How could they fuck this up so bad?

How could they fuck this up so bad?

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Why was the twins voice acting so bad? Why couldn't they get someone actually good?

>"Let's have a threesome and be besties! Wait a minute, let's check the script."

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They should've just cut to Simon after last season. The stakes had nowhere to go but lower in this time period.

Everything besides Alucard's plot kicked ass. Why did I have to watch Alucard be molested very very slowly? Why did his dumb ass trust two complete strangers?

the main monk had hilariously bad voice acting, he sounded mentally challenged

He was at least supposed to seem "off"

Didn't help their behavior felt contrived for the sake of an arbitrary, "Alucard must suffer like Chief O'Brien" twist.

I thought the Legion fight was pretty cool.

The season was fine.

No worse than season 1.

Perhaps the actors, like the viewers, were completely confused by their characters lack of motivation.

It's not that hard to follow.

Fucked up twins raised as slaves by a vampire
Go looking for secrets to kill vampires
Meet vampire they tried to kill who isn't killing them
Try to manipulate him to teach them how to better kill vampires
Don't trust him when he denies you magical weapons or tells you that the castle's greatest secret doesn't work
Decide he's lying to you and kill him through deception.

They are manipulative.

Nobody got good voice acting except for Godbrand, and he was a complete waste of Peter Stormare's time.

Why didn't they just use the 2006-10 English Castlevania cast, so Yuri as Alucard, Pat Seitz as Dracula, Crispin Freeman Hector etc.

Too anime-ish

I'll take Pat Seitz in almost anything. But, in this, he'd stand out too much and ham up every scene he's in.

I'm rewatching from the beginning, about 1/2 way through season 2, and I'm enjoying everything more the second time around.

Now that I know the dialogue pacing it somehow comes off better then I remember initially.

Some of the animation doesn't seem as impressive, and the scene where Isaac kills Godbrand has Isaac move in the weirdest manner that looks like they had too many frames produced (not really sure how to describe it properly).

And Alucard should be digging into Trevor less, but I'm glad he's smiling and making friends at the same time.

Currently, I'd rate the series a point higher than I used to, an 8 instead of 7, but give the same critiques I held before the rewatch if recommending to a first-time viewer (pacing, dialogue timing, bit too much edge in the wrong places),

>obligatory 4 events happening all at one time episode

Naw, let's just demasculate and have him sodomized also for extra measure..(white Male)

>Still looking forward to Castlevania: Sympathy of the Night now?

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I liked Jason Isaacs as the Judge but actually thought Stormare was underperforming his lines mostly. Probably very little VA experience that needed a better dialogue director.

Because for all it’s talk of being “anime” the show needs a cast of “real actors” like you’d see in a Netflix live action drama to look more legitimate

Motherfuckers really coming out of the woodwork pretending Alucard hasn’t looked like a goddamn twink this whole time
He deserves it because fags, gay porn lovers, and manhaters want to see a man brought low.

I hate you people.

>being bi is somehow 'lower'

I like it how Warren Ellis refuses to use Grant and has said he's above the overtly "videogamey" elements of the series but will unfunny lowbrow LOL TOILET PAPER-tier shit in happily.

>want to see a man brought low

Maybe you’d have an argument if they had Trevor get pegged or something

I can smell your insecurity through my computer screen

your tears are delicious user, please cry more for me

Can someone start another lenore thread, any other thread about Castlevania sucks ass

Do you think the staff regret having the Alucard rape scene? Do they know that they have permanently ruined Castlevania discussion forever everywhere?

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The opinions of queers and...
women" who are fine with this kind of thing means nothing to me or any man. Hell it means nothing to women either.
No one likes you, and your revenge fantasies/masturbation fantasies are gross.

If you actually think that queers are more concerned with ruining your favorite tv shows than being treated like actual human beings then you need to see a psychologist.

Netflix people probably...insisted, that something like this should happen.
It's Netflix afterall.

why not just have a threesome with the three mains? They all seem like they'd be into it.

Are unnecessary ellipses like a neo-Nazi shibboleth or something, or does this guy just write like he has brain damage?


Only Yas Forums is obsessed with this, the rest of the internet is too busy talking about hector being lenore’s dog

Not all queers. Just the ones who work in showbiz.

No, not if they increased discussion of the show for, good or ill. Occupying time in someone's mind is the most valuable real estate for any commercial property. A bump in online discussion may even help greenlight more seasons.

The opinions are genuine but the delivery is performative, invoking some sort of reverse poe’s law

This season was pretty good. For some reason I'm not comfortable with Alucard being a bottom, but conversely, I wouldn't mind seeing Trevor plow Alucard to tears lmfao.

Hearing about the Alucard rape scene 100% inspired me to start watching it after barely noticing it existed for the last ~3 years; I can't imagine I'm the only one.


It's great though, people are just butthurt cause

They should've done a different Belmont instead of staying in the Dracula's Curse era

>we won’t see Simon Belmont until season FIVE at the absolute earliest

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Pandering for the sake of pandering is such an underhanding thing.


>Critically acclaimed
>Makes incels on Yas Forums seethe to no end
Sounds like a success to me.

Stromare did great voicework in Until Dawn though.

I don't understand why they let such unimportant, transient characters such a significant moment anyways.
Same with the evil bishop in the first season. Why can't they give the big jobs to characters that actually matter?

His mind was corrupted by a demon.

>Only Yas Forums is obsessed with this
So only the primary audience of Casltevania cares. Oh.

What are you talking about?

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You're assuming they will skip Christopher.

He could work in a mocap suit with Rami Malek, though. I'm talking booth work where he may not have had a partner.

Season seven if we have some luck user. Two seasons for Alucard, Hector and Isaac's arcs and Belmont pair doing shit all over east europe. And season six we finally get Dracula resurrection.

So only coomers care about this show?

he's supposed to sound slow m8.

you sound like schizo. you should take your meds

Christopher is the literally who of the canon Belmonts

Valid, but CoD is the literally who of the entire Castlevania franchise.