New images from Friday’s episodes of Steven Universe Future have been released. Pic related is from “Together Forever.”

New images from Friday’s episodes of Steven Universe Future have been released. Pic related is from “Together Forever.”

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And this one is from “Growing Pains”.

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Finally. Connverse is over. Steven can begin to move on.

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Covering up his pink butt crack

I’m pretty sure he’s wearing boxers, user

I’m sorry user. Connie and Steven have an incredibly toxic relationship together and will only become better people when they leave each other’s lives

Do you have anything better to do in your life than regurgitate this shit
Answer the question without mentioning Connverse

I just have some free time at the moment. It’s important to help others understand what a toxic relationship is

You have free time whenever this shit is mentioned so clearly you have no life

It's a Spinelfag. Don't expect much from it.

Others share my opinion. I’m glad I was able to help people see

I don’t think he’s anything, he’s never mentioned Steven being with anyone else. He just seems to really hate Steven and Connie being together.

Connie is very toxic

No. SPINEL would be WAY more toxic than Connie could ever be.

Poor Steven, this is gonna hurt.

I’m not advocating for Spinel. He just needs to move on.

Two weeks and it will be over.

You haven’t even seen the episode you stupid faggot. Connie rejecting Steven’s proposal will be solved by the end of “Together Forever”, they’ll stay together, and the events of the episode will have zero impact of the finale.

I just hope Steven can find happiness with someone healthy for him

So, we're getting real episodes now? Took em long enough

>images of new episodes released
>all we can talk about is fucking Steven and Connie
Fuck off

There is nothing to be solved. Connie doesn’t love Steven. It’s sad but it will help him grow.

It's been a week.

I thought he was a lapiven shipper

>SU thread instantly derailed by Steviedotfag

Like clockwork

Could you PLEASE consider talking about ANYTHING other than Connie? Like corruption, or Jasper, or Spinel, or ANYTHING?

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Don’t worry. When Connie and Steven are over, I will move on like Steven has to. He’ll be happier without her.

since you looked at me

You are OBSESSED with this and it’s not healthy

Connie and Steven will break up and it will be over. We all know she was never healthy for him. And last week’s episodes show how toxic his relationship with her is compared to his other ones.

You didn’t even answer about your retarded obsession with this

He’s still seething after Peridot got confirmed for being asexual

I just like to ensure people learn what a toxic relationship is. And I often worry about Connverse shippers. So willing to ignore the obvious.

Does anyone else find Anti-Connverse poster hilarious?

Either Connverse will be dead and this faggot user will incessantly toot his own horn about how right he was, or Connverse will be endgame and this faggot user will incessantly bitch about how the ending advocates toxicity etc.

Either way, we all lose.

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Because you have no life

>date/proposal episode
>followed by pink steven in the hospital, probably where the "LEAVE ME ALONE" part comes from in the same episode

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Pretty sure that's a special blanket used to cover the groin when getting an X-ray

user, don’t resort to ad hominem. Just admit you can’t argue Connie isn’t a toxic person.

That's probably in "Everything's Fine"

Tail stub

I can’t because she literally isn’t.

She is willing to cut Steven out of her life when he upsets her and berates him when he seems happy without her. That’s just incredibly toxic behavior.

No she isn’t

No, she very much was. Wouldn’t even answer his texts. You don’t cut someone out of your life like that so coldly over something that saved lives. She’s just not good for him.

Not being able to immediately answer texts or hang out with someone 24/7 does not make one toxic
You sound like Spinel

I have a feeling the "Everything's Fine" episode will also contain the phone call Connie makes to him where he says thay his Pink form is nothing to worry about.

To be fair, Connie didn't stop her human friends from asking Steven questions she KNEW would just be awkward for him to explain. She should have covered for him.

There is not being able. And outright refusing. She doesn’t care about Steven. He has no value to her as a person. It’s why she rejects him.

Yeah I've been thinking that too. The ripped pj's just scream "uncontrollable shapeshifting".

So Spinel and the Diamonds failed to help or made things worse...

The episode itself says Connie knows Steven is weird and likes him because of that. She probably thought he was making a joke. I know I would've have in that position.

Both of you kinda suck

Stop responding you fucking retard

The Diamond's aren't really good rolemodels. Steven's dream should've tipped you off to that tbqh

I would put more trust in Spinel than I would in the Diamonds and it’s not even close, at least Spinel wants to become a better person

I guess we'll see what she says/does. The drifting away parallels haven't been subtle tbqh lmao

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It’s why Spinel could maybe help, as she understands how Steven feels. I doubt she has any grudges with him and she would probably be thrilled to get an opportunity to try again with Steven.

Why is he so short?