That Disney animated movie NOBODY remembers or talks about

>that Disney animated movie NOBODY remembers or talks about

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i remember everything i ever watched scene by scene

The only thing I remember about this movie is the VHS cover.

I own the VHS.

I'll do you one better.

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Looks like a rip off of Madagascar

Apparently it was actually the reverse. It's just that The Wild spent so much time in production hell that Dreamworks got theirs out years beforehand.

I remember Carnatours. And the opening sequence, which was bitching.

I watched this so many times I practically have it memorized. I think you'd have to go more obscure, like The Wild or Valiant

same here brother

Valiant is so strange because I didn’t know what the hell WWII was as a 7 year old. Also it was one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in theaters.

the only good thing to come out of the movie

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Is it ironic that I’ve seen that and have a memory of the basic plot outline, but as far as I know have never seen the one in OP’s image?

I watched this in theaters as a kid, and for years after that I thought I had watched Madagascar.

>Start Spreading the Newspaper


thats not disney, thats some third party movie europe disney called its own for some fucking reason

How is this an animated movie but the Lion King remake isn't?

because disney wanted the lion king remake to win the real best movie oscar

its an allusion to animals pissing and shitting all over the floor.

I understand why is underrated and forgotten, but goddammit, the carnatours stole the whole movie.

They are terrifying in every moment they appear, like this scene here

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I got blisters on my blisters

disney really sucks when is about dinosaurs

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what the fuck is that

It's surprising how well the CG aged, this movie was released in 2000 yet you can pass it off pretty easy for a more modern movie (apart from some things that do look weird, like the monkeys)

Lemur mom best mom.

the ''high'' scene of the good dinosaur

This was my "watch 3 times a day, every day, for more than a year" movie when I was younger, and I have very fond memories of it. I want to rewatch it now, but I'm too scared that it'll be bad and the memories will be spoiled.

Loved the shit out of this movie as a kid
>Those shitty McDonald's puppet gloves
>That shitty computer game that I could never beat the first fucking level of because I was retarded
The only thing I remember about Valiant is that it was that movie that I only watched because it had falcons and I was obsessed with those fuckers at the time thanks to Stuart Little 2. Good times, being able to enjoy something exclusively because it featured one thing that I liked

I mean if clipping through the ground when they walk is still considered good, sure.

This was my favorite when i was a kid faggot, you're not special

Yep. These are the movies that used to watch a bunch of times when I was a kid. I'm surprised that I still remembered some of the scenes from each of them
Never watched it, but I remembered its existence.

The "Stand Together!" scene was pretty baller.

We need a good Yas Forums dinosaur movie again. It's been too long.

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Actually Eisner tied it in, the original ride was completely unrelated

real shit make the lion king but with dinosaurs and id probably watch it

I loved this movie as a kid. The best part was the Cave scene.

Already exists, kind of. It's also pretty terrible
Dino King

>he didn't have the mcdonalds toys
I saw this in theaters and I was afraid of the big bad dino.

Dude I love this movie. It's so cool and so unique. A movie about talking dinosaurs going from point a to point B isn't new (The land before time movies), but the movie came out at time when people when CGI and 3D was very big.

I liked it. But mostly for Plio. The rest wasn't bad and had reasonable CG allisauruses.

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I remember all the DVD features.

We have a few toys that lasted forever.

>peak DVD games.

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well, modern disney

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>friendly reminder fantasia was a failure in its release

I remember it. Didn't enjoy it at all.

funny how people talks more about theories of the movie than the movie itself

It's one of my favourite Disney movies and extremely underrated

I remember seeing it in theatres, there was a blue bird and a falcon in a city and that's it. I don't remember anything else.

Fuck off, the Good DInosaur is one of the best recent Pixar movies.

>mfw that one scene where Krone and the other iguanadon were attacked
>mfw the other one was just dragged behind some rocks and eaten the fuck alive
This movie did not fuck around

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Valiant was awful. Easily the worst CGI animated film at the time of its release.

This film is interesting for being the first CGI animated film of the century, with Shrek being the second. Granted, this also has some live action backgrounds, so it's debatable if it's an animated film or not.

>Carnotaurus is the main antagonists and supposed to be terrifying.
>Real-life carnos were dinolets with tiny arms that could probably be horribly mutilated by the film's main dinosaurs in just a few seconds.

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Oliver and Friends

DreamWorks is always ripping off Disney, their work isn't as good so they get it out sooner

It's "Oliver and Company", asshole.

Yeah, Shark Tale was the one exception, since it came out after Nemo, unlike Antz and Madagascar.

>Nobody remembers Oliver and Company.

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I remember I got a toy of the monkey in mcdonalds