Kipo and the age of wonderbeasts

Any expectatives for season 2? Favorite episode?
Headcanons and other theories also welcome.

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We find out what caused the apocalypse.

Is it Jamak or Jamac?

Having everyone be surprised that Kipo is a mute when she's FUCKING PURPLE was dumb.

Kipo a cute

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I'm just about to sit down and watch this. Hopefully it's good.

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It's a nice cartoon, hope you enjoy it.

I'm enjoying it very much so far. Comfy post apocalyptic settings are some of my favourite shit.

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It's typical "#WOKE" SJW pandering garbage, with characters being gay for no fucking reason, and "strong capable female protagonist because men can't be strong anymore" trash.
Drop it right fucking now and save yourself from SJWflix's propaganda.

Do you find much joy in life user? Genuine question. I'm going to exclude schadenfreude.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Grumpy cutie

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>Don't think
>Don't analyze
>Let yourself be mindless brainwashed by propoganda

Fairly straightforward question, I would have thought. Do you have things in your life that bring you a genuine sense of joy and happiness? Perhaps even contentment? I'm interested to know the mindset of people who see political boogeymen everywhere they look, because I imagine it must be an exhausting and miserable way to live.

Nice try, tranny. My point is to avoid propaganda that makes your kind """"""""""""""""acceptable"""""""""""""""".

No, I don't feel joy, and I won't feel joy until all the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""progress""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" the world has made is erased and my people are returned to our rightful place as owners and rulers of this planet.

more fun songs, more cool animation sequences
>favorite episode
I think the wolf episode. Was that one that also showed us wolf girl's flashback? Fucking great stuff.

>No, I don't feel joy, and I won't feel joy until all the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""progress""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" the world has made is erased and my people are returned to our rightful place as owners and rulers of this planet.
Devil Dinosaur! I should have known.

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Not with your needledick.

Hopefully a flashback episode with Benson and Dave.

Good to hear. Tell us what you think when you finish the cartoon.

The Astronomers In Turtlenecks? i like that episode too
The one where we see the flashbacks to Wolf's wolf family is the Mute-Eat-Mute World episode, a bit further down the line

Will do. I haven't actually got far yet, but if this thread is dead I'll post my thoughts in the next one I see.
>the Lumbercats have Stan shirts

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>Favorite episode
The one with the illusions and the water guy. Second favorite is the cat episode.
I hope this doesn’t go like OOH MA SECRETS kinda stuff and only focuses on Kipo. Sure Kipo is a nice character, but what I mostly enjoyed in this show was how various lives the creatures are having in the post apocalyptic world. More weird animal-humans plz.

Fav ep was Tad’s. I hope for S2 they cut back on the cliffhanger at the end of every ep thing they did in S1. I noticed that some other shows have been doing that (like Green Eggs and Ham) so I can’t tell if it’s just a common thing for this generation of cartoons or something that Netflix execs are pushing on the showrunners.

I’m hoping they flesh out Benson and Dave more since they felt like third wheels at the end of S1. Also they should stop making Dave do dumb bullshit for easy conflict.

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>Dave do dumb bullshit for easy conflict.
God that was tiresome. The wolf episode in particular.
In general I hate characters that do this sort of thing.

I am being hopeful and say the writers will make Dave more yseful rather than the cheap comedic character they're using him for as way of quick conflict.

Yeah, the interactions are what makes the show what it is.
Hope it delves into various mute tribes starting to get along with each other thanks to Kipo, we've already seen a lumberjack cat and an umlaut snake on a date at ratland.

I don't even care if he's useful, but I hope they go into why he's essentially immortal. I find that interesting.

As soon as the black dude said "I'm gay" I lost interest I'm fucking tired of that shit every fucking show there's always some gay shit shoe horned in for no fucking reason I was actually starting to like it but they had to fuck it up

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It's a cute show but I'm not expecting flawless writing.
The "answer" will just be science gone wrong. Or aliens or Shamanic magic or whatever supernatural explanation the writing team pulls out of a hat.
Maybe other areas of the world are affected in different ways, but I don't think the show will be ling lived enough to explore on a global scale. I think it will be like Mad Max where we just the get the story of one region. Maybe we'll get glimpses of other places on a video recording or feed, but I don't picture Kipo getting on a plane and flying to New Zealand and Cairo.

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I'm tired of that shit too, but I just roll with it.
I'm not going to let one plot point spoil the whole show.

I was glad, I didn't want him defiling Kipo.

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To late dropped. I will say this though it definitely had an interesting world and cool characters that make you want to see more but it's been ruined for me and I have no desire to continue watching

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They're probably going to make her gay too

How did that ruined the show for you or how?

I really hated the Timbercats song, but I just fast forwarded and kept watching.

Just how far did the old webcomic get?

She was attracted to Benson though, that's why he came out to her. Checkmate gaytheists.

Stop being such a cuck-ass bitch.

Like 36 pages or so. I'm not entirely sure though so take my word with a grain of salt.

I hope the mom really comes back. She was a cute.

Bro, the male character becomes stronger in few episodes.

Pretty sure that "mom" wasn't real and just how Tad thought Kipo imagined the prefect mom would be like.

More tough cute furry girls.
Also a survivor from Wolf's fake family after she slaughtered most of them after they betrayed her.

Why are you even in this thread if you are this ass-blasted?

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I wanna fuck Kipo’s dad

>hating the Timbercats song
why are you so fucking gay user

I liked S01 a lot more the second time around. I initially relegated the show to background noise, but I got more into it as the season went along and wound up rewatching it properly. It definitely gets more interesting around the Ratland/Mulholland point.

The first few episodes, I found, leave a bad impression with overly long chase sequences and music that's too high in the mix, but they're also more interesting on a second viewing because they show locations, like Wolf's old house, that they don't explain the significance of until later.

Ep 2 is absolutely KINO. Also Kipo is CUTE. I just hope quality level will stay the same. This board needs more Kipo threads.

There's no way Kipo never saw a picture of her mom.

>white men not allowed
why are liberals so racist these days? everything is womenn tha or minority this but white men and boys get zero positive representation

user, are you fucking tone deaf? There is plenty of shows starring white male characters. Are acting like your oppressed or some shit? Just accept the fact that not everything is meant for you, lol.

There are white men in the show they’re just getting BABOON’D

name some shows with heroic white male characters that are not constantly portrayed as less competent or less intelligent then women or minorities and only there as comic relief.
even shows like spider-man go out of there way to point out that women and minorities are better and smarter then him at everything, while he is also constantly humiliated and written as a joke for the other characters to laugh at and ridicule

>Wolf's old house
Wait, What? do we get to see her house in the current day? out of flashback?