Give me your best coronavirus comics, Yas Forums!
Give me your best coronavirus comics, Yas Forums!
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Why did Ben slag off Trump for being a bumbling retard until he got the nomination now just dicksucks him relentlessly?
Is spamming this shit worth getting banned every week to you?
>You're sick with Coronavirus? Just go to work and infect everyone else.
Great President, great advice.
Ben literally uploaded that comic today.
He is aware that Trump cut funding for pandemic research?...
Besides the $8.3 billion he just approved?
Congress overturned many of his budget cuts. The damage that nobody could undo is that he fired the pandemic response team at the NSC a couple years ago.
He shouldn't have been reducing our pandemic-fighting capabilities years ago.
Whores gotta whore.
You know that the authorization for the money comes from Congress, not the POTUS, right?
It has logic, pathogens tend to start slow, spike and then quickly tail off, one way to deal with them is to allow people to essentially continue a somewhat normal routine and self isolate if they get sick. This can if done correct can ease the spike into a bell curve and has the bonus of letting a good deal of the population build natural immunity and eases the strain on medical services allowing them to prioritize the worst effected. Considering Covid 19 presents in most people as a mild flu and the severe cases are more common in the old and vulnerable. despite being counter intuitive the US/UK approach has some merit
Europe must go into full shutdown before it's too late.
Terrible advice and completely the opposite of what should be done. Please flatten the curve by doing everything you can to avoid spreading the illness.
I shall follow his advice and not yours cause he at least tried explaining why instead of bitching
But reddit hates china
>ill choose to ignore what the governments backed and advised by medical institutions recommend because I have a graph from a media article
reddit started loving china in order to own DRUMPF
and now they think it's racist to blame them for releasing their engineered bioweapon on the world
Apparently yes.
Somehow I doubt anyone actually said those things
Personally, I'm a based centrist who dislikes flumph for being a blowhard, while still hating china for being soulless monsters.
Trump now recommends that you ignore his previous advice. In fact, he claims that he never gave that advice in the first place.
>"I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work. This is just more Fake News and disinformation put out by the Democrats"
Any drawfags around? I want to see Corona-Chan pregnant with the Death’s child and gloating about how their baby will finally wipe out the human race once and for all.
I hate to tell you this but we been aware of the Cornavirus since the 1960, it was discovered in chickens.
Trump is a "it's just the flu bro" fag who has signed the death warrants of thousands of Americans in exchange for keeping le wall street numbers higher for a few extra days.
wait is that graph saying if we had done nothing to curb this pandemic mild cold with a high recovery rate then the outbreak could be over by now?
hey I ain't defending Trump, i was just pointing out the comparatively lax response from the UK and US has its merits too
Trump fired the staff 2 years ago and left the office empty, so that now there is no plan and no response infrastructure. Of course Garrison knows that, but you won't hear it from him.
covid-19 is completely new.
"Coronaviruses" are a category or viruses.
>in exchange for keeping le wall street numbers higher for a few extra days.
Funny considering what a massive dive it took today
Yes and every season we get a new flu, still the flu. Corona-19 is just a slightly mutated form of a virus we known about for a while now
it would be over quicker but with a much higher death toll
Covid-19 is not "the flu". That is why we haven't had a global pandemic of Covid-19 before now.
The response in the US is not the same as the response in the UK. The UK PM didn't tell people sick with Coronavirus that they should continue going to work. The UK PM didn't place limits on who is permitted to be tested in order to artificially lower the numbers. The UK treats it seriously, the US is a joke.
Get money poorfag
This is a Yas Forums related topic, fuck off and kiss Hitlery!
Because it gives them those clicks, it's also novel to see a thin Trump.
what do you guyz think about self made masks?
Watching America shit its pants and stumble executing at the most basic pandemic response steps is really funny.
All money in the U.S. gov come from Congress by proposal from POTUS...fucking moron
Its a novel new strain of SARS causing virus that apparently has convergent traits with HIV that make it especially infectious.
There is no evidence its not a bioweapon. But on the same token there is no convincing evidence evidence it is. At this point the simplest explanation is its some animal born virus that jumped species because the Chinese are fucking filthy and are generally ignorant to the dangers of animal born pathogens.
Have you actually been there? China can't even arrest literal terrorists and murderers without Reddit calling them Nazis.
urgh. this can't be serious but it is.
What IS the deal with the fucking toiltet paper stockpiling?
Free market is better solving this kind of crisis, companies compete for be the first and better cure, the Gov can't compete
>Free market is better solving this kind of crisis
basic mass hysteria.
>CDC/The economist
The same cucks who believe Brexit and Trump "Will never happened!"
This fucking thing is getting desperate.
Countries are going on lockdown and we don't even have an acting government because the moron who was supposed to be the new PM quit before the vote.
I wish all of you the best.
The disease spreads through particles of spit and mucus, anything that stops those things is good enough. I for one made a mask out of a toboggan my ex GF bought me
Why burgers cartoon are so cuck? Not even here (Yurope) media are so a bitch
Like this?
So what exactly do you want Trump to get credit for here? What is his special accomplishment that you think deserves applause and acclaim?
so we could all be back to normal if we were more willing to sacrifice more immune compromised elderly? God damn it.
The Corid-19 outbreak has really corroded my comfort zone that people in general are not stupid nor panicky monkeys
Please, friendly expert, tell me more about what the CDC has to say about Brexit.
God we're already in the fuckin idiocracy with dipshits actually arguing for Trump.
Eh it will kill of cali so i dont geve a shit
Because POTUS was the responsable for the money in research, it was a POTUS iniciative, not the fucking congress
>you think deserves applause and acclaim?
>God we're already in the fuckin idiocracy with dipshits actually arguing for Trump.
lol trump is way fatter than that and he can't even spell what kind or moron would think trump could be a doctor lmao
The POTUS was responsible for cutting our ability to fight pandemics. You don't get credit for fixing something broken when you're the one who broke it in the first place.
>Get money
>meanwhile drawfags do it for FREE in the drawthreads
>our ability
European hands typed this.
Old people are easily fooled into panic buying
If you know where to beg go beg there poorfag and have those high quality “artists” churn out a piece as good as your request
only thing I wanna hear about is the POOTIS
>Old people
You mean stupids zoom-zooms.
its not just the elderly, diabetics, people with transplants, immune disorders, cancer patients and the immunosuppressed are all dangers, and considering i'm a cancer survivor with a compromised immune system that still hasn't fully gotten rid of a cold for 3 months id far rather take the rest of the year in relative isolation than 6 foot under
You're the reason why it got so bad. I hope you die from it fag.
haha! I love that simpsons joke!
Trump was the one who said a week or two ago that there were only like a dozen cases and it would drop so not to worry
I wont because I'm a healthy adult and it is literally just a mild cold.
Sorry bro I just stole all your good luck. You’re gonna get it and you’re gonna die.
Well, at least you'll die from it out of ignorance.