Immortal Hulk 32

Aftermath. Bitching expected.

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let me guess, another forced speech about some sjw topic trending on twitter

Ewing created a Super Faggot.

I 'member

Super Trans. Apparently transsexuals are immune to mind control.
Like mutants are immune to aids.

Yeah and it's triggering the snowflakes

>6,1 vs 5,11

>Apparently transsexuals are immune to mind control.
You didn't read it, did you?

The bad faith reeee-ing is predicably dull. Yes it was a little corny, but not much different then when books of the late 60s/70s threw black people a bone.

Just came across this shit:
>In the wake of Xemnu’s memory manipulation, Charlene senses a familiar feeling. “It can force its own narratives onto me, even into my head,” she says. “And I’ve had enough of that. Who I am belongs to me.” Immortal Hulk #32 features a special thanks to Crystal Frasier, a trans woman game developer who served as a sensitivity consultant working directly with Ewing to develop Charlene’s character. Frasier’s input brings emotional honesty to this scene and continues to highlight how Ewing collaborates with others to make his story as rich as possible.
Ewing consulted a cock-sucking faggot to model his Super Faggot.

Why are you mad?

Not him but

>We consulted a transexual on their thoughts on why transexuals always seem to be completely out of touch with reality.

>Crystal frasier

What is with Transexual people and choosing the weirdest most obtuse names?

i'm convinced all Transexuals are just creating personas to run from their own trauma.

So let me get this straight; Yas Forums is triggered over a mentally unstable tranny hanging out with literal monsters not being fully whammied by Xemnu’s nostalgia driven mind tricks?

And this reads as pro trans to you people?

There's two ways of looking at this.
1. It's a commentary on mental illness, as the mentally ill have a history of resisting mind control in Marvel.
2. It's as the character explains, they already had to overcome societal pressures to even realize that they were trans, so they have some experience with resisting a fake reality.
Take your pick.

She seems pretty stable to me, user. What makes you think she isn't?

Feed him. Feed Xemnu.

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Constantly questioning identity
Hormone treatments
Wants to chop dick off
Feels at home with Bruce Banner

>Constantly questioning identity
She isn't though. She accepts her identity
>Feels at home with Bruce Banner
Does she? Or is she just working with him?

>Like mutants are immune to aids.
Wait what?

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Did you even read this run?

Do you? She doesn't feel "at home with Bruce Banner" and she's isn't immune to mind control. She saw things that didn't add-up and Samson supported her suspicion.

McGowan literally said her constant question of her own identity led her to questioning what was real, which led to finding the footage. Moreover, there’s that whole thing about being drawn to Hulk

no no no, the tranny has resistance to mind control because someone else is intruding upon their fantasy with their own narrative.

Probably likes Steven Universe and Frasier

>i read the bait thread, i'm sure i can fit in just fine

No, we know you are a retarded shitposter.

Why is everyone ignoring that she wouldn't even have noticed if not for her own recording of what she actually remembered?

Honestly i'm surprised the not so many people brought up the fact that other mentally unstable people have been proven to have some sort of resistence against mind control.
Well, i know the outrage is a casualgate thing, but still.

>Yas Forums in charge of reading

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We can't be reasonable. To much work for shitposting

It's not just that. Others like Cho and The black reporter suscepted something was wrong as well but unlike them, the tranny doc actually had a video of her telling people her backstory before the Xemnuing.

they looked at the recording because they felt something was off lrn2read fago

>I am offended that a writer took time to consult a representative of a community when depicting a fictional character from said community!

You go girlfriend, bring on that righteous bigoted indignation over s writer trying to depict people accurately and realistically. I love it.

Being a faggot must be exhausting.

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Courtesy of Chuck Austen’s X-men run.

>Immortal Hulk #32 features a special thanks to Crystal Frasier, a trans woman game developer who served as a sensitivity consultant working directly with Ewing to develop Charlene’s character. Frasier’s input brings emotional honesty to this scene and continues to highlight how Ewing collaborates with others to make his story as rich as possible.
What the holy fuck

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because outrage fags only care about being mad.

Nah, I’m zen as fuck even during the current pandemic.

>Like mutants are immune to aids.
Makes sense. Muties aren't human after all.

>sensitivity consultant

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there would be more dead if they werent. theyre humans with a new hat

but actually yes

>Crystal Frasier
Sounds like one of those forgotten X-men characters that died 30 years ago.

Dull excuse

It's about introspection and self actualization

We see other people seeing the holes in Xemnu's narrative because he's spreading himself too thin, taking both sides of the political aisle. It doesn't make sense
Samson and McGee both notice something is wrong

>no one has drawn Xemnu vore yet
I know what I have to do, but I don’t think I have the strength

>in a reality with shape shifting mutants and aliens we're supposed to believe being trans ranks top 100 in shit marvel cit's care about
Nope. If you're not transitioning into a dinosaur or the herald of an alien invasion then nobody would give a fuck.

What's up with all the trans stuff in this series?

They talked about some guy writing about trans rights, one of the character talks about black market HRT and then she comes out as trans and relates it to being able to realise they're brainwashed?

What's going on?

I always thought that the green scar was just banner and hulk working in tandem I didn’t think he was a whole different personality

Ewing needed to introduce a Super Faggot.

he didn't create that you were her long before he started writing for marvel

Stop putting things in your butt.

>What's going on?
Muh world outside your window. Stan Lee's words getting twisted to peddle rehashed stories to a new progressive audience. White man bad, orange man bad, etc. But this is Yas Forumsmblr, home of Steven Universe. They love this shit and will defend it to the death.

you can cite as many mantras as you want, user, faggot is faggot, you can't change what you are, just embrace it, it's fine.

It really is a god-damned shame;
Ewingfaggot is a good writer.
Hulk is a great character.
But, I cannot abide this shit.

Why is it such a big deal to you?

Guess who's the only character the Hulk won't rip apart because if they do then OMMGGG MARVEL JUST KILLED A TRANS CHARACTER THEY HATE TRANSEXUALS

Not him, but,
You do realize kids read these things called comics, eh?
No one wants these mentally deranged ass fuckers pushing their agenda to children,
Or even to troubled adults.
There's enough faggots in this world.

It’s more like they’re constantly rebelling all the time already