Based. Fuck mutant hitler

Based. Fuck mutant hitler

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Is the device on the table something Cyclops sent to the F4?

hysterical shrew

I don't follow those comics regularly. When did Cyclops went full "Magneto was right, kill all humans"?

He didn't, Sue's just on the rag

Maybe it’s because mutants are regularly persecuted and they need a sanctuary you dumb cunt

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God Sue has never been so fuckable than this moment.

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Mutants can’t have their own place because they’re white presenting. Wakanda can because it’s not. The only way this illogical system of social critique makes sense is when it is framed in its actual criteria. Non-White Good, White Evil.

The total eradication of this system is the only way whites can be free to be themselves again. It is an entire untenable situation that ends with the death of all whites, or the death of the system. No negotiation or quarter can be made, you cannot correct or capitulate, you can deride or demonize, but what you cannot do is stop the war to come. Whites must fight, or all they make will be scoured from history. We are racial occupation, sold out by our selfish and greedy socialites, ready to die themselves for a few days in golden retreat and perversion.

The only thing Hitler did wrong was show quarter to his enemies. He should have atomized those fleeing Dunkirk. The Holocaust should have happened. The jew shows no quarter to his enemy, why should we?

>Foolish homo sapien woma-

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Seems to me here that Cyclops knows what he's saying is some awful shit and got talked into it by the other two. Weak-willed of him, but in the last panel he pretty much looks Magneto in the eye and says "This was fucking idiotic of us to try."

Based /ss/ Kitty.

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X-Men Schism, and it sort of continued into AvX and IvX.

Or he's just remembering "Weren't we about..the opposite of this?"

>took Reed Richards an afternoon and some napkin scribblings to make helmets immune to psychic detection and suits capable of resisting mutant powers

Imagine if he wasn't as detached as he usually is and genuinely gave a shit about the safety of his kids.

>above humanity, buying us off with "gifts" of medicine
No, Reed, it's called leveraging your nation's resources for power in order to secure an existence for your people, people who have been targets of multiple attempted genocides and mass killings.
For a genius, Reed sure is retarded.

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I can't imagine Wolverine genuinely supporting this Krakoa shit. I mean shit, he's the one who believed a non-mutant should teach at their school because the kids needed perspective.

>Why yes we do harbor mass murderers in our utopia based on race and brush off any prior criminal record the mutant had

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Pretty sure Magneto's kidnapped people before.

>Leave everything to me, Frenklin

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Sue gonna throw an island into space!

The entire mutant setup in X-Men is retarded. People who get superpowers through industrial accidents or alien experiments are all universally adored while people who get superpowers through birth are all universally and ridiculously persecuted. It'd either be all one or all the other.

Based Ben. Doom played diplomatic immunity card multiple times on FF.

Open Borders for Krakoa, let them be culturally enriched by human and Inhuman diversity

Actually, what's gonna happen if mutants hurt Valeria under orders from Krakoa? Doom has a really soft spot for her.

Bringing back genocidal kill bots seems to be in poor taste victor...

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Isn't Doom all about poor taste and overcompensating? He has no brakes.

He made a device that nullified Franklin's powers for a long time, back when he was a child.

There is NOTHING WHATSOEVER stopping him from power-block the entire Krakoa population(and Krakoa itself) except he tries to be a decent guy.
And what's keeping him trying to be a decent guy is his family.
...X-people are a bunch of morons.

>For a genius, Reed sure is retarded.
Autistic, but yeah.

Reed is world's most intelligent idiot. It has been canon for a while, since CW1 at very least.

>Using DOOMsentinels to destroy kratoa and make mutties seethe.

Expected nothing less from victor.

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CW1 nowadays would be solved with Reed forcing Tony to transition.

"I saw it on the screen, now kiss!"



Pretty sure Doom would wage all out war.

Mutants make up 1% of the population, yet have one of the biggest lobbying groups in the United States

Mutants force every human country to embrace coexistence, yet always seem to demand another ethnostate

Really activates those almonds


We need common sense mutant control

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>mutants formed an insular ehtnostate with overly-influential lobbying in major nations after the Inhumans tried to gas them all to death
Hey, wait a tick

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Pure coincidence
Stop thinking about it

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That's why the mutants need to be purged.

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Where’s that pinky headed kitty?

>*You* changed Charles.
So with all the timey-wimey bullshit that took place to make this all possible, how much of a sudden change is this really? Didn't Moira meet up with Charles and Erik ASAP to make this happen? Doesn't that mean this version of Charles is the only one this version of Reed has known?

If doom kill/put the mutant nazis in a leash i will worship him forever, man.
even better, mutant nazis actions make f4 and doom join forces forever.

>because mutants are regularly persecuted
Because of the crime, violence and terrorism they're responsible for

>and they need a sanctuary
It's called 'the grave', do your part to help them get there.

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If Doom genocides the muties for good, he will finally deserve all the praise he thinks he deserves

why would you bring magneto for something like this

>gisnep is still putting the jackboots to the X Men’s legacy, actively framing their scifi minority stand-in as evil social parasites
And they still try to tell me Mouschwitz is just a meme.

>A Jew is actually fighting people that act like IRL Jews
I am confusion

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Sue is one of the last people you want to piss off. When she comes for you, you won't even see it coming.

Why is diplomatic immunity so much stupider in comics than real life?

He erased his memories until right before this all started which is why the change seems so sudden

Since when did they let Franklin grow up? And why the hell isn't he blonde?

>>Since when did they let Franklin grow up?
since the start of Slott's F4.
They have been traveling through the new universes for half a decade(subjective time)

>And why the hell isn't he blonde?
he's in his rebellious teenager phase, so he dyed them black.


Anyone have that old valentine's issue of new mutants that ends with Franklin being boom boom's true love?

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