Alright Yas Forums, who did the worst review of Sam Raimi, Spider-Man movie.
Who did it worst?
Mostly because it was shilled everywhere by the youtube algorithm.
Cosmonaut gives the movies too little credit but is generally correct.
how the fuck does Doug like the Amazing Spiderman Movies more? What is there to like?
>e-celeb thread
Superficial stuff like Spidey spouting more quips and the costume being more accurate.
Is Cosmonaut just black millennial Nostalgia Critic
Well in my defense. Yas Forums posted about Doug Walker along time ago.
He literally just liked that it's more like Nolan movies. Before like, I think the tipping point was definitely Guardian of the Galaxy where it started to go the way around (I'll extrapolate later), but back in early to mid 00's before MCU started everyone were pretty much convinced that only way to make comic book movies work is to diminish the "comic book" part to bare fucking minimum. X-men movies and Nolan's Batman solidified that major public opinion and you can definitely feel that even in Iron Man's first movie to be quite honest (it was obviously embarrassed by Mandarin). Basically, everyone were in mentality that Cyclops asking Wolverine if he would've preferred yellow spandex to tight black gay club leather was a legitimately funny jab, the fact that people could say "yes, we want yellow spandex" is a very recent thing.
Now I am going to explain why I see GoTG as somewhat of a tipping point, because, let's be honest, it's not fucking comic accurate, like at all. But everyone thought it was going to fail just because it had a talking tree and a raccoon and when movie came out it became a selling point, the audiences have slowly started to accept that silly dumb stuff is actually kind of good, you can have a tree that says only thing as one of the main characters and take it seriously.
So Raimi's Spider-man movies trying to find balance between a movie and a comic book is something I feel like all comic book movies are now striving for, everyone thought that you are either Batman Begins or Batman and Robin and fuck that. So of course Doge not being a smart man thought Amazing Spider-man being more like Batman Begins was the right choice when it just pursuit equally bad stylistic extreme it couldn't make its own.
And he did that only once too, just a literal fucking check mark to take a piss at some guy with a SMOLL KNIFE. To this day I still don't get why people legitimately thought SMOLL KNIVES was funny.
You guys looking to seeing Doug bad mouth Spider Man 2 today?
But seriously, why would Jameson never ever just flat out rat out Parker? Such a fucking mystery, if only movie explained it!
this is how you can detect a pleb
Spider-Man > Spider-Man 2
I really don't get what kind of bubble Doug lives in to believe that people didn't see Raimi movies as silly.
My big problem with the Amazing movies is that they try to make Peter Parker a cool, hip badass before he becomes Spider-Man, which kills the whole reason he became Spider-Man because if he had that much confidence, he wouldn't come up with a masked persona.
shut up the cuck that's the point he's confident and he does what he wants if he wants to wear the mask then he does and if he wants to fuck your mom then he does it because fuck you loser
I want to say no but those dubs are stopping me
Can't handle the truth, huh?
Marcus is BASED, you plebs. He didn't even dislike the movies he just poked fun at them for being so goofy.
both are right
That's true, think about how Fant4stic was changed because initially they wanted dark, but then GOTG's success made the producers want to go in a lighter direction.
i cannot wait for this brand of youtuber to die out. explaining "logic flaws" in children's films should put you on a list.
I tend to overrate Marcus from Cosmonaut because he tends to have an extremely similar opinion to my own.
Except about anime, stop shilling dbz nigga
>me and a friend goofing off
well heres his spiderman 2 review.
>Capable of having a good take
A list of people who aren’t wrong?
at least he still hates the star wars prequels, unlike all the brainlets that hopped on the sequel hate meme train and think the prequels are "hidden gems" now or something
That's a minus
having your opinion changed because of memes shows cognitive frailty, user
The sequels are still a mess, but it is true that them being bad doesn’t make the prequels “good”.
The sequels do suck though. Even worse than the prequels imho
I like Cosmonaut but that review made me wince in pain
I hate when people say "hohohoho Raimi Spider-Man films are too goofy" like...Yeah, because it's directed by fucking Sam Raimi, that's the fucking point. I don't see these niggas complaining at how Tarantino movies feels mostly the same nowadays (either a film that tries to be Jackie Brown or tries to be like Django)
I hate when people say the raimi films were too campy because they could be really dark as well, darker than anything spiderman has been in, it just mixed the tone really well.
Doug: these films are so kiddie, I don't know why they got a pg-13 rating.
just because you're not wrong its not something worth celebrating. do you tell people you could repeat the fourth grade?
>Cosmonaut hates the prequels
>Loves Clone Wars animated series
There it cancels out.
How is pointing something out “celebrating” it? Your train of thought is missing a few tracks.
When I saw that as a 4 year old, I didn't understand what happened because I thought it just hit him in the balls (or narrowly avoided doing so) like a cartoon or something.
Then when they showed he was dead I thought he just died from Spider-Man figuring out who he was.
Sequels suck in terms of bringing anything new or creative but are far superior in acting and writing, and the prequels with the exception of the 3rd look like doodoo now.
They made him appreciate the prequels more though. I always liked the prequels personally.
>Far superior in terms of writing
>The super empire literally loses because they don’t know how to fucking go up
Yeah, you know the writing is way better when the guy who saves everyone’s lives is called a failure and a hazard to the mission for saving everyone’s lives.
Tbqh, I never liked the prequels, I thought they were dumb kiddie trash, but whatever, just not my thing.
But then when all the dumb prequel memes came out and people started unironically saying that they actually secretly brilliant, desu I become a little bit of a contrarian and felt the need to shut that shit down.
Like, no, just because Rey is a shitty fucking character doesn't mean Anakin was actually super deep and complex from a certain point of view.
They're both terrible and I could shit out a better, more comprehensive review at the age of 5 than either of these two ever could.
I’ll say the second because I won’t watch either, but that title enrages me. I fucking hate how people try to drag those movies down just so they defend the shitty Spider-Man movies that followed.
Because they’re Raimi’s movies but more dated and with no soul. Right up a cazzie’s alley.
It’s almost like Raimi had the reoccurring theme that even the most unexpected of times can bring out the best in people.
>That awkward moment when Movie Bob of all people makes a better review than you
If he likes Super then he is dogshit.
What about him?
> ralphthemoviemaker
Now that is fucking embarrassing
Is this supposed to be Alfred?