Hey Yas Forums, you like Aggretsuko? She has a comic now. And it sold enough that #1 got a second printing. Lets see if its any good, hm?
Aggretsuko Story Time
First up, our favorite little basket case deals with a virus outbreak at work.
No one cares! Stop spamming this Japanese anime shit. Just because it's similar to Zootopia just like Beastars doesn't mean this shit belongs here. No one cares about this anime. Fuck off!
You sound so angry.
Over literally nothing.
For a second there I thought the comic open up with a fart joke. Which isn’t a stranger to Aggretsuko. First season had a joke about Retsuko having trouble pooping.
There are too many shit threads here that the mods don't delete. Like this one
Ha. Resident Evil reference. And...uncomfortably lifelike.
man what is it with other anons posting images during a storytime..... bump still havent watched the second season
unironically soulless
>Stop spamming this Japanese anime shit
According to Yas Forums Aggretsuko not anime.
>Haida going for full simp again
Godspeed, you magnificent nerd...
What did you expect? This shitty anime is for women. If you're a man and you like Aggretsuko? You need to be murdered.
In my head I'm hearing sound effects from Sonic.
>Monas Chinas
>dat mic drop
Weird how Retsuko's mom doesn't have a name...
because watching cartoons in general is the pinnacle of manhood.
One down one to go.
On to part 2. This one is all about Tsunoda.
...Yay? Does anyone even like her?
Aggretsuko is a critical examination of modern japanese work culture. Sorry that you're a brainlet.
Sadly this comic wasn't particularly poignant, or funny, or clever, or anything like Aggretsuko, or drawn particularly well, but at least it's topical.
And a link for it.
Fuck yeah. She's my favorite character.
>Haida willingly risking his life and health for a girl that has zero interest in you
Why do people call Mordecai a simp again?
Please, can someone crop it? I suck at image editing
At least this issue isn't alot of silent panels.
Another chuckle here in that second to last panel.
Only the web series was anime.
Retsuko the Netflix series is as western as Netflix War For Cybertron and Castlevania.
If watching a cartoon threatens your manhood, it's not that strong to begin with
>The inner workings of my mind are an enigma....
Yas Forums not going to like this comic. There Haida fans butthurt over him being called a simp. The comic made him ultra SIMP.
Be honest, had you ever heard of a 'secretary bird' before this show?
Holy shit boco is actually doing something with his life. gg
>man what is it with other anons posting images during a storytime
Newfags that don't have manners.
Yes? They're pretty metal. They stomp snakes to death in order to eat them
Welp, thats that. A pretty 'meh' start, but it could be interesting if and when they start focusing on other characters besides the airhead. And looks like next month we get an OC.
Still, feels like a 'wait for the trade' situation.