So how bad was it?

So how bad was it?

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This movie was still newish when he started making reviews in his parent's basement.

>Doc Ock needs to find Spiderman via Peter Parker
>Throws car at Peter

It wasn't as cringeworthy as his review of The Wall, but it's still pretty bad.

It's insane people still get mad at Doug all these years later over him criticizing their favorite movies. It should be transparent at this point that NC doesn't fully represent his honest opinions (because he has an entirely separate series for that), it's just things he noticed that he thought were stupid. His reviews are not particularly funny anymore, but I guess since they still get people butthurt he must be doing something right.

First movie was better. This is one reason:

I admit I was surprised he didn't go the easy route on "Spiderman" and utterly condemn it, when it is true "Spiderman" has aged BADLY.

How is Nostalgia Critic these days? I last stopped watching maybe around his one Easterbunny movie he did

Last week, he criticized JJJ defending Peter Parker's identity when Green Goblin was threatening him saying it was out of character, as well as make a "Rey Skywalker" joke when "I had a father, his name was Ben Parker"

Someone should webm his spiderman intro like they did his Nickelodeon one

>Throw a hissy fit over religious symbolism in spider-man 2
I can understand the poorly done religious symbolism in Batman v Superman and Evangelion. What’s wrong with spider-man 2? It was just referencing the crucifixion after spider-man making a self sacrifice. Even YouTube atheist channel back in the day didn’t bitch about the religious symbolism in sam rami spider-man. Doug Walker the kind the faggot who thinks Netflix Castlevania deep and intelligent because it was anti-religious? I know the fat fuck Bennet the Anime sage said Netflix Castlevania was the best anime that year because he thinks anti-religion is new to anime.

only one of two Nickelback songs that are actually good, the other one being How You Remind Me

I don’t want to watch it and give him views, but how in the flying fuck was Jonah protecting Peter out of character? The whole point is that he’s a miserable asshole, but he’s still a person.

Spider-Man 2 is the best capeshit movie. Nostalgic critic is a dumb retard.

Overrated song. "Too Bad" is the superior single from that album.

Doug probably has never read the comics and thinks he’s more like the shitty Infowars parody who would reveal who he is for clicks.


This song is better:

He can't find an angle on it.

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He didn’t have as much to work with and acknowledged it was an improvement of the formula from 1. Actually made me want to re-watch it.


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Doug may be an unfunny wanker BUT
at least he didnt lose the rights to his character that he writes, produces, and records because his "friend" who does jack shit owns a shitty company unlike another certain nerd I know ;)

As someone who's never seen The Wall, explain to me why Doug's review was full of shit.

Holy shit.

I thought Michaud owns the Nostalgia Critic character? Or is it co-owned with Doug?

Who is shilling Nostalgia Critic so hard on this fucking board

No one is mad at him for saying mean things about movies we like. He's just legitimately retarded and a terrible critic who's completely out of touch with the comedic atmosphere of the internet.

My opinions line up with his more often than not, but that doesn't stop me from cringing.

The guy was always an unfunny boring faggot dude. James Rolfe in his prime shit all over NC in his "prime"

>fat fuck Bennet the Anime sage said Netflix Castlevania was the best anime that year because he thinks anti-religion is new to anime.
He has literally reviewed anti-religious anime like the Devilman OVAs years ago, but since his reviews make it obvious he only reads wikipedia summaries instead of watching shit I'm not surprised. He should get a real job, and people who watch him should be ashamed

stop complaining about his title, he's just a whore who had to resort to other people's sense of nostalgia due to running this shit into the ground.

I'm just going to throw this out there, Doug's opinion means nothing because obviously NC is just a character. But through that character he paints the opinions of hordes of literal children and his own gullible fanboys to start talking mad shit about movies that they've never seen. Which is obviously worse.


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Hold on, the review you meant...

Doug is SO clueless when it comes to this movie that he doesn't understand why Jameson hates Spider-Man but won't give out the identity of the photographer who keeps giving him pictures of Spider-Man.

He is so fucking stupid that he doesn't understand the idea that Jameson has moral principles and an ethical code.

And James Rolfe's content sucks now too thanks to his content no longer being really his, but of the Screenwave Fatsos.

Michaud owns the character. That user is an idiot. James Rolfe owns the AVGN. Doug Walker does not own the NC

I thought Screenwave owns AVGN?

I mean shit like this continual confirms that he should've stopped years ago. He knows absolutely nothing about anything he talks about anymore and critiques everything with an embarrassing surface level understanding.

Yeah Ryan and his fattie friends now own Cinemsssacre and the AVGN scripts are now written by Ryan and tought by Ryan with James just being his puppet.

RIP Cinemassacre's Youtube Life



The guy who owns the rights to the Nostalgia Critic.

Are they still doing cringey skits instead of using clips from the actual movie?

bat credit card

Doug equated JJJ to Bruno in Popeye, saying it's weird seeing JJJ defend Peter.

I mean, Doug probably doesn't get not pushing your coworkers under a bus.

Sometimes, sometimes not. Not in this one thankfully.

>>Doug, the guy who fired one of his employees for missing a skype call as well as someone recovering from surgery, didn't cater when he got all his other parters out in the desert, one person passed out on set, and all the other "Change the Channel" shit oesn't understand understand the idea that Jameson has moral principles and an ethical code.

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Spider-man 2 is fucking great until the ending, suddenly its "oh no its the world at stake!" kind of dumbass stake escalation thats so out of place of the otherwise small scaled story. They should just have done a smaller scaled final confrontation akin to Spidey vs Gobby in SM1 or Spidey vs Vulture in Homecoming, there is no need to make it a world threatening issue right at the fucking ending.

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Yeah that was weird even to me as a kid that loved the movie. I remember they released that scene as a teaser before we saw almost anything else for the movie so I feel like they had that scene in their head as a cool way to promote the film and then wrote in a reason for it to be in the movie.

>It was just referencing the crucifixion after spider-man making a self sacrifice
Dude it's stupid and pretentious. Your epic superhero man in tights is not Christ. I've forgotten all about this moment because it was so stupid and unnecessary.

I know you were trying to make a clever #CTC joke, but it's ironic because Doug himself ended up being thrown under the bus more than anyone else, since he's the face of CA people just tend to blame him for every bad thing they hear regarding the property. is a good example of that, the only shitty thing Doug has actually done was be the deciding vote in firing the post-surgery girl.

>Throw a hissy fit over religious symbolism in spider-man 2
No he didn't, why do you feel the need to lie on the Internet?


Yeah, it's clear he just can't keep up with what the internet wants. I mean, he's 40 now, he probably doesn't care/have the time to check out every single trend. Which sucks when you're trying to stay relevant.
And even James, too, became a clueless boomer. Have you seen his Blu Ray video? The definition of old man yelling at clouds.


So why did Jameson hate Spiderman for all those years in the comics?

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Most of the people bitching about it are millenials/zoomers who haven't seen The Wall either. Their problems are not with his criticisms (though those are pretty superficial most of the time as well, at best they're kind of "eh yeah this could be considered pretentious/hollow/vulgar but that's your opinion man", but it's far from an actual coherent analysis). But the main reason the review got hated is that Doug and zoomers/millenials live in different worlds. Doug comes from an era where Youtube productions could not be taken seriously, so in his paradigm, making a half-baked musical parody with shitty SFX is still funny. But to people who grew up on more pretentious and cynical twats of the 2010s like YourMovieSucks or I Hate Everything, who try to take themselves more seriously as content creators, Doug's style jarring and cringey. Also the way he crossovered with that furry monstrocity was just plain lame, they hardly interact at all and her musical number is not clever.
Well, also the fact that after ChangeTheChannel NC is an easy target now. If his Les Miserables or Phantom Of The Opera reviews, which weren't all that different from The Wall, came out today, they'd be bashed just as much.

He doesn't trust masked vigilantes and he blames Spider-Man for the actions of many super villains out there. That's probably the most succinct way to put it.

>"I'm the nostalgia critic, I remember it so you don't have too"
>I always assumed he meant he remembers the name Nostalgia Critic so I don't have too.
>It wasn't until last year I realised he was talking about remembering the movie.

Because no one will watch it to see of its true