Is she right?

Is she right?

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is Tatsuya married? I can't imagine a man hating himself so much and not living alone

feminism was a mistake.

People still read Sinfest?

I refuse to believe anyone reads this in earnest and it only exists for people to mock how insane the author has become. This is the webcomic equivalent of a person in a straight jacket and padded room hitting their head wall muttering "patriarchy...mysogny..." Under their breath.

Some do.

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i stop in every now and then to see how badly he fucks over the OG cast.

tats has a Patreon which receives money to this day.

I cannot think or comprehend anything more cucked than following a zombie comic like Sinfest, but here we are. I only know of how it's going thanks to Yas Forums.

its fucking amazing to read this decent into madness. he seems to honestly believe that women are incapable of doing wrong and any mistake they could possible make is actually because of a white dude pulling the strings.

He's mansplaining feminism. He's so goddamn tonedeaf it almost has to be a fucking larp

Does this count as femsplaining?

No, it counts as insulting. She's not actually trying to explain to any of those men what she thinks they're doing wrong, just pelting them with ad-homs. But then that's par for the course with political discourse these days.

hey guys, after years of treating slick like shit he's finally gonna do something good AND help monique. maybe things are finally... oh nevermind

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but hey luckily his super badass, completely unbeatable ultra feminist actually saved the day. god she and by extention all women are strong

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is that up to date?
cant imagine people still donate much after the forum purge

What is the context here?

its shaming
we devolved to the point of unashamedly poiinting and shaming
thats it, no argument, no joke, no strawman, no witty comeback

Tatsuya's gone so far up his own ass, the bastard might as well be kissing his colon. I think he may legitimately be insane.

Dude needs to take a sabbatical, preferably for a couple years or so, and go outside for once. Avoid all forms of social media, and just detox for a while. Maybe then he'll have some actual valid fucking opinions.

Kill all men because they're incapable of doing anything but exploit and oppress women. Why Tats doesn't start with himself I don't know.

>I think he may legitimately be insane.
I'm pretty fucking sure he is insane.

How long is he gonna keep this up? he can't keep doing this? this stuff is killing him

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Men are Creeps.

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Have you ever become so woke, you becone a shitlord? Like the real life equivalent of Nuclear Ghandi from Civilisation.

I know the thread probably won't stay up for long but I just want to say how much I fucking despise middle class tossers like Tats who see sex workers as misguided fucking damsels in distress who need to be saved from exploitation.

They mostly do it because they don't have any other choice because they're living in fucking poverty, something these judgemental fucks wouldn't know anything about. You don't save a hooker by stopping her from hooking, you just condemn her to a quicker death. If you really wanted to help them, you'd focus your attention on better welfare provision for the poor instead of trying to stop prostitution.

Wait. Am I reading this wrong or is he trying to present people defending themselves from general accusations of "your entire gender is scum" as a cult?

depends on the country honestly. in canada sex working is legal and pays extremely well so there are plenty who do it for the benefits rather than no other option. not that im agreeing with tat though, he seems to think all women would never dream of selling there body unless a man forces them.

Male are evil and women are good in their fuck up mind

I know a handful of prostitutes and you are wrong about why they do it. It has nothing to do with them starving to death, they do it because it pays better than being a waitress and a lot of the younger ones think it’s cool and woke.

Only the women that act the way he wants them too are good. The ones that don't are brainwashed and need him to fix them.

No, you just legalize prostitution and make it safe and on the up and up.
The exploiters will be obliterated by the on the up and up government women(and other stuff) of the evening who now have protections, choice, and the ability to unionize.

modt of the money doesnt even come from prostitution, it comes from selling drugs
its really funny when you think abou it, there is a massive debate about these womens rights and their need for protection while al they want to do is poison people and prey on their addictions
what a twisted world

And let's be fair, prostitution is about as demeaning as food services anyway.

Supposedly he is in a relationship with a feminine looking man.

So he is super gay.

What? Re... Drive Thru? huh?

And I thought Sinfest hit rock bottom when he introduced the sisterhood.

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2 minutes of real work followed by a small tip?

it did, tat somehow found a way to dig through the bedrock and go even further down though.

>They mostly do it because they don't have any other choice because they're living in fucking poverty
No, they just do it because they're pragmatic enough to realize that they could go through four years of college for a chance at a job or get the same pay for fucking random guys. Especially nowadays, when getting a husband to support her isn't as feasible so there's not as much risk to lose potential suitors because of it.

I feel like you guys are probably talking about escorts. That's fine and totally their choice, but they're normally not the sort who have pimps. Poor women who get into prostitution because they have no skills, no money and no prospects are definitely a thing though, and I'd say in most places they constitute the majority of hookers.

I agree with legalisation, but I don't think it will ever happen as long as governments try to paint themselves as moral guardians. Prostitution is the sort of thing the middle class voters they need consider unseemly.

Except there are tons of jobs throughout history that were ridiculously exploitive despite being legal.

He's saying that all men are bad and women who disagree are brainwashed.

Daily reminder that there is absolutely no logical argument against prostitution and making it illegal is unironically by every single meaning of the word FACISM.

Trying to push your personal feelings without logic as the law is objectivelly a bad thing and you're straight up making the world a worse place by giving this kind of emotional force political power rather than logic.

I think you'd have a better chance at "fighting" prostitution by legalizing it and flooding the market so it doesn't pay as well.

See I don't understand. If this world is a superpatriarchy of pimpbots and handmaids. Robowives and surrogacy farms. What does showing the world do?

Has a comic ever went from highly amusing to utter shit so fast?
Has the cause of "pussy whipped" ever taken effect so hard?

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Considering how he views the world, I'm not surprised at all that he isolated himself from everyone in the web. Even people that could be his allies are his enemy by his strict beliefs.

In a way, it's probably good that he doesn't participate in Cancel Culture, but he doesn't even share himself with the non fucked up online artists because most artists like drawing pretty women.

Earns Tats his Patreon bux from people who like to live vicariously through fictional characters instead of actually doing anything to solve what they perceive to be the injustices of the world.

But I mean, that's barely anything to live on.

It's not like Handstab money here.

Depends where and how you live. That’s about what I earned and lived off doing a full time minimum wage job.

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Any good porn of them?

Based Calvin is based even in the nippon comics.

Seems like a lot of webcomic artists go through mental breakdowns as they age, but Tatsuya is the worse example I've ever seen. Wasn't all this started when he started dating some girl in 2008 who was hardcore Obama (and ended up dumping his faggot ass anyway).

Calvin and Susie are pretty equally matched in most the comics. Even in a straight up 1v1 Susie has come out on top numerous times. It makes me wonder if he ever actually read the comics or just assumed "BOY BAD GIRL GOOD"

I think there’s an edit where Calvin’s even more based and just throws a snowball at her.

Obama support trans rights and is against censorship and "safe spaces".

Webcomic artist seem to forget that comedy is best when you make fun of every side.

damn i just went down the rabbit whole on his posts, tat really hates trans. like more than iv seen even on this site. weird

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hes more criticizing the upper middle class twitter thots going "SEX WORK IS REAL WORK" and glorify it as a career choice rather than realizing the act of self-abusive desperation it actually is.

probably but this is my fetish

>Wokebro bad

The pot calling the kettle black.