Mary Jane and Female Symbiotes to Debut in Marvel's Spider-Man

>Face it, tiger. You just hit the jackpot. The third season of Marvel's Spider-Man: Maximum Venom kicks off on Disney XD at 9 p.m. ET/PT on April 19, the company revealed Thursday. It'll see the first appearance of Mary Jane Watson (played by The Guild's Felicia Day) in the animated show.

It consists of six hour-long specials, with Spider-Man and his allies battling an earth-shattering threat summoned to Earth by Venom -- he's presumably called a whole bunch of symbiotes.

>The animated series, which has been running since 2017, is set in its own continuity (so it isn't linked to the Marvel Cinematic Universe). It features Spidey allies Gwen Stacy and Miles Morales and heroes including Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange and Star-Lord.

Along with Mary Jane, Season 3 will bring in Ironheart (also known as Riri Williams, played by Sofia Wylie) and symbiote sisters Scream, Scorn and Mania (played by Meg Donnelly, Kylee Russell and Carla Jeffery).

It looks like this season will offer plenty of symbiote action -- the poster features "Venomized" versions of Captains Marvel, Captain America and Iron Man.

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>Venomized Captain Marvel
Fuck yeah.


I believe this is what she'll look like. They did say they revamped the art style to look closer to the promos they had when the show first came out.

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>Spider-Man Maximum Venom
>Third Season

...what? Is there seriously a spider-man cartoon that's made it a whole 2 seasons without me ever having heard of it or did they just rebrand something else?

How is it?

It's Marvel's Spider-Man. Like Ultimate, it just rebrands after two seasons to push a new gimmick.

It's okay. It's kind of mediocre and it doesn't know what it wants to be, but it's watchable unlike the earlier seasons of USM.

>It'll see the first appearance of Mary Jane Watson
Booo. Why can't it be Liz?

They had Liz. She was kinda cute, but she did nothing. They randomly made her Screwball for one episode, then forgot about her after that.

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Ahh, understood. Thank you.

who cares it's going to be lame as usual
especially with how shit it looks

There's a picture of her in the link, too.
I prefer the Binary hair of the comics but the bone mohawk is cool too.

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That was part of the issue of Pete going to Horizon high and all his classic school friends getting removed from the cast entirely. It was fine to mix it up for the sake of the show but not with introducing all the classic friends/acquaintances and give them unique designs and their own voice actors then ship Pete off somewhere else.

They really should've extended the Superior arc or at least have Pete spend a few episodes back in Midtown after that ended before going back to Horizon. I wanted Ock to make his own Superior group of heroes with Screwball, Cloak and Dagger, and some other Midtown character to fight the spider squad plus robot Pete.

Yeah, there were a lot of missed chances in season two. I would've taken a longer Superior arc, especially since the Regent and Goblin stuff after was really lame. Who the fuck approved Adrian Toomes as the final boss of the season?

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I drop it, but I am interesting - they show MJ?

Pretty good. Far better than Ultimate Spider-Man

The series knws what it wants to be. It's original and new

But that is why she would be a more developed character if they have Liz fill the MJ role. Have her be a kind of tsundere character that is being mean to Peter as a way to express her love for him

I like the series becaue it did things very original that's not a typical formula. Not many kids today are interested in the more classic formula which many older fans are familiar with. It needed a new directionthat isn't following too much of the comic formula, and it became a more newer and enjoyable series to watch

>Female symbiotes in animated form

Fuck yeah!

>the only R34 this show gets is of that fat old fuck Max Modell

le sigh

>didn't make her super buff and manly
>almost certainly not yandere for spidey
not muh venomcarol.

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>Female Symbiotes

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Mania is in this show?

>Female Symbiotes
post some

She showed up once as a school mascot.

Which symbiotes make you blush the most?

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>Scream, Scorn and Mania
I hate that this excites me

Considering the ratings, I don’t think kids cared about the new approach either.

Who's scorn? And where's agony?

>Third season
>First appearance of Mary Jane Watson

How the hell this was allowed in the first place, we are talking about MJ Watson, not Glory Grant or Norah Winters

Didn't the last Spider-Man cartoon already did that? I remember Mary Jane becoming some kind of Carnage queen.

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>Female Symbiotes
Symbiotes can have vagenes? Yes open pls.

They haven’t said she’d get a symbiote, but I wouldn’t be surprised. These past two shows feel the urge to give Peter’s friends powers just because.

Purple part Techno symbiote

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Disney XD has been a dying network for at least 2-3 years.

Even as someone who despises the animation, Hulk and the Agents of SMASH had surprisingly decent ratings despite it looking worse than this.

I kind of like the idea of a minor villain who reforms, is tempted back into evil, and becomes a bigger threat than before. The problem is that Vulture was very boring in this show and that never changed.

Yup. Go get them, tiger.

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What's the best Spidey animated to watch? There's a few on Disney plus.

Spectacular Spiderman was brilliant, was yet another fucking spiderman back in highschool.
Fucks sake, spiderman in highschool has always been shit and they dumped that bullshit quickly in the comics for a reason.
The original is watchable and informed a lot of modern Marvel cartoons...
But it's fairly weak

> was yet another fucking spiderman back in highschool.

It was literally the first Spider-Man cartoon set in high school. All other ones before then have been in college or beyond.

Disney XD is still alive?

I will forever be pissed that they cancelled spectacular spider-man

>Most popular girl
>School mascot

Ohnononono she will be a black nerd like in the MCU, right?

>Felicia Day

I would come up with something clever to say but I can't. Her career is dead. The appex of her career was a Syfy movie. She isn't even pretty enough to sell out to porn for one more minute in the spotlight.

Her career is dead.

Shit crap animation for little babies
Meanwhile in Japan...
Having the giant Disney and making cheap animations and with bad scripts like these, the CEO of this company is very incompetent

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She's voiced by a white girl, so no.

i can't show my boobs on disney xd

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>Mary Jane Watson (played by The Guild's Felicia Day)

Fuck, they ruined it!
I actually don't outright hate Felicia Day, but her nervy forced enthusiasm and forty year old voice are a fit for bad Mary Jane.

And he's voiced by a black guy...

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She didn't sound bad in Stretch Armstrong, but she sounded more like a Gwen-style than MJ. I always thought MJ should sound a bit flirty and Spectacular got that right.

Those were different times. If they made a big deal about a prominent female character, only to be voiced by a white voice actress these days, the crowds would cry blackface or something.

New poster

Attached: ES7Vt_wUEAAotFd.jpg (1005x1402, 299.15K) anime of the year and the manga sold 20 million copies and Disney is still doing these bad comics and poor animations

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AND it's made by a female mangaka!!

Now look at this unadulterated litteral faggotry and bitchery the loser cunts in amurica are doing.
I'm fucking EMBARASSED of the so called female creatives in America goddamnit
The fuck are these bitches doing?

God, that show sucked ass. They didn't even have the guts to make a symbiote with a female-host look monstrous.

after watching kimetsu no yaiba season 1 i was watching the videos reactions of the episodes, amazing how women love the story
At Marvel something was lost in these 10 years, they have the money and the people to do a spectacular job but they apparently know and don't care about it

Disney should have a Marvel animated universe and target teen and adult audiences.
Kids like this more than this garbage they've been doing with Spider-Man for ages.

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>Marvel's Spider-Man
Isn't that the ugly as sin series where everyone became Spider-Man taking out all the uniqueness Peter may have had as a hero?

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Yup. Now they're having EVERYONE, even the heroes with unique powers, get symbiotes.

All for toys, of course. Seriously, Marvel has been shilling this season hard because they're making a lot of toys and merch for it.

It has an average rating, and most of them tend to watch online. Other then that it's not so bad and it's building

Not everyone cared about Mary Jane Watson at this point. Especially with young kids. That character has appeared too much in literally every version of Spider-Man she has been in. And the fact that she's still in Midtown while Peter is in Horizon shows they won't really interact much

Besides, seeing the two season MJ wasn't really needed at all in the story

That's Ultimate Spider-Man

The current one is not so bad

>It has an average rating

Ratings below 0.5 means it's doing terrible. You can enjoy the show all you like, but children are barely seeing it. The little fanbase it has is teens shipping.

The fact that they're pirating it instead of watching it on TV isn't encouraging either.

Large fanbases tend to be full of cancer anyways. Look at Steven Universe's and Rick & Morty's.

Better to enjoy something niche with a niche crowd.

>shared universe
>basically another fucking Spider-man or Avengers cartoon
No thanks. Give me a Ghost Rider or Punisher cartoon.

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>It's DIFFERENT so it's good!
Ha ha, no.

>Teen Groot

Ohnonono I fucking hate Marvel

She's still pretty cute

Yeah, but they barely did anything with her. She's made two appearances and in the second one, it's a short where she's just stealing money from a hot dog eating contest.

It was my favorite cartoon channel until Disney Channel gutted it, took all of the new original premieres and turned it into a dead rerun channel.