Is the coronavirus REALLY that bad?
Mulan delayed
>Is the coronavirus REALLY that bad?
If you have a bunch of people tightly packed together in a room, yeah.
Pathetic Disney scared of inevitable flop.
No but the movie is.
It's been pulled from my country as well and we've only had 5 confirmed cases here and nothing for the past week.
Also New Mutants has been delayed again
Bad for the economy, not so much for your health.
It's not that bad, but there's no real protocol against it, and most of the medicine for it isnt' really available in high quantity.
Ah ha ha ha. This is gonna cost them millions.
I love it.
You mean based?
>Onward flopped
>The Call of the Wild Flopped
>New Mutants is a money sink
>Nobody will want to touch Batsoup propaganda with a 10 ft pole when it eventually does release
>Parks are closed
How did he know to get out now?
Who cares, as long as the ship sinks after him.
Agreed. Get disney down to their lowest point again, they'll either get back to making what matters most or they finally die.
its bad for boomers, people who live around a bunch of niggers who will see their opportunity to loot and riot, and people with compromised immune systems who live in america because we're not doing anything about it here
the real hit from this will be economic
>China pandering movie got fucked by china-made virus.
They had it coming.
Lets go with die.
China was already against it even before the virus. This thing never had a chance.
There are two things that make it economy crippling
>Long incubation period
>Easy as fuck to transmit
Both of those put together make it an extremely disruptive outbreak. The mortality rates being low compared to other diseases are the only thing keeping it from being a species killer.
The problem is Disney has very deep pockets and can ride this out as can WB. It's everyone else that are completely fucked
>The mortality rates being low compared to other diseases are the only thing keeping it from being a species killer.
No shit
The parks closing alone is going to cost billions
>can ride this out
not here, but china shut down their movie theaters and everyone over here is panicking anyway
>it being bad at killing us is whats keeping it from killing us
you may be on to something here
>corona-chan at it again
good girl
Theaters here will be shut down by next week.
It just got Disney World shut down, so I'd say it's gotten pretty bad.
It's not like this is a season specific movie so it doesn't really matter when it comes out.
No one's gonna wanna see it when it does. the last thing anyone wants to associate with right now is China.
Disney spent hundreds of millions to make this movie tailor fit for chinese box office success. you're damn right they're going to delay it. If this keeps up, Birds of Prey will be the only cock sucking movie running in theaters with it's only completion with is the projectionist performing with shadow puppets in the next screening.
the only way to save this movie is making it direct to video but even the places where you buy videos are fucking closed.
Everyone else isn't carrying huge debt from poor acquisitions.
>Sonic the fucking Hedgehog could potentially be the highest grossing movie of the year
What the ever living fuck!?
No one cared about this movie anyway. It's just going to be a worse flop than it was destined to be.
Good. Its been bad press from day one, let it burn.
but op, Yas Forums told me the coronavirus is fake and it was invented to make people forget about the world war
Coronavirus has a low fatality rate but is very, very contagious. So if we somehow manage to stop all transmission tomorrow? No, not bad at all. But if millions, or even tens of millions, of people get infected? That'll suck.
I thought this was already out?
It is, the (((libs))) helped the chinks make it in order to tank Trump's great economy. They can't admit he's a good leader so they have to pin everything on him.
Out on the 27th. Or it was going to be.
I wouldn't be super surpised to find out this guy made a deal with the devil tbqh.
>Sonic will win an oscar for best visual effects
>Margot Robbie will win for best leading actress by default.
thats up to your state/local government
or the theater management
>Coronavirus has a low fatality rate
It's very relative. Its fatility rate is about 10000 higher than the 2009 swine flu.
Be honest, I'd believe it.
Considering how much libs spend their time mocking the guy instead of issuing the important issues.
I don't believe voting for a bunch of screeching bullies is a smart choice.
>I'd believe it.
Come on, man.
we're all going to die
>the (((libs))) helped the chinks make it in order to tank Trump's great economy.
>Trump's great economy
libs told me it was Obama's economy.
user, come on.
Shut up Rattrap.
If only the oscars was a little closer to now.
>China and Italy tanked their economies
>Disney closest both of their multi-billion dollar resorts when not even 9/11, the JFK assassination, and the death of Walt himself did that
>The NCAA closed it's tournament to public, which would cost them millions of dollars
>countless productions are being delayed
>All to make orange man look bad
Do you even listen to yourselves?
Is user literally just samefagging his dumbassery to himself.
Most of us will be fine. Until it comes back next year and the year after and keeps coming back until people don't have to roleplay Fallout 76.
Farewell, Mickey Mouse. You die as you lived. A vermin.
not him but
>China and Italy tanked their economies
maybe Italy shouldn't have sold their leather and textiles companies to China. Not to mention flying them from Wuhan/Wenzhou to work in those said factories.
>Disney closest both of their multi-billion dollar resorts when not even 9/11, the JFK assassination, and the death of Walt himself did that
Those aren't viral outbreaks where they could be responsible for contaminating more people.
You're missing the point. This is shit isn't happening because of hoax
China is currently making a shit load of money off of masks and medical supplies production.
>Virus got a confirmed case in the next county over from mine
Realistically, I'm not too worried, they've already got her and some of the people she had contact with into Quarantine, and the people around here aren't very social.
Back to the topic at hand, fuck Disney.
No, no it's not. The government and corporate media are fear mongering.
It's not just the Libs, it's the whole State. They are trying to consolidate power.
i doubt it was delayed for JUST that
>Everyone else isn't carrying huge debt from poor acquisitions.
Name one bad acquisition.
Coronavirus is only bad if:
A.) You're over 70
B.) You have a underlining serious health issue to begin with
However it spreads easily, so even if it infects 500 million people globally at least 100 million of those will fall under categories A/B and about 10% of those will die (10 million). This is why you need to just quarantine everyone until the wave slows or a vaccine comes about
Any thing else is panic mongering