Who Trevor X Sypha here?

Who Trevor X Sypha here?

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pic is best and better

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Why does everyone go on like Trevor and Sypha being in a relationship is some new thing? They've been a canon married couple for 30 years.

It's different when they're voiced characters with character arcs and personalities instead of blocky pixels.

Sypha tiddies when

He could have been such a good Christian boy
But he was tempted by a heathen gypsy whore

By the beginning of the plot of the series, he and his family are already excommunicated by church

I am, they need to hurry up and have their baby so Alucard has someone to be with

Which is weird since Trevor and Sypha are both religious in the games.

you're really going to need to get over that user, it's a non issue

Because they actually have a cute relationship now rather than maybe hinting that possibly hooked up sometime between this and Simon's time.

Wait is the new season out?
Thanks for letting me know bro.

It’s been out for weeks. Stop living under a rock.

That non doesn't sound upset though. I argue your more upset because of him mentioning that they are christians in games

Tbh, I'm just wholeheartedly for a sexier Castlevania. Loved the bi incest threesome, loved the vampire dominatrix, loved the cuddly Belmont family stuff.

I look forward to more in future.

>When you both going to sleep but she forgets to put her feet under the covers, only for you to wake in the middle of the night with the touch of the dead on your leg.

Finnally someone understands my pain.

Before you watch, what's your opinion on buttsex


Isn't Sypha not in Curse of Darkness because she's pregnant with Christopher's father?

I would like to live to see the series version of encounter of Alucard with possessed Richter Belmont. Given how he became attached to Trevor and Sypha, even more drama could come out.

Why is there no longer a butthurt on "where is Grant?"

hey are the only wholesome couple

You only get to see tiddies of girls that’ll then betray you.

Isn't this basically the Resident Evil movies now? Its basically Ellis writing his own story with a thin coat of 'Castlevania'?

>maria won't be born for another 304 years
Being Alucard is suffering.

sypha is top qt and all these degenarates can focus on is their awful mommy shit

He needs only a little nap in his coffin to skip these 300 years

Shippers should be skinned alive like Chinese meat dogs.

nah,more like mk tier. The issue with resident evil has always been paul anderson throwing his wife in as a oc

t. Isaac

>cartoons gets an obvious lgbt bait
>the lgbt takes the bait and pormote the corporation that was so good to their politics, like the good soldiers they are
every time

Alucard participated in bisexual threesome and it all ended in suffering, but Trevor and Sypha have the most healthy relationship in the series. I see a message here.

Does Alucard play with Trevor and Sypha dolls?

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Is it, dare i say it, redpilled?

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What the fuck are talking about? I see people asking this in every thread, myself included. Well, actually I've avoided any thread with Lenore and/or Hector in the OP both because of shipping and because their scenes alongside the other vampire bitches were so fucking boring so maybe in threads where people just talk about how much they wish they could be Hector there won't be anyone asking the real questions on important matters, like Grant

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>nah,more like mk tier
You mean Annihilation?


Alucard doesn't deserve her

Isn't the whole reason Ellis didn't have Grant in his fanfiction because "Why would a pirate be on land"?

What a retard.

*She doesn't deserve Alucard

He has vampire aids.

Well, at least we got a joke about about a man who puts wheels on his boat and calls himself "the pirate of the road" in season 3.

She's a Cathar.

nothing is as bad as annihilation. You''re legit a Yas Forumsnigger smooth brain if think this show is anything close to this youtube.com/watch?v=MIt0VY7Yg2w
I say mk tier,becuase the original mk devated alot from the source material. Like kano being aussie(he wasn't prior to the movie). Having sub zero and scorpion work together despite bi-han murdering scorpions family. Lui kang utterly rejecting his teaching because of a non canon brother.Oh yeah, and reptile being some random ass lizard who only gets a human body for ...reasons.

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That and because he thought his name sounded silly eventhough it's an actual romani name. But nevermind the climax of season 2 took place in a port town

I bet he saw St. Germain and went "Piss, a goat fucking stage magician? Can't have that, shit"

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Perhaps, after a journey through hell, Saint Germain will become closer to his game version than now. Oddly enough, he turned out to be the best character of the season along with Isaac.

Cry me a river, faggot. Atleast Annihilation is entertaining to watch in a "so bad is good" way. The first MK movie is different from the source material but it is still good on it's own

We got to see Hector's PP but not Sypha's nipples.

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What about seeing Sypha's peepee?

>Oddly enough, he turned out to be the best character of the season
I thought that too but then I realized the only reason I liked him so much is because he's the only new recurring that didn't turn out to be an asshole

>along with Isaac.
Nah, fuck that guy

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Imagine how Tumblr would explode if they did.

>Annihilation is so bad it's good
>being this contrarian
Smooth brain it is

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Just shut up you dumb retard

The Room is better than Castlevania

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In one ep., Trevor mentions a female relative who encountered the Infinite Corridor. Was it a reference to Sonia Belmont? Could she be his mother in this canon? Without a kinship with Alucard, of course

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Either Sonia or just a Belmont.

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The showrunners didn't make him gay, aro or an incel, and didn't make her a dyke, Hector's love interrest or an independent women who would never let any guy mess with her. It's quite shocking.

I am.

Series seems more like an inspiration than adaption. Helps the mental gymnastics alot.

The only thing that bothers me about it is that her magic is so much more powerful than anything he can do as a monster hunter, he’s more a sidekick than a partner.

More likely he is the onahole for the dolls.

Sypha is cute!

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Drunk Trevor is cute Trevor

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