Come on Becky spill it. I know you're hoarding a bunch of Peridot lewds. Hand em over.
>does not experience sexual or romantic attraction
>but is absolutely obsessed with the romance in camp pining hearts for some reason
these fuckers totally just took a random character and made her ace/aro and you can't convince me otherwise
>im going to get pissed every time i hear "ace" anywhere because of this
fuck you beky
I'm obsessed with SU, doesn't mean I want to fuck the people I ship in it. Peridot ships people to find the most optimal combination. Did it in her first CPH episode.
>"Fusion isn't sex"
>"Peridot not wanting to fuse means she's literally asexual"
Just like anything in SU, it's whatever she needs it to be in that moment, and is subject to change at any point, regardless of how little since it ends up making.
Fusing means sex except when it doesn't like when Steven does it with his dad.
Steven Universe is very well-written.
What the fuck does ace/aro mean
It means bullshit.
Yeah man some people have interests, nobody is their sexuality.
Fusion isn't purely sex, it's a relationship.
You don't feel sexual attraction/romantic attraction
>nobody is their sexuality
Please tell the gays that.
>Fusion isn't purely sex, it's a relationship.
Then that means being asexual and aromantic doesn't stop Peridot from fusing.
On definition? People who don't feel attraction. On reality? It's people who don't fuck random strangers but want to feel special, so they say they're that despite often dating.
Either a closeted gay, someone with a hormone deficiency, or an incel pretending to be a volcel.
Ace is asexual, meaning that you aren't attracted to anyone sexually. Aro is aromantic, meaning that you aren't attracted to anyone romantically either.
People typically come to this conclusion after furiously masturbating for several weeks before deciding that their sexuality doesn't exist anymore.
What if she just doesn't want to fuse?
Your brainwash is showing
Asexual and aromantic aren't the same thing.
Sorry OP,this is the only thing you'll get for now.
>People typically come to this conclusion after furiously masturbating for several weeks before deciding that their sexuality doesn't exist anymore.
>What if she just doesn't want to fuse?
If fusion isn't sexual or romantic, the her not wanting to fuse isn't evidence of her being aro or ace.
The tweet says she's both.
>One writer wrote Peridot as asexual
>Another writer explicitly wrote Peridot as developing a relationship with Lapis
>Another seemed to want to pair her up with Amethyst
These writers need to get their shit together.
Ah, see, that's where you're mistaken. The show has no writers, only story boarders.
>That lying bitch.
Literally drew this after having worked on the show.
Can Sugar just make up her mind?
>it's time for the gay pride parade with my gay flag and gay button and gay haircut and the gay community and speeches about queering politics and culture
>but to suggest an obsession with sexuality would be absurd
user plz
>Steven Panderverse does another pandering
Sugar is a damp sock who can't control her own show and the writers start feuding about which official fanfiction gets to be "real"
Nope, cause then she would actually have to put some forethought into what she does.
So peridot is actually a volcel?
Pretty much. They turned a scene obviously meant to set up for later when she overcomes her fears into representation for a group that barely exists and mostly doesn't care.
It takes courage to just straight up drop a satisfying self-improvement plotline for some retarded mental illness bullshit.
Poor Peridot got hit hard by every other writer that worked on her episodes and since there is no guideline for fucking anything they just never fixed her.
>It's time for the veterans day parade with my American flag and American button and military haircut and military community and speeches about bombing the shit out of 3rd world countries.
People are allowed to celebrate things.
Volcel just celibate, user. Celibacy is voluntary, you don't need to put the vol at the begining.
This. And the fans enable it.
You guys are more pissed off about this than I thought.
I figured Sugar did this just to please the twitter crowd and grab some more woke points while continuing to supply the rest with copious amounts of ship tease.
I aint mad, quite the opposite. I'm ecstatic at how pissed all the Lapidot shippers are going to be. I just wish the show had more consistency.
>Fusion isn't purely sex, it's a relationship.
Then why is her not fusing proof she's asexual?
"Steven and Greg actually had an intense sexual relationship."
-Rebecca Sugar
But why? Twitter already loves SU and the show is ending. Getting more brownie points at this stage is pointless.
>Getting more brownie points at this stage is pointless.
It just means Becky gets stronger.
I feel like i've heard that quote somewhere before, did you get it from some where and change the names?
>Sometimes I like to dive headfirst into my good friend's crotch.
JK Rowling's retcons.
Country and sexuality aren't in the same league.
Did she literally say two characters had an "intense sexual relationship"?
Maybe the real gay was the friends we made along the way.
When will this meme die? The only people who unironically call themselves this are tumblr shut-ins who think they’re oppressed when someone jokingly tells them they need to get laid.
>If I point out absurdity of Hyper-patriotism it completely justifies the hypersexual behavior of the gay community!
user, you literally proved his point.
Did she say that?
Yes, of Dumbledore and Grindelwald.
I have no idea, but if she did, that's hilarious.
I find that both degenerate but also endearing.
>Your brainwash is showing
Accusing your opponents of being brainwashed is the cowards way of dismissing what they have to say without actually responding to it.
There's literally no such thing as "brainwashing" and accusing all your enemies of being brainwashed just makes you out to be an arrogant twit.
I guess we all have to ship Lapithyst now or we’re literally aphobic.
I'm a closeted gay, waiting until I graduate and get my own place before I come out and start dating. My identity isn't just some void until then, I have hobbies/friends/personality.
I'd actually argue that, due to Peridot rejecting Fusion from Garnet to begin with, Peridot's """asexuality""" is proven to be complete bullshit. We've all seen Steven fuse with his father and how it demonstrates that fusion itself is not inherently sexual, but it still can be with others. Fusion is meant to be a representation of relationships, and they can either be sexual or nonsexual depending on who you pair who with.
With Peridot's rejection of Garnet's fusion proposal, it's become very clear that Peridot interprets something sexual in the idea of fusing with the tall square mommy with big hips. If Peridot lacked any sort of sexual attraction whatsoever, then there'd be no reason for her to immediately become flustered at Garnet for merely suggesting that they should fuse. If anything, she'd see it as practical and experimental, not sexually confusing.
Why not? They're both things people are arbitrarily proud of.
No I didn't? I think you just want me to prove his point.
If you take the out of context pictures from pride parades as evidence that gays are degenerates then you're Brainwashed.
I'm the opposite, I want to fuck all the characters in Steven Universe but I don't ship them.
>out of context pictures
The last one that went down my street had them flying a giant condom as a parade float.
So what you're saying Becky, is that she's shy?
Good, they're practicing and promoting safe sex. What's the problem?
An actual super size condom?
I think it's more that Peridot is super nervous about fusing and uses CPH shipping as an outlet.
Right in front of Steven? I knew Amethyst was degenerate but damn.
Rebecca Sugar said Peridot fucks. This person is Zuke 2.0 with these headcanons.
>out of context pictures from pride parades
>out of context
Why are you a lying cunt
>Lapidot confirm dead in the water
>converse is a sinking ship
Lapiven truly is based and wholesomepilled
oh okay I can live with that
I doubt it would actually work, but yeah. They were flying it like a chinese parade dragon.
Did you get your context from the parade itself or its website? Or did you just see a picture online and draw your own conclusions. I agree that pride parades can get way too sexy for their own good, but the instances of that are rarer than you think.
>peridot won't fuse because she's asexual
Steg is incest
> a scene obviously meant to set up for later when she overcomes her fears
What are you talking about?
The one with garnet, Log Date.
I don't think that's what it was about.
Oh, then I have no idea.
Peridot is far from shy, assuming that you're not being sarcastic here. She's very open about her loyalty to the Diamonds when confronted by enemy gems, isn't afraid to duke it out with Pearl using giant mechas, shamelessly and obsessively discusses her obsession with CPH, and called Yellow Diamond a clod to her face.
Peridot is a lot of things, but "shy" is definitely not one of them.