Will Spinel appear before Future ends or in the next series?


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previous thread:


Dont do that, they'll kill us for making it a general.

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Are you a newbie?
You can't make a thread minutes after another
They will 404 us again

I tried deleting it but then it said "our system thinks your post is spam"

wtf is with Yas Forums's deletion system not working for posts? that's irritating af

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It’s okay to post another thread but we shouldn’t make it a general. It’s okay to post a thread to have discussions about Spinel as a character.

>the crazy tranny made a su thread
didnt know we could fall any further

i lob spinel threads

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I drafted this but it still needs some work

>look mommy! i said a slur!

go back to fortnite

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So I am thinking we probably won't see a resolution to Spinel in this series but in another spin-off of some kind: a game, a comic, another animated short film of 30 minutes but not a full movie. Thoughts on this general prediction/theory?

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Though making a thread right after the other is dangerous, posting things like "Previous thread", "Next thread", "X edition" makes it worse, we should make them as casually as possible.

This makes a good desktop background for me and it's very inspiring.

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I think the one who needs to relocate is you.

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I will keep that in mind for next time. The janitor will "warn" me if I step out of line or delete offending material so don't worry too much about backseat modding.

Do you think we'll see Spinel in Little Homeworld?

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Me too user!

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Did you wasted a Spinel image for saying something as disrespectful as that?

I'm calling you sluranon from now on.

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If I'm completely honest, probably not.

But that's okay. We have the movie, the comics, all of the cute/sad fan art, that's plenty enough for me to enjoy the perfect Gem. lol

>reddit watermark

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ohhhyeeaaahhbeiby jaja

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Yeah! Let's all post cute gems and Spinels!

I'm taking a little break from drawing, but I'm open to ideas for cute outfits for Spinel to wear. See, I'm thinking of drawing Spinel and Lapis taking Steven out to a fancy dinner and it's not shippy (friendshippy maybe) and having lobster or wine or something.

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Wait, whoa, hold up, she's in the COMICS?

What issues? aaaa

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>complaining about disrespectful people in here of all places
Where on Earth do you think you are?

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I didn't know she was in the comics already, that's really cool, if you're not fooling me just to get me excited then break my heart.

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>Posting Aeolus art

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>Ctrl+F Spinel

This is cruel...

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i support a lapis thread
because i like tha lapiven too xd

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I just typed "sexy Stevonnie" in Google

Is the artist... problematic or something? I figured Yas Forums of all places has no place to criticize artists, given the average shitposter here. Do you just not like their style?

I don't see a problem with that picture.

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Based on what happened in the movie and what has happened in Future, do you see any possibility of Steven and Spinel becoming genuine friends? I’m not talking about romance (I do like the ship tho and find a lot of the art cute but this is not about shipping), but could they ever at one point hang out and actually like one another? I know many have said that Steven never cared for her at any point, never wanted to be Spinel’s friend, an so on, but I never saw it that way in the movie. Would a friendship even be healthy with how Steven’s life has gone and how we’ve seen Spinel’s mental state? I personally could see it going both ways.

Anyway, there might not be much time left for them to develop a close friendship like Steven has with Lapis, or even another former enemy in Peridot. But say Spinel gets some focus in one of the last episodes of Future. Obviously Steven would be in it. Would they have good bonding moments? Would they forgive one another for the past? And if SU were to continue in some form (comics, animated specials, a sequel/reboot) and Spinel were to join the supporting cast, would they become close buddies? And would their relationship be good? Do Steven and Spinel even WANT to be friends? I personally think they could be friends and I could explain why if anyone asks.

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Yeah, definitely, especially if Steven goes to the Diamonds post-Connverse break up. He'd see Spinel again, they'd probably greet each other and have a short cameo-style thing.

These are a lot of difficult questions I'm going to let people who are Spinel stans answer instead. I see Spinel in the same boat as Lapis: toxic, without intending to be. Has potential for improvement as well as enormous ability to lash out when hurt.

Should I buy these comics?

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Even if thinking at a Spinel series makes my heat explode of joy I think she would appear in SUF, maybe in Fragments where the Diamonds are healing broken gem shards.
And I know it's mostly impossible but I would really like if Steven's corruption really becomes canon and Spinel will be the one that helps him to be comfortable in his new form considered she had problems in fitting in the "Punished" form too.
And yes, if it happens I wish Steven would stay corrupted like Jasper forever and Spinel be the one that helps him

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>Based on what happened in the movie and what has happened in Future, do you see any possibility of Steven and Spinel becoming genuine friends?
Absolutely, she's a goofball that wants friends.
> Would a friendship even be healthy with how Steven’s life has gone and how we’ve seen Spinel’s mental state?
I dont think they arent that bad, Steven is going through a rough moment but the dude is a pretty decent person actually. As for Spinel, didnt you see how playful she was with the diamonds? The way she gives a salute? How guilty she felt after messing beach city? She's a good gal at heart, they would get along pretty well, once they sort Steven's problems.

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There’s zero reason why Steven and Connie would have to end their relationship for Steven to hang out with Spinel

We don't know how much happened in the timeskip between the movie and series.
It could be that sometimes he went to help her to be sure she was comfortable with the diamonds and they started a bond together.

And if they become friends I want them to be natural, not something like "I was your mother's friend so I have to be your friend" but they start together and it matters what they do together

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They'll probably just act like acquaintances, I see no immediate draw between the two. Though if Spinel has some insights into Steven's problems, they might grow closer. All depends on the story itself too, how Spinel has handled living with the diamonds, and the state Steven is in when he supposedly goes for a Homeworld visit. How many friends he still feels he has left close to him. If he feels sufficiently alone, then maybe he'll actually be the clingy one.
My best case scenario would be a happy Homeworld Spinel helping Steven out and them parting on a good note, or anything consistent really, but I always expect the worst out of Sugar and crew.

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Don’t see why they’d be only acquaintances especially if the bond over something

As many said before it could be really interesting if we saw Steven actually demanding Spinel to be his friend. Now that all his friends are going away he could see Spinel as a replacement and so go with her as if she was that other plants you use when the Connie plant isn't available.
Like a reflection on what Pink Diamond used Spinel for, a replacement for Pink Pearl

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More like fucked up

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That's what I said, if they can bond over their loneliness, they might grow closer. But it's not like they are close right now.

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They aren’t, but they could be. It’s just the way things went in the movie made Spinel feel too uncomfortable to try again with Steven. So they probably need distance for a little while.

Sleep well my dudes.

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Goind to bed? Sleep tight friend

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Diehard Connverse shipper huh? Well, your fanon just crashed into my headcaon here and I don't think either of us are gonna win, honestly.

Everyone loses, most of all Steven.

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Not a specific shipper at all. But I have enjoyed Connverse, Stevinel, etc

But Steven is never gonna date a gem. It’s either he’ll be with Connie, alone, or with some brand new human girl. But Steven and Connie conforming their relationship doesn’t mean Steven can’t hang out with Spinel.

Is it time to post this again along with a greentext?


>Spinel is having a freakout in bed about your not paying enough attention to her, so you roll over and try to hug her.
>She resists your attempts and just clambers behind you, wrapping her arms around you... but not lovingly. In fact, her hands are going for your neck!
>You use your powers to clamp down on her wrists and she continues to scream incoherently about something as you yell at her to relax
>Troublingly, you're starting to get hard. This is really not how you wanted your night to go...

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>Nose piercing.
Absolutely disgusting, she should strangle that thing immediately.


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bottom's up, don't expect any coherency here as this goes on

>Her face is inches from yours and furious. Despite yourself, your heart is jackhammering and you're fucking terrified.
"W-why are you trying to kill me, Spinel!?"
>She scoffs loudly.
"You tried to kill me! Isn't it only fair? This is how much I hurt! I want you to hurt! Just! Like! Me!" Every word is punctuated with a punch to your chest and it really fucking stings.
>You're finally starting to get mad. The whole bedroom begins lighting up as your gem and entire body glow with a magenta hue.
>Spinel stiffens as she feels and sees the change in you.
"You better stop!" You've lost your patience and snapped at her, just like you promised yourself you wouldn't do at the start of this poorly-planned hook-up.
>Amazingly, she does stop. In fact, she looks scared now.

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If Spinel does appear it's looking like it will most likely be the episode Homeworld Bound.

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Got your wish./spoiler]

>You both grapple bodily and you're surprised at her strength. She's really fighting you with everything she's got. Her eyes almost clench shut with effort. You are both looking at each other with stubborn, intense fury.
>You wonder where her love for you went, to be replaced by so much anger and yourself to blame.
>This really sucks.
"You bitch! Stop!"
"B-b-bitch?" she sputters. "How ... How dare you, you useless parasite! You leech! You pest! You maggot! You worm!"
>She hurls insults at you and her hands grip your shoulders, pushing you into the bed. The mattress squeaks.
>There's a noise and scuffling nearby and your heart leaps.
>Someone's heard your fight. This is not good.
"Spinel, shut UP!"

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Fragments could also be possible. Mr. Universe is a wildcard


>There's a wet slapping sound, a lot of them, and a literal column of water floods the entire room. Spinel is bodied against the wall and Lapis is standing nearby, her eyes glowing with absolute fury.
"Lapis, NO!" You try to put yourself between them, your shield activating around your hands. "It's not what you think!"
>Lapis just stares at you in sheer disbelief. "Not what I think? Steven, I just say her try to KILL you!"
"Lapis, no! W-we... "
>Words fail you. And Lapis isn't waiting for your reply, anyway.
>She's slamming Spinel into the floorboards heavily, trying to poof her. She's not showing any mercy.
>You throw your body against hers, knocking her to the floor.
"Lapis, stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!"

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I’d love to see this happen in show. Dunno if Spinel could save Steven but it would be so heartbreaking.

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Oh no no no, I made FAN comics. lol

Sorry for the misunderstanding. ^^'

>Mr. Universe
I heard someone said that Spinel could be in that episode because she at one point called Steven "Mr. Universe". When was that?

I did, but I acknowledged it as being a long shot. It’s more likely to be a sendoff episode for Greg.

>I made FAN comics
May I see them?

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