Why was the Fire Nation retconned as homophobic?

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What do you think they did to those two chicks

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lgbt is a sect that can only emote to the world through their limited self centered sex-tinted lenses. The don't care about 6 gorillion jews dying from the holocaust, but nazi hating homos is why they deserved extermination, and only that.


It actually isn't a retcon since they never mentioned the fire nation's stance on homosexuality prior to that moment. There's no inconsistency.

Realistically speaking all of the nation's would be homophobic as fuck, Korra ass pulling that Fire Nation was special in it's homophobia is just unrealistic.

Still it makes no sense like at all since the Fire Nation was a society that gave women the opportunity to the same jobs as men.

reminder none of the avatar comics are canon

That much is true, and I feel this might've been done to paint the Fire Nation as some strawman of evil.

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Really!? Thank goodness!!!

That may be true, but if they planned on taking over the Earth Kingdom and the rest of the world, they'll need soldiers. Homosexual couples can't reproduce and if they aren't in the military, they're a waste of resources.

What about this?

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if they would care about procreation, they would force women to remain in the kitchen instead of reducing the numbers of baby makers by being killed at war.

I wouldn't mind it but in canon they're just friends and are both straight.

So if Ty-Lee refused would Azula just threaten her life again, like she did to get her to leave the circus and join her retinue to begin with?

It's just so fucking cringe... try as you might, being "woke" really can't hide your inability to write.

I guess but this "Fire Nation hates gays = EVIL!!!" is dumb. Wouldn't all the nations have some homophobia in them?

>lgbt is a sect that can only emote to the world through their limited self centered sex-tinted lenses. The don't care about 6 gorillion jews dying from the holocaust, but nazi hating homos is why they deserved extermination, and only that.
Did a girl not have sex with you because she was a lesbian? Or that was the only way you could justify it?

Nah your reasoning is dumb, if they cared about children to fuel the war effort so strongly they wouldn't be letting women put themselves in harms way unlike the other nations which are much more traditional.

>incel faggot mad
sorry you becoming faggot still cant get you laid

Because apparently being homophobic is considered to be a much bigger crime than committing genocide

I not gay.

Agreed on that. Also, on a side note the Southern Water Tribe are truly savages.

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Air nomads are woke AF
Water tribe is dont ask dont tell
Fire nation was down with the clown till EVIL ozai made everyone homophobic
Earth Kingdom was always homophobic, even Kyoshi's bisexuality couldn't fix it.

At least according to Aang's daughter.

>implying she would refuse in the first place

Woah bro not cool

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Isn't the 'southern water tribe' like six people at the start of avatar?
Or did they have an offscreen city?

>Water tribe is dont ask dont tell

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It was like 15 at best sinc emost of the men left to fight in the war leaving the children and women behind making the tribe six at the time Aang showed up.

Her gay aunt says the same thing on the next page.
The water tribe doesn't care so long as you don't bring it up in the centre of town or like fuck 50 men in th water bending training yard.

I can't believe Korra as a character...

Azula didn't threaten shit. She loves ty lee to much to hurt her

Sozin was a Christian.

Because the rabid sects of LGBT+ community needs something to fight against to remain special.

I consider myself lucky that I live in an area where the LGBT are just regular people that arent afraid to talk about how they like to fuck other guys in the butt. Everyone accepts them, hell, even the straight people are more than happy to join in the pride parades, we never get hate-crimes. It's nice.

But the SJW's need the big, hetro-boogieman to oppress them so that they can feel special by overcoming that oppression. That's why so many things are desperate to give power to the vocal sexist minority, because an empowered majority overcoming a powerless minority isnt very heroic.

So Korra is just being her typical loudmouth and idiotic self as usual?

As retarded as this page is, at least the writer got Korras personality right, in being a completely fucking retard who acts on emotions and assumptions.

The page in the op is her gay aunt explaining how each nation feels about 'teh gays'. She says the same thing as her dad did.

Which I guess kind of implies korra was just being an asshole but she accepts it from her woke gay aunt and never apologises to her dad.

Most definitely and the only thing Korra going for her is that she was physically attractive.

Niether can we user.
She never apologized? What a rude cunt...

Remember when this little shit tried to get the Fire Nation involved in another war when they spent a good 70 years fixing their public image?

I'm pretty sure she did apologize.

Post pics or it didn't happen user

So we're very woke we like gays etc, I get it. But there's still one question that needs to be asked. Are the authors woke enough by now to make zuzucest canon?

Is the female couple bisexual ? Both of them did date teenage Males before.

user out here asking the real questions

Most girls who are lesbians won't have sex with men because they're lesbians, you fucking retard.

>Air nomads are woke AF
What is AF?

The Wokavirus.

We were giving women more opportunities long before we started to give gays rights. Just 20 years ago having gay sex was still illegal in many US states for instance.

Yes, they're bisexual and also Korra doesn't deserve Asami. No one should have to put up with someone as unbearable as her.

You know bisexuals can only have a partner of one sex right?
Like what if you started dating dudes and ended up with a woman, you'd still be bisexual.

No wait... her dad apologized to HER. Holy shit.

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But we're not talking about our world user.

Okay props to you for posting a photo, but seriously fuck Korra

>You know bisexuals can only have a partner of one sex right?
What about this?

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Asami is such a wasteland of character, you'd need someone as dull as her to deal with Korra without constant conflict.

Surely people from the water tribe own clothes that aren't furs. They must be fucking sweltering in that hall if people are wearing backless dresses.

Homosexual couples could raise orphans that lost their parents to the war.

Most people aren't in weird Seattle thruples. My point was she didn't stop being by sexual because she's dating a chick.

They do own clothes that aren't furs just Korra writers are too stupid to remember that.

this post is clearly assuming that a society that gives women rights would naturally give the same rights to gays despite there being literally not a shred of evidence to support that in the avatar world. One can only infer that the poster is drawing parallels to ours instead, a natural thing to do. Unless you want to admit that that poster is basing his opinions entirely off of his own headcanon rather than any actual source solely so he can be outraged by a comic panel?

Homosexual couples could raise kids form deadbeats moms and dads in real live.

That was us

I don't think it's a retcon unless a previous story pointed out that the Fire Nation was tolerant towards gays. Which given its other policies is pretty unlikely.

Nepotism. The Fire Lord's daughter is allowed to force herself on other women. Yours can't.

OP here I'm not outraged just confused is all.

It's not technically a retcon because policies for gays don't go in children's shows so it doesn't show up in avatar.

What it is is contrived pandering to make the 'bad guy' nation homophobic because the main antagonist is bad just so you can talk about how woke your world is now the evil bad guy is gone (even though no one speaking had a hand in his removal).

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The princess seems to have over sexual female allowed her.

I think correcting our broken society and the nuclear family would be better than the disproportionate focus on what the gays can do.

What is the nuclear family?

>(even though no one speaking had a hand in his removal).
Technically, Korra did ENCOUNTER him since she's the Avatar.

Yeah, and (s)he fucking failed when she had the chance to stop him. Fuck you, Korra.

Literally just wanted to say this. Korra is a bitchy as every even in the comics.

Fuck off, I'm a family and child lawyer I see 'people' come into the firm every day who will never be able to raise a child even with therapy and coaching and programs and learning centres.

If someone is loving and stable with enough money to buy food the kid will be better off.
Doesn't matter if they're black, brown, yellow, gay, straight, man, woman or fucking martian.

The Korra ones were written by a half of Bryke. That's a step towards canon in comparison to the A:TLA ones.

Because the Fire Nation is supposed to be the Avatar equivalent of Japan, and based Japan's highly conservative society frequently btfo's the rabid online lgbt community, so this is revenge.

Kadaffi is shad?