>*ruins your movie in your path*
*ruins your movie in your path*
>Implying there's anything to ruin
What the fuck is up with Disney and these stupid as fucking sidekicks holy shit they ruin the fucking movie. I'd revenge rape all the writers that thought they were a good idea.
>What the fuck is up with Disney and these stupid as fucking sidekicks
they are funny
>lol what if we just made inside-out but with the afterlife LMAO
real fuckin' original, dixar.
Nigger if you unironically think sidekicks like fucking pic related is funny I don't know what to tell you.
>your personalities, quirks are part of your soul
The people at disney really are fucking retarded. Your soul isn't your personality, your "alignment", your intelligence, or anything else. those are all parts of the mind, OBVIOUSLY.
This is psuedo-religious bullshit that's going to induct children into degenerate deism. (even worse than atheism imho)
Guess we’re going to have to add “big buck tooth on quirky sidekick” to the list of character design traits Disney keeps recycling.
since souls don't actually exist, they can just do whatever with this concept. It's fictional anyway.
For example, i am writing a story where souls are a thing, and in this universe the brain works differently than a reallife brain.
Souls do exist and god will bring his wrath upon Disney for this. Mark my words and this post.
God is an asshole, idiot, overall incompetent retard
he didn't do anything to me now, despite my blasphemy. Either he doesn't exist, or he doesn't care at all about what humans say at all. Take your pick
You'll see when the day of judgment comes you moron.
so when you said
>and god will bring his wrath upon Disney for this
you meant when judgement comes, whenever that is, like, in a billion years?
>Me sky daddy beat you up if you no do what I say!
Sjw's and lefties have ruined this country I swear. God is one of the pillars of the community and it would do you well to remember that.
Normal Olaf, but a ghost guy
That actual got a chuckle out me user. Goddamn it.
Doesn't your personality and whatnot being created before you live kind of take away from the whole "experience life" message, when your being is predetermined.
This has been a thing since the original Snow White user.
>God is nothing but a lazy squid that watches the events of Earth from his private sauna in order to fill the void of his boredom
That's where he got you user. You see, this is the 4th Channel.
If you aren't a self loathing disgusting excuse of a human, you are a vain, attention seeking faggot. Don't you see?
You're already in hell.
>It's a "you can't change or improve your personality as it's hardwired" episode
Can't happen in a day, no.
I hope it flops Disney can burn
Looks like she wants to sell me a box of Grandma Brownie's Chocolate Chunker Wunker Bunkers with even bigger chunks of chocolate chunks
>black character changing color
>people have souls before birth (anti-abortion message)
Liberal critics ain’t going to like it.
Heh, watch this.
>Soul only enters baby during birth.
Didn't they just make a movie like this?
Nobody saw this movie so they're trying again
It was great
>le funny cowboy dance
Then Christians will complain.
no not really, that would still be a problem for the soul so abortion is still bad
So will it flop as bad as the Onward?
>it's another animated film where they don't want to show black characters for too long so they turn them into something non-humanoid
This (and the pro-life themes) are probably going to derail its Oscar campaign.
this. Why cant man be satisfied with gods judgement and seek revenge tainting their own soul?
Chrisitianity is such a fucking cope, holy shit.
you can speed up this process, ben hur wished to kill messala for his crimes instead he defeated him in the chariot race leaving him to be trampled by horses killing him
funny cowboy dance....
it's not like
>character turns into something
is a thing that only happens to black characters
>that movie where that white kid gets turned into a cat
>that other movie where that white guy is turned into a dragon
Lolicon and toddlercon wasn't degenerate enough for Disney, now they are doing unborn people
I thought DreamWorks only did that face.
>Sjw's and lefties have ruined this country I swear. God is one of the pillars of the community and it would do you well to remember that.
It's a pretty neat concept and the surreal visuals look cool. I don't see why people are getting angry.
Cancer sidkick
>soul exists before you're born
Is Pixar saying abortion is murder?
Not really the point. Point is, most animated movies with black leads try to show them as black for the least time possible. Most (read again, most) animated movies with white or even yellow people don't.
The god you worship probably doesnt exist
>inb4 you wear a hat and have facial hair nanner nanner
There's no way to know if a divinity exist and even if it does, how can us mere humans can even begin to comprehend how it work.Just because the majority of people believe that the divinity send his son to die on a cross doesnt mean it's true
They sure wear a hat
No chance she's even half as annoying as Vanelope.
It sure is a hat that get bigger
Oh look, it's the secondary character who's going to be a massive contrast to the main character and they're going to go on a roadtrip together, experiencing a variety of creative one-off situations. Then at some point near the end they'll kill a dog or something and you'll be manipulated into crying.
The fuck are you talking about in made 800mil worldwide.
What other sidekicks has Disney made in the last 10 years that have this trai-
Your book is one of many. You feel your book is right just as much as other religions feel their books are right.
The feelings you have aren't special, and really dont mean anything besides your own personal belief of how you want stuff to be. Most within your own facet of religion would not even agree with your words here.
The sooner you realize that the sooner you can bloody get over yourself and stop being mad over your nothing.