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I fucking called it.
>mfw watching my disney shares plummet
I know it'll be fine in the end
literally everyone called it
Honestly surprised it took this long.
It's like calling that at one point it will rain.
Finally the real event is starting. All sports cancelled, E3 and music festivals cancelled, Disney parks closing
Normies have finally woken up to the months of us saying this is a serious fucking issue
Those wagecu.cks on suicide watch.
>Steven Universe is ending
>the world is going down the shitter
And then in a month you wake up and find that nobody but a couple of 80 year olds have died.
Reminder that barely anyone is dying from this.
The swine flu in 09 infected a couple million people including a heavy percentage of children yet barely anything was said about that, no media apocalyptic predictions.
It's weird what gets the news and what doesn't
Perfect time to renovate the shot out of everything
>Racism le bad because it hurts and kills.
>Judy supports mobsters who kill and torture countless animals for money but doesn't give a shit and team up with cold blooded killers so she can make her dream of being a cop come true.
Oh...excuse me HAHA, I mistook this for a Zootopia thread.
Reminder that in some countries, the fatality rate is as high as 6 percent. Reminder that if you don't die, it could cause permanent lung damage. Stay on Yas Forums faggot.
From the epidemy that's likely, but the economic ripples will probably have dire consequences for lots of people.
>It's weird what gets the news and what doesn't
Well, you see, children, in 2009 CNN and friends weren't deliberately trying to burn the world to the ground to screw over a president they didn't like.
>Reminder that in some countries, the fatality rate is as high as 6 percent. Reminder that if you don't die, it could cause permanent lung damage
Wait aren't those all shitty countries like India with nearly nonexistent public health standards?
and the global economy
there are less than a hundred identified cases in India right now
Does that effect people below 30?
>No one is going to die if the hospital system completely broke down
Lol get your head out of your ass. And if less deaths happened? It's because we actually did this shit
If you fell for what the media told you and hoarded 10k boxes of Kleenex and Cheetos in your fallout shelter, don't expect any sympathy from me.
Swine flu had much lower fatality rates.
Because the Chinese market and old people (literal Boomers) are critically on the line this time. Goes to show who's really important.
Comicon will follow up sooner.
No but neither did the spanish flu in its first year, and the next year it mostly affected 20-40 year olds.
You idiot, there's more to the world than america.
yeah anything that affects mostly the elderly is definitely likely to lead to death
yeah, I'm sure the economy will be fine after millions of people with no paid sick leave or ability to work from home can't work for weeks at a time
Media in other countries have been much more vocal about the epidemy than US media up until like this week.
And he means Italy.
If we do nothing, people will complain we didn't do enough.
But if we do a good enough job, people won't be sure we've done anything at all.
Boston ComicCon was canceled already.
Italy has the worst hospitals around. If the virus doesn't get them, their doctors will.
All flus affect mostly the elderly, but generally not to the tune of 1 in 6 dying of it.
Italy is literally ranked by WHO as having the second-best heallthcare in the world
can anyone explain why hoarding 20 crates of Mountain Dew is supposed to protect you from getting sick?
You're not a fucking prophet for being able to spot the obvious.
Sounds pretty based to me.
>Italy is literally ranked by WHO
>And then in a month you wake up and find that nobody but a couple of 80 year olds have died.
Yeah that's why everybody's doing this shit, so that only a couple of people die rather than hundreds of thousands or millions due to a collapsed healthcare system.
Its up to 20% for older people with underlying conditions.
Oh dear, 6%!? Seriously, do you people hear yourselves? It's bad but it's much better than other pandemics.
>there are less than a hundred identified cases in India right now
>identified cases
You're giving India's health system and infrastructure quite a lot of credit here.
>Italy has the worst hospitals around.
It really doesn't.
Hillbillies. Hispanics know that the real cure for everything is Vicks, chicken soup and a little bit of Sprite.
>disney world cast members right now
>Yeah that's why everybody's doing this shit,
Doing what? Hoarding crates of Mountain Dew in their basement? And why nobody say a word when happened?
Does it have to be Campbell's chicken noodle, or will any brand work?
>It's bad but it's much better than other pandemics.
Here's your (You), retard. Now go kiss a chink so you can get the virus and die.
It infected 1.5 billion people, 500,000 people died, and it was everywhere on the news.
COVID-19 is about 10 to 20x more deadly.
6% is a lot, my dude
I mean, Jesus fuck, Italy isn't the Netherlands or Sweden. Their infrastructure is a fucking joke.
The fuck are you talking about? When it comes to flu-like epidemics it's the deadliest any of us have seen in terms of fatality rates. Ebola and shit like that might have higher fatality rates but it doesn't transmit nearly as easily.
if 6% of 100,000,000 million people die it's still 6 million people.
Made by grandma is the most effective
Because a lot of people are nervous wrecks these days and/or want the world to end. This nonsense occupies a weird void between "Deadly global health disaster" and "mild to severe cold' and no one has any idea how to react
yeah and if it's all just boomers who gaf anyway?
Doesn't help they apparently took in like 100,000 chinese workers awhile ago...
my university is closed now
2020 is cancelled
See >the CDC estimates killed nearly 12,469 people in the US and between 151,700 and 575,400 people globally. But I am by no means alone. The CDC also estimates there were 60.8 million cases of swine flu in the US between April 12, 2009, and April 10, 2010.
Which amounts to a fatality rate of 0.0002%
there are plenty of immunocompromised younger people at risk too
Disneys presser said they will be paying all CMs for the entirety of the closures.
More than half the people who had been infected since this started made a full recovery in a week. The chance of you dying is less likely than being in a car accident. This is a time for caution, not fear or angst.
>Hoarding crates of Mountain Dew in their basement?
No you fool, cancelling big events and shutting down parks. Only retards hoard like this.
I'm fairly sure they base their measures on more than stereotypes. Besides we're talking about northern Italy here, not Naples.
What about AX?
Yes, caution. But not downplaying it. This shit is serious. Even if you personally will probably be fine, you could very easily pass it to someone who would not be fine.
>Which amounts to a fatality rate of 0.0002%
I'd like to point out that this fatality rate is an order of magnitude lower than the usual yearly flu in the US, which is why there wasn't a big media panic about it.
What if the car has corona?
>This nonsense occupies a weird void between "Deadly global health disaster" and "mild to severe cold' and no one has any idea how to react
I have a pretty damn good idea of how to react which is to just go about your life as normal, unless you're 80 and use an oxygen tank you don't have much to worry about but maybe a nasty head cold and do not trust what CNN and NBC tell you.
>More than half the people who had been infected since this started made a full recovery You think that's good, retard? What do you think happens to the other half?
Agreed, but it's still serious
Campbell's a shit
This will substantially die down within 2 weeks. With nobody going anywhere it will eventually run its course and the infected will get better. The virus will cease to be a thing and everything will be alright.
>Disney World is going to be empty
Fucking niiiiiice
>The chance of you dying is less likely than being in a car accident. This is a time for caution, not fear or angst.
I'm not scared of the virus, I'm scared of the idiots who think that it's all just a conspiracy and ignore all the advice and spread it and kill more people than needed, and the idiots who are gonna panic and start looting like they do every time there's a hurricane in the South. The chance of dying from the virus is small but if there's a big outbreak at once it has a shitload of ripple effects including strain on healthcare facilities and government resources that can cause tremendous amounts of damage.
How long before area hotel rates start to crash? Lookin to book my halloween days
If it stays and comes back around every winter (which it probably will), there's a non-negligeable chance that there are worst strains to come that will affect younger people.
Don't be stupid. It's time based. If number 100,000 got infected 4 days ago, obviously he's still feeling it. It has about 9 days before your immune system fights it off.
Thank you, user for telling the truth here once we're all laughing at the idiots in their fallout shelter with giant piles of soda crates and Pringles cans surrounding them.
I wish I had your optimism, user. I'm being sincere, I really do.