I'm still mad

I'm still mad

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It's weird how the decent characters from this show got so little development.
Her and the lizard dude to put some examples

They had no right to do this to her.

I will never forgive them, and I will make them pay.

One way or another, they WILL pay.

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then stop making threads, GF wasn't this bad at letting go.

>getting mad at cartoons
bro no...

so you're okay with millions of little girls watching lesbians and thinking it's normal and becoming lesbians themselves ?

you sicken me, and the day Frozen 3 will have a lesbian story is the day the Occident will meet its downfall and I will gloat as I would have already left the western world for a better place untainted by Soddom and Gomorra's influence

you'll be sorry and I won't care

you imbecilic cancer

it makes no sense for straight people to hate gays but love lesbians
more gay = more girls available since they won't go after them

encouraging lesbianism is the epitome of stupidity
the more lesbians the less girls will be interested in you and woud rather make out with the same sex than with you

all you idiotic mongrels always support lesbians, and lesbians are way more prominent in cartoons/television than gays
it is your fault, all of you, you will see the consequences

Elsa will be a lesbian, and little girls will all be lesbians because girls are very influencable
Men aren't as much influencable than females, so it wouldn't affect them to see gayness

it's your right to be gay
just don't put your homosexual fetishes in cartoons for normal people

normal people watch normal shows
gay people watch gay things

don't mix the two

you stupid fuggs ruined everything, but I'm not mad
as I said, the west doomed because of nincompoops such as you fag and I will be rejoincing to its doomsday from afar

no, the memory of Jackie shall never die

She is not a lesbian, I think she is pansexual, she is just looking for a person who understands her, feels misunderstood and lonely

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>he is not incestuous he just sexually likes his family

isn't pansexual just a bisexual in disguise?

Now read the first letter of every sentence

hoes fucking mad oh my days

y'all niggas need to move on

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naaaa shes not bi
shes just a misunderstood girl, looking for someone

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I'm not mad Jackie is a lesbian, I'm mad they shafted her
Why do you think I used a Sophomore Slump screenshot?

you are not understand... is bisexual the same shit a pansexual?


Her girlfriend's cute.

Pansexual means you're attracted to everything including children and animals

she was too good for marco but this episode was too much

Straight and gay are just bisexual in disguise.

pedophilia and bestiality. I should have known!

>GF wasn't this bad at letting go
GF didn't crash and burn as bad as Star.

So cute together

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Your tiny brain might not comprehend, but there are people out there who actually liked the finale.

Your tiny brain might not comprehend, but there are people out there who actually didn't like the finale.Nefcy knows this or else she wouldn't have mentioned it in the AMA.

If they didn't kiss on screen it never happened.

>so you're okay with millions of little girls watching lesbians and thinking it's normal and becoming lesbians themselves ?
Yes. I really don't care

Voltron: Legendary Defender's a better comparison

Didn't that show immediately decline after season 1?

Fuck you im gonna post it.

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>OP didn't like it, so nobody is allowed to like it.

Pretty much, what kind of person thinks letting the main character committing genocide is a good way to cap your show? Oh, wait...

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How many other girls did Princess Marco turn into lesbians?

Why does this chick have so many waifufags?

Hopefully all of them

Have you seen her dialog compilation by any chance? More than half her dialog is literally 'love interest incel-kiss-me-bait: the character'.

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No, that came much later

>More than half her dialog is literally 'love interest incel-kiss-me-bait: the character'.
Did you not watch the show? Her best moment was telling Marco that he was a fuck up. Incels would never recover from that shit.

What the fuck?

At least your favorite SvTFOE girl got an episode in the last season.

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>that episode where Brittney gave Star coronavirus
A classic.

Is she still fat?

She looked fine her cameo in the finale, so probably it all went to her ass.

this is fucking gay...

>an episode
It was like a two minute cameo in an episode about Marco finally adressing that he was a garbage boyfriend.

>what kind of person thinks letting the main character committing genocide is a good way to cap your show?

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>implying he won't pussy out with a power of friendship ending

Haven't watched his show in years. I remember all the fags in high school who wore the anime jackets.

Jean was giving off death flags right in the latest chapter, and he's Isayama's favorite. If he dies then I wouldn't put it past him to go through with it. If he pussies out then anime is dead to me.

>and he's Isayama's favorite.
No, it has been Reiner for years now.

If Reiner is his favorite then I'd hate to be friends with him considering how he treats him.

When did she get fat?

Well, he got to become one of the most prominent characters of the series while nearly everyone else fell into irrelevance

In the possum episode back in S2


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A badly storyboarded episode in late season 2 made her look fat from certain angles (she was fine by the season 2 finale).

Have any pics? I'm sure losing that possum made her a bit depressed

Pansexual is getting boners feom cookware

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I'm still mad

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oh user, it's been so long since I've seen that...

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>imma kill myself for no reason

>When you were such shitty boyfriend that your ex became a clean coal burner

oh my fucking god RIP my sides

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I mean it was rushed and Alex is to blame for this.