Ballmastrz: 9009

New trailer:

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thanks for the mega in the last thread

seriously, bless that crazyar user

If you had to choose between the following which would you pick?

A clean cut of the Ballmastrz transformation music or Folder full of Lulu lewds

Folder full of Ace lewds

Attached: (you).png (714x632, 1.74M)

the former

pass, there's already tons of female orc porn

probably newfriend, but based

Crayzar's theme is so based, I wish OST will be released

Reminder that DD is a cute and also best girl

Attached: DDoneleg.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

When did Ballmasterz stop being funny?

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Are there any women irl with hair down past their ass?

Many of them. Turns out that hair just keeps growing until you cut it off. Who knew?

What do you guys think of Leto?

I think his character is a subtle commentary on how millennials need to stop being depressed all the time and fucking LIVE a little. Just a tad more. I like him but he also makes me really self-conscious. Which is actually a really good take, because he's shown that he can do all that stuff, he literally has to put in just a little bit more of an effort.

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each episode has its funny moments, and i think all of us here watch it for the animation

I wonder if the name is related to the main character of Dune. Considering what allowed Artreides to become emperor was getting over himself.

>finally gets motivated to do something
>10 seconds before time's up
>everyone else's meal looks like a gourmet chef made it
>his looks like shit
>this face
I felt for Leto at this scene. He's not the best character, but he's got some good moments.

Attached: Ballmastrz.9009.S02E06.Can't.Stand.the.Heat_Ultimate.Kitchen.Technique!Finish.Them.Warrior.Bard!!.mkv_snapshot_10.08_[2020.03.12_07.11.28].jpg (1920x1080, 687.59K)

The ladder
You'd need one to kiss her



Or is it just a Jared Leto reference?

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I thought Ace was gonna get stoned with the gand. :(


I think Leto's face based of jackknife, but depression and long hair

I'm calling it now, Leto's the character that has a toxic ego when they're confident about themselves. He'll get them a win, and he'll take it so far that they'll want the sad sack Leto back.

I think he's supposed to be a parody on sensitive anime boys who end up just saying nonsense so they decided to make him a stoner since they also say nonsense
He's definitely the weakest member on the team but I don't hate him. He just needs more substance

Jackknife doesn't have a monobrow, though.

>Still no more naked Gaz.

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Mf the weakest member of the team is bob because his just a cutie pie who doesn't have a character besides being cute and wholesome, something ace already does but a million times better. Even lulu's character is more well define she's a strong but cowardly girl monster


someone sell me on this show
is it superjail levels of entertainment or does it come up short?

The show's entertainment rests solely on character development. The show takes place mostly in the locker room instead of out in the stadium. Still great though.

I'm a man and mine was almost to my ass at one point, the thing is you have to take care of it to prevent the hair from breaking; I'm pretty aggressive with my brush so I break some amount of hairs. Hair also falls out on it's own, so theres kind of a lifetime on each follicle, meaning the health of your hair puts a sort of cap on the length.

don't listen to There's high-energy scenes comparable to superjail, a lot of crude humor, fun bits of lore and worldbuilding, and constant anime references/parodies (But you don't need much knowledge of anime to enjoy the show).

Don't listen to even though they are kind of right.

>Still great though.
The show revolves around more than the locker room though. Gaz is all the evidence you need.

it's a western parody/tribute to anime of ould, with copious amounts of adult swim humor. all neatly packed in 10 minute episodes.

If you are a Rollerball (2002) enthusiast like me you will enjoy this show



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What did they do to my boy Bob?

>you want that, you do that on your own but it better not get in the team's way
didn't realize how fair Gaz could be sometimes

I mean her own personal life is a mess, she would open to letting people make their own mistakes.

>You can take home to mother but wouldn't cause mother is hot for him to
The scenarios write themselves.

is that dr gf's voice?

>that Gaz

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For some reason, that Gaz immediately reminded me of Sabrina. Ref or just a coincidence?

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It's tom Kenny.
Nice Jetsons cameo

Dr. Mrs. The Monarch

thanks doc

Yeah, one of my best friends has absurdly long hair.
She usually rolls it up into a bun so you don't really notice it but, it goes down nearly all the way to her knees

When they canceled Superjail and made this instead

I'm pretty sure it's Doc Hammer

Nah that’s 100% Doc Hammer. His voice is too unique and recognizable.

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Who the fuxk are this android looking mfs, is Ace confirmed robotfucker at this point?

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Why are Jane and Judy Jetson robots now?

That's Paul. Leto was his dad who dies in the Harkonnen attack.

PPG background is a nice touch

hd compilation of every action scene
i want to beat off to it

no one could unironically wanna fuck Gaz