Steven universe the movie Mosaic Thread

If Yas Forums can do it

we can too

you know the rules, take only one tile per person and let's have fun doing this

Attached: Mosaic.png (2935x3409, 3.95M)


I'm retarded, how do these mosaics work? Seen them for years but never bothered learning the rules.

Claim a tile, draw it, then post it.

Got it. I can't draw worth a shit but I look forward to seeing how it turns out.

How long do these usually take? 'cos I have to go to bed right now.

got it
depend on how many people show up, if we are fast 2 hours
just like he said

Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.97M)

Give me a shot at C5.


Just remember to respect the tile size

Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.92M)


C5 reporting in.
Hope this is good enough

Attached: if every porkchop was perfect.png (450x539, 189.13K)

That not how it works user

just post the tile

Forgot the pic

Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.94M)

my bad

Attached: A4.png (449x537, 282.36K)

Fuck it. B4

You gonna add titties ain't ya


Claiming 4C

got it
thank you

Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.87M)

Gimme dat D2

Attached: afavoriteofmine.jpg (500x444, 49.5K)

I'll take A5

wait, no I don't want to anymore

then still free

got it

Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.88M)

Enjoy my shit

Attached: A5.png (448x538, 158.54K)

Attached: D5.png (450x539, 340.46K)


Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.92M)

Attached: 4c.jpg (451x537, 123.04K)

uhh... b3

thank you

Never forget the horrors this can bring, Yas Forums.

Attached: 1372302240448.jpg (498x712, 553.07K)

My excellent high quality addition that I totally spent more than three minutes on. Sorry for the jank crop job

Attached: 1d.png (510x588, 46.78K)

I honestly can't tell what game that was originally

Can I have C3 please?

hey user can you resize it?
yes you can

Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.91M)

How can I forget?

Attached: 1521805566604.jpg (1392x1540, 2.1M)

That one panel with grass tells me Animal Crossing

I guess.

Attached: B4.png (450x539, 188.89K)

>so busy that you can't trim a dozen pixels off but not so busy that you can't get a new angry lemon sticker just for me

Attached: 1d.png (450x539, 44.08K)

I actually joined in one of these on a certain board back in 2014

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the Wii U.

Look good BIGGER

Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.93M)



Claiming B5


there still tiles left

Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.97M)

Attached: 2B.png (450x539, 222.19K)

B5 Done

Attached: B5.png (450x539, 261.99K)


Attached: poster.png (2935x3409, 3.99M)

We complete each other, user.

Attached: C3.png (450x539, 217.14K)

B3 reporting in

Attached: b3 is doneness.png (451x540, 298.01K)


6 free tiles left

Attached: poster.jpg (2935x3409, 665.73K)

C2 ready for battle

Attached: co-grid-20200311.png (450x539, 194.13K)


D3 hands done

Attached: D3.png (450x539, 166.21K)

guess i'll grab C1



Attached: D4.png (450x539, 107.45K)

is so late that i dont care anymore

Attached: poster.jpg (2935x3409, 711.87K)

Dumb bitch never washes her hair

Attached: C1.png (448x538, 91.66K)

im sorry to say it

but i need to sleep, i will continue tomorrow with a new thread, im sorry to let you down but it took too much time

i will keep the finished tiles
once again sorry to let you down


Just let someone else take over.

Got a likely timeframe when we should check?

There's probably a dozen people here that would finish up for you, considering the easy part is just combining all of them

This would seem like the best idea, but it has been a fucking slow thread. I can't really say I blame OP, he's been here for 4 hours.


Attached: holycraplois.png (450x539, 122.73K)

wow OP I went above & beyond and you just quit on me
not cool breh

Attached: A1.jpg (450x539, 112.26K)