his decision.

Endgame has both an earlier Thanos and has direct evidence presented to him that his plan failed and that nobody appreciated his decision and are in fact desperate to undo it...at which point he drops all pretensions of sanity and just blames everyone else for not 'getting it' and resolves to just kill everything instead.

He's right tho, comic Thanos is a cringey overdramatic simp. He started as a religious fanatic but was eventually flanderized into a straight up simp.


Fuck off casual.

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Read a fucking comic

Not a single person on Yas Forums called Thanos a simp until yesterday. Everyone called him an incel. Now that simp is the cool new meme word, that's what people call him. STOP BEING A FUCKING SHEEP


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Endgame Thanos is not the Thanos anyone knew.
>You took everything from me
>lol idk who u r
This is a terrible idea for a story as he's just there to be the big bad, it'd work in either a pen and paper game or video game but this is a movie that's pretty much purely based on narrative value and how nice the image is plus sound. Imagine if instead of bringing back everyone to life they brought back everyone who knew no one, if Spiderman didn't know Tony as much as I don't like it, then he would be Spiderman but he wouldn't be the MCU Spiderman. Hell I remember one part of the MCU is the relationships from some random shit I read but if that's the case there'd only be more reason to use the real Thanos.

Also Thanos from Infinity War had an ideal while Endgame Thanos just went "oh that plan didn't work, guess I'll go with Plan B: Kill everyone"

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But he is a simp. If anything he fits way more in to that category than incel.

So why did people spend years calling him an incel instead of a simp? Are Americans this fucking stupid?

Because simp only started gaining prominence recently.

Because he was dead in Endgame?

Basically this.

The Thanos that really mattered, as in the one that mattered to us, died. Endgame's Thanos tries to play off seeing himself get executed, but it fucked with him. And this one was several years younger than IF Thanos who was at the end of a long quest, and was instead shown a shortcut to the goal right in the middle so half the build up and feelings of work being rewarded that made IF Thanos so cool and collected while he wiped out the Avengers forces weren't there when he pym particles his way to the final battle.

That my two cents anyways

what the fuck is this zoomer speak


Because he was someone who had made sacrifices and understood the loneliness of his quest. Endgame Thanos was roughly a decade younger and still in the headspace of seeing his pilgrimage as a conquest.

Why does Thanos talk like some old timey king? Where the heck did he pick that up?

>Uhh we have to make the baddie lose but he's too liked
>Let's just make him cliche evil so there isn't any reason to not kill him

Thanos was cuckolded by Deadpool!

I feel like older Thanos was more resolute in his decision to do what he did. I don't know what it was about 2012 Thanos but he was more of a cunt than 2018 Thanos.

>"I am inevitable"

Infinity War Thanos never said something so fucking pretentious and if he did, I can't remember because I don't rewatch movies.

Plus, IW Thanos just seemed like a fucking powerhouse, seeing him wipe Hulk (even though MCU Hulk always seemed underpowered to me) was pretty fucking telling of where he was in terms of power.

Basically, IW Thanos has explored all options and found that this one, while fucked up, seems to be the best way to go about it. EG Thanos sounds like he's doing it to satisfy his own ego.

What this guy said, but more rambling

To be fair, Its kind of like we've been using incel as a placeholder, a couple of years ago we would have called him a "Fedora wearing Nice guy", It works but it didn't fit as well as Incel then and Incel doesn't fit as well as simp now

white people just now learning about black slang they were using for like 20+ years.
Same thing happened with "bruh","deadass",etc

Could have easily been fixed with just him being made to realize how fucking retarded his logic was. That's not a knock against IW, either, I'm fine with a villain who's plan is completely insane but they believe will work. The best way for them to lose is to be proven completely wrong, some way or another, while still ensuring their impact on characters and the story. I'd have written Endgame Thanos similar to Nox from Wakfu who basically had a similarly genocidal plan with altruistic goals, but was disproven by the end by his plan both technically working but his ultimate goal unsuccessful.

IW Thanos actually had an arc. He was always a powerhouse, and he always had a horribly awry sense of altruistic duty, but he also was impassionate. When he loses Gamora, he changes. He tries to comfort Wanda after Vision's sacrifice, telling her he knows how she feels. Thanos from the start of the movie wouldn't have done that, and Thanos from EG would certainly have never done that - he would have gloated. EG Thanos is literally the complete undoing of his character arc we enjoyed so much in IW. He's just a boss fight, not a conflicted man who's determined to do what he thinks is right.

This so much, I liked endgame for the way it handled most of the original avengers story arcs, but Thanos was shafted so fucking hard.
They should've found a way to keep the original timeline's Thanos as the main villain without copping out, it made the battle too emotionally one-sided.
Even if he's wrong in IW you could at least root for him, but in EG he's just another big bad that's evil for reasons like every other marvel movie.

His arc in Infinity War is a journey from being a brutal warlord to a more spiritual being.

When we first see Thanos he is ruthless, casually taking lives.

But after sacrificing Gamora, he becomes empathic and even compassionate, respecting Tony and Wanda. It's as if, for the first time, this sociopath actually truly understands loss on a personal level.

While he still goes through with his goal, he carries the weight of it.

The 2014 Thanos has none of that growth, it's kind of the point that he is the warlord Thanos, who is this time cursed with the knowledge of his achievement being reversed.

Fun fact, based is also black slang. It was invented by Based God.

In infinity war he had a mission, he had passion, he had fellings, he was a relatable character
In endgame he is the cliche “hurr durr I’m evil I’m going to destroy the univarse”

And Beatles mostly copied afro american music from their time and sold it to white girls.

Holy shit, you're right.

I looked it up out of curiosity and this is incredibly blatant.

How would you guys rewrite Endgame out of its corner to make the original Thanos who had all that emotional development the villain again?

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I'd start by not having Thor fucking kill him right at the start.

This was really it.

In infinity war, he had years of experience and suffering he had to go through in his search for the gems. He was weary, tired, and almost sympathetic to the plight of the avengers, who were also fighting a problem bigger then they were. He saw his daughter weep for his death, sympathized with Iron man, and mourned with Scarlet Witch when he killed Vision. He was tired of his quest, and simply wished for it to be over. He was content to simply farm afterwards, destroying the stones so no one could use their power. The audience saw him in a more understanding point of view, and could feel bad for him.

Compare that to the thanos that came in endgame, younger and a zealot. He did not experience the memories of the older one, only knowing that he would win eventually. He saw everyone as lesser in his cause. He was a more plain antagonist, one who blindly followed to do what he thought was best and didn't think of anyone else, making him less appealing in the eyes of the viewer.

The point is killing Gamora changed him. He kills Heimdal casually, and enjoys killing Loki. But after Vormir, Thanos avoids taking life. Remember, this is a person who has slaughtered millions without a second thought. "It was never personal", he says of his culling of numerous worlds.

After he gets the Soul Stone he doesn't kill anyone other than Vision, because he feels loss. He no longer enjoys fighting.

His shedding of his armour in Infinity War contrasts with 2014 Thanos who is encased in the armour of a warrior.

Thanos is a psychopath who learns what loss is, though it is not enough to turn him away from his destiny.

2014 Thanos acquires the knowledge of his future self's destiny, but without the personal growth.

I am curious how IW Thanos would have reacted if they let him live and he found out that they were planning to bring everyone back. Would he have just given up and let it happen? I seem to recall in the comics he accepted his loss and became a farmer, but of course the circumstances were different there.

I feel like he wouldn't try and fight it, especially since he was already tired and he had no stone/armor/weapon, but he would definitly try and talk them out of it.

What would probably happen, is that he would slowly talk them all out of it since there was no way to bring them back, and look how the worlds have been fixed. That would be that till Ant-Man comes back and time travel becomes a thing.

I started thinking about this too after reading through the thread.
post-IW Thanos made the biggest sacrifices and was deeply changed by them.
Just like how the Avengers go through their depression in EG he was also going through one after IW.
If he found out they were trying to reverse his work I honestly don't even know if he would spring back into action.
Maybe he would because he alreadys sacrificed his daughter and might want to make sure her death wasn't in vain, but he just seems so emotionally broken and defeated in EG that it doesn't seem reasonable.
EG made him look so weak that I felt pity for him even when he died.
I understand all the reasons why bringing back his 2014 version was a bad idea, but I don't think post-snap thanos would continue the fight either.

The only other option would've been to find a way to write post-gamora's-death-but-pre-snap Thanos into the plot of Endgame.

Thanos in the opening scene of Infinity War is like Endgame Thanos, actually. He is mostly the same, and you can see how 2018 and 2014 Thanos represent branching paths.

Endgame Thanos is never seen outside of his armour, whereas Infinity War Thanos sheds it.

>Thor doesn't kill him immediately, in fact they can't find him in the beginning. We can still see comfy farm Thanos occasionally though
>Larger emphasis on the massive damage Thanos caused, to Earth and the rest of the universe. Chaos and wars have erupted out of desperation and panic. Some good, but just as much if not even more bad
>Rest of the movie happens with trying to undo the damage, replace the time travel plan with reassembling the Avengers to try to attain the gauntlet.
>Larger emphasis on Cap and Tony reuniting and working together, forgiving each other and being Bros for the potentially last time
>Thanos vs Avengers Round 1 happens, Thanos stomps all of them. Battle can take place across space and time because of his use of the stones
>He questions why they are so ungrateful, why they can't accept the Universe he's saved
>They attempt to convince him how much damage he's caused, their arguments and logic are sound but he denies it
>They convince him to use the power of the stones to really see it for himself, all that he's done and destroyed while creating nothing
>He's overwhelmed by his walls of logic crumbling, and he removes the gauntlet out of panic and rage to block it out
>Thanos vs Avengers Round 2, a difficult battle but without the gauntlet Thanos is slowly chipped and taken down, though with plenty of Avengers injured or killed
>They try to figure a way to use the stones to bring everyone back without undoing the progress also made. Preferably without killing themselves
>Thanos takes the gauntlet back while their guard is down, but it's out of pity and regret. He's no longer a mad, but a broken, Titan, and he uses the stones once more to bring everyone he killed back, and the destruction he caused to be completely repaired. He fades, and the stones disappear along with him.
>Weeks later they try to find him and the stones, but at his hut was just his armor and the broken gauntlet, no stones.

Simple have Thanos use the reality Stone to make the Avengers think they killed him and that the Infinity Stones are destroyed so they can fuck off and then he come back after they used the Infinity Stones from the past to bring back the snapped people

because he was right, a threat, and overall very likeable

People think Thanos was contented at the end of Infinity War. He in fact seems a broken man when we see him in Endgame. The soul stone's price was IMHO that he would feel the weight of loss, all of it.

>End on Titan, Thanos is tilling an improvised farm, trying to bring life back to his old home. Fixing it naturally, with his own hands instead of the stones. Trying to build something opposed to destroying, and he watches the sun set on a rebuilding, hopeful universe.

Have you read Thanos Quest?
It's like that.
In it same as Infinity War he's motives are purposed, we follow the villain protagonist and his central cast until we reach the conclusion of his bitter-sweet return home. He is triumphant but something still feels amiss.

While the quality of these things can be debated, you can compare the idea to the movie Troy. In a respect Achilles is an antagonist for one side, but we still want to see him accomplish what he's there for or why else see so much from his side? You can even extend it to Chigurh in No Country, if we'd seen all this build up to his conduct only for him to just shrug in the office and decide he's quitting it'd feel flat if not a comical end. So yeah, the usual sort of storytelling of following through, for hero or villain, killer or savior, always works because it's engaging. It's that simple no matter the conclusion.

This isn't what happens in Endgame. Like Infinity Gauntlet now Thanos is at once the central cause of conflict yet no longer the focus.
Following Chigurh, however briefly and oddly, makes him more than just the typical slasher you couldn't give less of a shit about, following Achilles makes him more than just another obstructive asshole in Greek Mythos, following Thanos made him more than the villain of the week.
Because we're not following him anymore he's just some asshole, it doesn't matter what he says or does, he's not a character anymore. He's a plot point.

Also Endgame was just a really busy and underwhelming fiasco in general.

Because Infinity War was good but Endgame wasn't good enough* and was cast in Infinity War's shadow.

Because he was an actual charater ,not a fuckin plot device for a third act fight

he could be a lot more relaxed and thoughtful because he started the movie with the Power Stone, and y'know... didn't watch himself die

Sorry, but love is still better than "muh balance"

MCU Thanos motivation makes sense in a real world, but in a world with magical stones that can create infinite resources? hell no! not to mention that you also had Stark tech for infinite energy and Pym tech for infinite resources so... what? Titan's scientist are more stupid than two humans?

Fuck you and your MCU shit tier of plots

>MCU Thanos motivation makes sense in a real world, but in a world with magical stones that can create infinite resources
Even in a real world infinite resources wouldn't exactly work. You'd just make literally everyone that's a herbivore into a lazy ass good for nothing, and technically his snap affects animals so Carnivores would have more food, but Herbivores would have more plants to eat causing a massive overpopulation at least until the Carnivores drive everything extinct. Humans and possibly aliens would fight over the resources to create a monopoly two even if it was just a literal amount of infinite resources. Give infinite food to the world? Congrats the 1% and governments keep it all and starving African children and little Timmy still go hungry because they don't have money to buy it unless we're talking about that overpopulate of animals, though a tiger will eat that African child because there's food everywhere it'll go in to his home eventually.

What if we got both Thanos somehow?

This is why I can't help but wonder if older Thanos met younger Thanos: would he hate him?

Endgame Thanos would top Infinity War Thanos, but only because IW Thanos would see it as his duty/destiny to take one for the team

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Endgame would have been so much better if they didn't try to force in a garbage epic fight at the end. They do their heists, they overcome their trials, they bring the people back. The end. THe entire last chunk of the movie was just cinema noise and a big fight for the sake of a big fight. It was devoid of meaning and just there so mouthbreathers will holler at Cap wielding the hammer.


That's why Joker is so good. It's the first comic book movie that doesn't hamfist in a garbage epic fight.